Drunk Danes

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A week after Denmark's arrival back home, the nordics decided to have a party for the Dane's recovery and Norway's return home. The other countries had been worrying about them and they had received a mountain of flowers and baked goods during the weeks of horror. So, in order to thank them for their generosity, the five countries sent out invitations for a "thank you" party.

The day of the party, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Iceland were off running errands and going around Stockholm in order to make the party as enjoyable as possible. 3 hours before the party started, Norway and Iceland found themselves searching the aisles of a party store they had never been to. They usually never went into the city because they tried to avoid society as often as possible, but Denmark had demanded red streamers, and the two brothers didn't want to disappoint.

"Should we get confetti?" Iceland asked his brother, holding the bag up to show him the flecks of glitter.

"That's way too messy. If we got that all over the house Finland would kill us and wear our skin as suits." Norway explained over-dramatically.

"Just the streamers then." Iceland muttered, eyes wide in fear as he pictured the murderous Fin. Norway laughed at his facial expression and headed over to the checkout area. Noticing the crazy amount of balloons behind the cash register, Norway decided to pick out a few red, white, and black ones for Denmark. They were his favorite colors and Norway knew he would appreciate the gesture.

After paying for the items, the two brothers headed back into the car to drive back home. "So who's coming tonight?" Iceland asked curiously.

"Finland invited everyone. Except Belarus, of course." Norway responded, cringing as he said her name.

"So like, Hong Kong and all those people?" Iceland questioned, trying a little too hard to sound nonchalant.

"Yes, like Hong Kong and all those people." Norway teased, imitating his brother.

"Shut up." Iceland shot back, landing a punch on his brother's arm as his face turned a deep shade of red. Norway bit his lip to hold back laughter and continued driving.


3 hours after Norway and Iceland arrived back home, the guests began to arrive. As soon as everyone had arrived, Finland turned the music up and started serving drinks, which everyone knew was a bad idea. Whenever the countries and alcohol mixed, France got a little too sexual, England got a little too emotional, America got a little too "bro", and so on. Yet, at every party they had, the host always managed to serve drinks. Norway could already tell it was going to be a mess.

The house was decorated nicely with red streamers, balloons, fairy lights, and a banner saying "thank you" in big red letters. Finland was pretty proud of his work. All day he had refused to let anyone help him with the decorating. He was incredibly meticulous. The Fin had even set up a little bar to serve drinks in the living room.

As Norway walked through the house greeting people and getting hugs from everyone who missed him, he wondered where Denmark was. He hadn't seen the Dane since Prussia and America arrived, which definitely wasn't a good sign. Those three could get in a lot of trouble in a very little amount of time. He hoped they were being responsible.

As Norway made his way to the porch to see if Denmark was outside, he was intercepted by Canada. "Norway, I'm so happy to see you back. I know we're not super close or anything but I was super worried!" the soft-spoken Canadian said, shooting the Norwegian a kind smile.

"Thank you, it means a lot. Maybe we could hang out some time or something." Norway suggested, knowing the Canadian didn't have many friends. He was really nice, but for some reason it seemed like 90% of the countries forgot he existed.

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