Adoption Day «teaser»

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*Katrina's POV*

Hi, my name is Katrina, obviously. I'm 17 and live in an orphanage. I have done all my life. I got abandoned on the doorstep when I was a few days old. Mary took me in. You would think that people would adopt a 17 year old right, because I would be helpful and wouldn't need looked after as much and stuff but no, people just look at me as the stereotypical teenager. Anyway, on with my life...

*beep beep*  

I roll over and smack the button on top of the alarm. I sit up and try to wipe the sleep away from my eyes. They suddenly snap wide open as I remember that it's adoption day. I hurry out of bed and over to the wardrobe that I share with Sophie, a six year old.

I picked out the best clothes I could, a blue dress like the one Katniss wore on reaping day in the Hunger Games. I put my long silky hair into a side braid and brush a bit of make up on my face. I keep it natural though. Then I decide to go and wake Sophie up, I shake her and she stirs.

"Wake up Soph, it's adoption day." At this she sits up and rubs her eyes, flops out of bed and picks up the outfit I laid out for her the day before, a skirt and shirt with tights and a cardigan. Just as soon as we finish getting ready, the bell sounds. That means its time to go downstairs into the hall because there are people here to browse and pick out a child if one stands out.

*Eleanor's POV* 


I wake up to the sound of twittering birds, its amazing to listen to. I can't help but have a funny feeling in my stomach. I shake Louis and he wakes up, rubbing his face.

"Louis, I think today's the day. You know?" I say to him and he nods, but I know he isn't actually listening. I shake him again and he wakes up entirely.

"Morning," he manages to get out. I say a quick morning to him.

"We've been thinking of doing this for a while now and I think were ready, I think we should get a child." He thinks for a moment,

"What age?"  

"Well, should we try around thirteen maybe?" I suggest, smiling at him.

"Yeah, we'll have a look."  

I open my laptop and search for the nearest orphanage. Turns out that there is one just down the road and round the corner. It says that it is adoption day today. I get up and get dressed. By the time i'm done, Louis is too. He grabs the car keys and we set off.


A.N: Hey guys. That's all for now. If you liked it please comment below. Constructive criticism is also welcome!  :)

see ya 


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