30. Will You?

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*Katrina's POV*

"Will you be my girlfriend?' Niall asks, looking up at me hopefully. I stand there and pretend to think about it for a moment, the longer I say nothing for, the more worried he gets. Suddenly I spring forward and launch myself into his arms. "Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" I half shout, half say. He softens and wraps his arms around me then sighs, relieved. We stay in this position for a while then pull away. I couldn't feel any happier.

Little did I know that in less than 48 hours, something would ruin me forever.


I'm finally going to see everyone for the first time in about a month today. That's the first thing that runs through my mind after I wake up. I sit up and shake the sleepiness off. 

In the blink of an eye I'm out of bed and headed to the bathroom to have a shower and refresh myself. 

For the past while I've been staying at Tia's so it'll be nice to see my family again. Well, great to see them actually. I miss them a lot.

After I have finished showering I step out of the bathtub, it's a shower and bath, and pad through to my temporary room to get changed. Tia very kindly lended me some clothes so I have clean ones to wear. 

We haven't had any time to get me clothes from anywhere, like go out and buy them or anything. But I managed to live. I dry myself off a little but keep my towel tightly around me while I dry my hair with the hairdryer that Tia so-kindly let me borrow.

I throw on the outfit I had laid out last night, wanting to look nice. It consists of a blue and pink flower-patterned top, black skinny jeans and a pair of black pumps. Lovely. 

I put them on and walk across the room to the mirror and little table beside it. I pick the hair brush up and run it through my hair to get rid of the little knots at the ends.

Satisfied, I put the brush down, smile and make my way downstairs where Tia is making breakfast. "Good morning to you Tianaaaa." I chirp, excited. Tia senses that I am excited and grins. "Excited much?" She asks me, already knowing the answer. I decide to play a long a little and reply with, "Just a tiny bit." including the actions with my fingers. I sigh happily and sit down at the counter just as Tia serves up some pancakes. Yummy. "Thanks Tia." I say, digging in. She nods, acknowledging my 'thanks' and starts to eat her own breakfast. I can't help the little moan coming up my throat. These pancakes are Ah-May-Zing!

When we have finished we place our plates on the side of the sink for later and start to get ready to leave. I throw my, also borrowed, coat on and grab Tia's coat, handing it to her on the way down the stairs. "Thanks." she says, when I give her it. 

"Let's get going." I say, very excited and buzzed. Tia laughs a little and grabs her house keys. We exit the house and Tia locks the door behind us. I take off down the street towards my house, Tia dawdling behind me somewhere. 

Then, after a few seconds I hear someone cry out "Hey! Kat?! Slow down!" I just giggle and keep going. In the next few minutes I get to my house, not tired at all.

A few minutes later Tia shows up, panting. She bends over and signs to me that she has a stitch. I can't help but let out a little laugh. She stands up straight and scowls at me. I take it that she's got rid of her stitch. Tia says to me, "Hey Kat, it isn't funny. Ouchie."

 She clutches her side, pouting. Of course, I let out another laugh but Tia just sighs, shakes her head then rings the doorbell. I hear quick footsteps running along the floor on the other side of the door. The door is flung open after about a second and a half and standing there, looking hopeful, is Eleanor. She sees me standing on the step and lets out a high-pitched squeal.

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