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*Katrina's POV*

My mind goes all blank and fuzzy. I can't think of anything, I can't fit together any words to say. I stand here in the same spot, my face like one of a goldfish while it's blowing bubbles, in an 'o' shape. Eventually I come to and start thinking real hard of what we could say. I came up with a few ideas which include:

1. Telling him she went on holiday.

2. Telling him she got eaten by piranhas while we were swimming in the swimming pool

3. The absolute truth

4. She got married and moved to Spain

5. She got abducted by magical purple aliens

6. She moved with her chimpanzee to Timbuktu

But here are the problems:

1. He'd ask where she went and why she didn't tell him before she left.

2. That's very unlikely to happen anyway. Where would have the piranhas come from in the first place let alone them eating her alive.

3. I'd chicken out but he might also not believe me.

4. She's only 19, why would she have gotten married? Who would she have gotten married to? Why would she move to Spain? Why would she pick Spain of all places?

5. Sadly, purple aliens don't exist. Well, if you painted Lizzie purple then you could say that they existed and even if they did, why would they eat Lizzie of all people? I bet she tastes utterly disgusting.

6. She doesn't own a chimpanzee, well, I don't think she does. She could for all I know but why on Earth would she move to Timbuktu? And not tell Niall or anyone beforehand?

Anyway, the most realistic one that I could possibly do is number three, tell the truth. But what am I gonna do? Barge into his house yelling, "HEY NIALL, LIZZIE IS IN JAIL AT THE MOMENT. JUST THOUGHT YOU'D LIKE TO KNOW!" 

That wouldn't be very smart, but it's an idea. Actually, it's best not to do that. Not only would Niall freak out at what I'm saying but I could give him a heart attack by scaring him suddenly. I really don't want that to be the outcome of this. I don't want to kill him.

Now, onto a lighter topic that isn't about killing people. I could stick a letter through his door. He might not believe me if I send him it on a letter, plus he will come and ask me what it was all about. Hmm, I could even get someone to do it for me. Someone...someone...Tia?

*Tia's POV*

Kat suddenly looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. As soon as she catches my attention and I see's the pouty face that she's making I instantly have to ask her what she wants, I know she wants something. 

"What do you want?" I ask her and sigh, unhappy that I'm going to have to do something that involves me doing something, I'm already very tired. 

She smiles at me slightly. "Would you-" She begins to ask me but I cut her off "No. I will not do anything for you." I stay while standing in my spot, my arms folded, smirking at her, daring her to go on.

She narrows her eyes at me, which I find quite funny. "Not funny." She utters, as if reading my mind. My smirk grows bigger, turning into a grin. 

"Actually," I say to her, "It's hilarious." She just stands there staring at me with the expression of a brick, a derp face if you'd even call it that. 

She's just going to have to suck up and do whatever she wanted me to do, herself. Without my help. It'll do her good. 

She then mopes off and sulks for the rest of the way back to her house, not saying a word to me but I knows that she just needs to be alone for a while.

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