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In the elevator on the way up to the ICU, the four countries were twitching like crazy. They had visited every day since he woke up and they were all really excited to finally take him home. As soon as they reached the waiting room they were greeted by Dr. Ek, the lady who had continuously given them updates and practically saved Denmark's life. 

"Are you ready to take him home? He's waiting in his room. He may need one of you to lean on because his abdomen shouldn't be twisted too much while walking. A few more days and he'll be back to normal." she explained, leading them into the ICU hallway they knew far too well at this point. Once reaching the Dane's room, the four countries piled in after the doctor and watched as Denmark slid out of bed and stood up with a huge smile on his face. Everyone smiled and cheered a little at the feat that didn't seem achievable a few days earlier.

But as Denmark moved forward, his smile vanished. The cheerful face was replaced by a painful cringe. He looked like he was in pain.  Quickly, Sweden grabbed Denmark's arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, hoisting him up a bit to let some of the weight off his legs. Dr. Ek was right, the twisting of his torso was a bit too painful at the moment. He probably wouldn't be able to walk for a few days. 

After leaving the dreaded hospital for the last time, the five countries thanked Dr. Ek for saving Denmark's life and made their way into the elevator. 

"You guys look so weird wearing sweatpants." Denmark immediately blurted, making everyone in the elevator laugh. He had just gotten out of the hospital, yet he was still in the mood to make jokes. As they made their was to the parking lot outside the hospital, the five of them tried to figure out the seating arrangements. Eventually they decided Sweden would drive, Finland would take the passenger seat, Denmark would sit in the middle of the back seat, and the two brothers would seat on  either side of him.

Piling into the car, the other four tried to get Denmark in as painlessly as possible. Though it was hard, they managed to get him in with minimal groaning. As Sweden sat in the front seat and turned the car on, Norway turned to Denmark and stared at him. Not in a creepy way, but a genuine, "I haven't been in this person's presence in so long and all I want to do is look at them" kind of way. Before Norway could tear his eyes away, Denmark caught him and stared back, causing Norway to flush with embarrassment.

"See something you like?" Denmark teased, shooting a wink at the Norwegian with his devilish smirk.

"Maybe." Norway shot back, biting his lip to try to stop himself from smiling. Denmark jerked his head back in shock at the flirtatious response and blushed a tiny bit. Norway usually answered that question with a bitter "No" and moved on. Denmark was a bit turned on.

"Excuse me, I would prefer it if you two released your sexual tension elsewhere. I'm sitting right next to you and do not need to hear you guys having conversation sex. If that's even a thing. Ew. Stop." Iceland whined, inching away from Denmark as best he could in the tiny backseat of the car. Norway and Denmark's eyes widened and they smirked at each other before turning away from and staring out the window. 

As soon as they arrived home they spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to get Denmark out of the car with minimal stab wound reopening. Eventually they decided on lying him flat on his back and sliding him out on Finland's ironing board. Finland obviously protested, but it eventually worked. Lifting him out of the car and into the house, the four sighed a breath of relief once they reached the living room. 

"Home sweet home." Denmark spoke, sighing as the four placed him on the couch. Before anyone could even say anything, Hanatamago bounded over and jumped onto Denmark's lap, licking his face lovingly. Denmark laughed and greeted the slobbering dog with a smile before throwing one of her chew toys across the room. 

"We should take her for a proper walk. Would my wife care to join me?" Sweden asked, grabbing his coat and Hanatamago's leash. 

"Stop calling me that! But yes, I'll join you." Finland responded, face turning a little pink. 

"Can I come too? I don't want to be here alone with those two." Iceland said, gesturing towards Denmark and Norway with a disgusted face. Norway clutched his chest, pretending to be offended, before joining Denmark on the couch with a grin. As Sweden, Finland, and Iceland made their way out the door with the dog, Norway made sure to wink at his brother to make him uncomfortable. Iceland let out a vomiting noise and shut the door, leaving the two in the house alone. 

"How are you feeling?" Norway asked as soon as they left the house. 

"I'm okay. Walking hurts a bit, but the doctor says that'll go away in a few days, probably less considering healing is faster with countries." Denmark replied, smiling as the Norwegian scooted closer to him and rested his head on his shoulder.

 "You know Belarus is on lockdown?" Norway suddenly muttered, thinking about the woman who had caused them all this pain.

"Can we not talk about her? She's the last person I want to think about right now." Denmark said, entwining his finger's with Norway's. Norway exhaled and gave a small nod, shutting his eyes as he leaned against the Dane. 

"I missed you so much." Norway mumbled, cuddling closer to Denmark in search of warmth in the cold house. 

"I missed you too. I tried so hard to get you back that I couldn't sleep. I barely ate. When I saw you burst into that room my heart nearly burst. You don't realize how much you love someone until they're gone." Denmark spoke, letting a few tears roll down his face before placing a soft kiss on the top of Norway's head. 

"I thought you were dead." Norway stated, softly squeezing Denmark's hand in affection. Denmark exhaled and tilted Norway's head up with his thumb. Leaning down, the Dane placed a soft kiss on Norway's lips and froze, wanting the moment to last forever. Norway eventually smiled and broke the kiss, lovingly nudging Denmark with his shoulder before cuddling into him again.

"I love you Norge."

"Love you too Anko." 

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