I'm Not Crazy

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Denmark woke up to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. He sighed. It was the fourth day, but it felt like the fourth year. He couldn't even imagine laughing at this point. He was so beyond exhausted that he could barely even smile at this point. Last night he had a dream about Norway, and it seemed so real that when he woke up, it felt like someone had just stabbed him in the gut. He and Norway were walking through the woods and they had sat down on the tree stump that they carved their names into, and they were talking about something Denmark couldn't remember, but he remembered Norway's face so vividly. His sparkling purple eyes, pale hair, and the white Nordic cross carefully placed on his head made Denmark's heart ache. He missed him so much.

As he lifted himself out of bed, he heard Finland call everyone to breakfast. He assumed everyone was downstairs, so he was surprised to find Iceland standing in the bathroom, staring into the mirror.

"Icey? Are you okay?" Denmark asked, walking into the bathroom and placing a hand on Iceland's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. As Iceland turned to face him, Denmark noticed the boy's bright purple eyes filled with tears. Denmark gasped a little, shocked at seeing the boy crying. Iceland was similar to his brother, rarely showing emotions, so when Denmark saw him crying, his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I-I miss my brother!" Iceland cried, his face turning red with embarrassment as the tears ran down his face. Denmark immediately lunged at him and wrapped him into a tight hug, his eyes brimming with tears as he embraced the younger nation.

"I miss him too." Denmark whispered, as Iceland sobbed into his shoulder. Once they pulled away, Denmark wiped the tears from Iceland's eyes. "We'll find him." Denmark stated confidently.

"A-are you sure?" Iceland choked out, sniffling as his eyes filled with tears once again.

"I promise." Denmark reassured, placing a hand on Iceland's shoulder, "Now let's get to breakfast, Finland probably made waffles."

"That was Norway's favorite." Iceland muttered sadly, looking down at the ground with a frown. Denmark nodded glumly but wrapped his arm around Iceland's shoulder and walked him down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good Morning!" Ukraine called out to the two as they reached the table. They both greeted her with a fake smile and sat down in their usual seats as everyone ate their waffles.

Denmark couldn't help but thinking about Iceland. He couldn't even imagine what he was going through without his brother. Iceland had always put on a brave face or a cold expression, so seeing him cry was slightly terrifying.


After breakfast, Denmark made his way back to his room to look for updates from other countries or any other clues from England. The Russians had surprisingly been a little helpful. Russia had found a doll shoe in the woods, Ukraine found out what kind of car the tire tracks came from, and Belarus had found out the shoe company where the shoes from the tracks were made. The only problem was that they didn't have the serial number of any of these things, so they couldn't exactly be linked to one area. It was slightly frustrating, but if they could possibly find out which country each item was made in, they might have a greater chance at finding Norway.

Denmark had been trying to find the link between these items for hours and had spent half of the day calling companies in all different countries who made these items. So far, he had found none.

It was around 6pm when he heard a knock on the door. He expected it to be Iceland or Finland, but he was surprised to find it was Belarus.

"How's it going?" Belarus questioned, poking her head through the slightly open door to check up on the Dane.

"Not so well." Denmark responded with a sigh as he gestured for her to enter. He hadn't really gotten along with her the last few days but he decided to let her in anyway. Any company was good company.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Need any help?" she asked kindly, her usually venomous voice softening to a weirdly caring tone.

"If you want." Denmark shrugged, slightly surprised at her kindness. She was usually so mean-looking, but she looked like she genuinely cared as she moved over to the bed, where Denmark sat in a pile of scribbled notes, laptop on his lap. Denmark cleared a pile of notes pushed them over so she could sit.

"You know, you're acting like I have ten heads. Do I have spinach in my teeth or something?" she giggled, sitting down on the bed and staring at the Dane with a slight smile.

"No- It's just- not to be rude or anything- but you're acting different. You're usually so scary and crazed." Denmark admitted with a cringe on his face, scared that she was going to hit him or something. As he heard her laugh, he grew confused. "What's so funny?"

"I'm not crazy Den. I don't get why everyone thinks I'm crazy." Belarus said, her usually vicious face smiling.

"Well, you happen to have a very large collection of knives and like to remind everyone about them at all times." Denmark joked, cheering up for the first time in a while.

"Ok well you could say the same thing about Switzerland! He talks about his guns all the time but no one calls him crazy! I guess since i'm a girl I'm not allowed to be badass? It's pretty sexist if you ask me." Belarus argued.

"I never thought about it like that. I guess you're right. Sorry I judged you." Denmark apologized. She made a rational point. Maybe she wasn't crazy after all.


Belarus and Denmark spent a few more hours investigating and still couldn't find much. It was getting exhausting. Denmark was surprised to find that the Belarusian wasn't as crazy as he once thought. She was actually kind of cool.

"I think I'm going to hit the hay." Denmark admitted after hours more of investigation. They had gone downstairs for dinner but immediately went back up to investigate more. But after investigating for a few more hours, Denmark felt himself getting sleepy.

"Alright. See you tomorrow. Goodnight." Belarus said with a smile before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Denmark tensed at her touch, slightly uncomfortable at the gesture. He relaxed as he figured it was probably just a Russian thing.

"Thank you for the help. Goodnight." he responded as she exited the room.

As Denmark rested his head on the pillow he filled with hope. Norway was out there, and he was going to find him.

Aight so I literally just spent 6 hours writing 6 more chapters of this book and I'm p u m p e d.... I usually never get so ahead on writing but I got really into it so yeah... spooky scary skeletons. Anyway... hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading <3

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