12. Bored. Bored. Bored

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Picture of Kat on the side -->

*Katrina's POV*


"I'm bored. " I say to Louis with a pout. "Then find something entertaining to do." He says. I frown, "But I can't find anything to do." I say to him with a shrug. He sighs and goes over and gets his laptop. He hands it to me. "Here. Are you going to be alright here by yourself for a while?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Where are you going to go?" I ask him, curiously.

"I'm taking Eleanor out to dinner tonight and I would like everything to be perfect so I'm going to pre-order everything and make sure it's all ready."

I smile at him. "Eleanor will love it, I'm sure."

He laughs and grabs his coat. "Liam is going to come by in a while to check on you. And the house."

I raise an eyebrow. "What would I do to the house?"

Without a second thought he says "You could flood it or set it on fire."

I scoff at his words. "I'm not that hopeless you know!"

He winks "I know. But Liam is still coming over later. Bye" He leaves closing the door softly behind him. Everybody is already out somewhere.

Zayn went shopping, Eleanor went to get her hair cut along with Harry and Liam, and Niall went out to Nandos or something.

I sigh and pull the laptop onto my lap. What to do, what to do. I decided to make a twitter. Everyone has one. I set my username as @KatrinaTommo

Then set the name on my profile as Katrina Tomlinson. I search through the photos and find one of me and the girls on the beach.

I choose that one to be my profile pic. I fill in the rest of the info then send my first tweet, 'I am here, alone. Bored, nothing to do :( Help me.'

I laugh and shake my head slightly. I follow the boys and shut the laptop lid a tiny bit.

I go to the kitchen and get some lunch, a ham sandwich. Yummy.

I eat it on my way back to the living room. I open the laptop again to find that the boys had followed me back as well as 200,000 other people. I gasp then fangirl.

I have NEVER had that many followers. Well, I never had a Twitter so, yeah.

Anyways, it's about half three when Liam comes to check on me, following him is Niall. I wave at them from my bed when they come up.

"Hi" I greet them. They say 'Hi' back to me and pull me in for a hug. I smile at them both.

"Do you know when everyone else is going to be back?" I ask them. They shake their heads.

"Oh, alright."

They stay for a while after that. We are playing on the Wii in the game room that I never knew existed in the basement. It is Just Dance.

Liam is losing terribly, I am alright according to it and Niall is winning. I did NOT expect that! It is now 6:35pm. Everyone had got back around an hour ago.

Louis had taken Eleanor out to dinner about half an hour ago. I have no idea where everyone else is. I get bored so I decide to text Tia.

Our conversation goes something like this:

Me: Hi Tia! Long time no see. Wuu2?

Tia: Hi Kat. Yes it's been a while. Nothin' much. You?

Me: Playing Just dance with Liam and Niall. Niall's winning and Liam is losing, big time.

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