Harry Potter and the Texting Brit

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As Norway and England walked around London, Norway noticed England would periodically look down at his phone, read something, type something, and then slip it back into his pocket with no explanation. He figured it was probably just America texting him about the hand-stuck-in-a-Pringles-can incident, but he wasn't too sure. 

"Update on the Pringles incident?" Norway asked jokingly as they walked along the cobble sidewalk.

"The what?" England shot back, staring back at the Norwegian like he had fifteen heads.

"America got his hand stuck in a Pringles can? I thought that's who you were texting." Norway questioned, feeling a bit more suspicious as England seemed to forget what they had been talking about previously.

"Oh- that incident! He- uh- He's getting Canada to help him." England lied, plastering a fake smile on his face.

"Who are you texting?" Norway asked, this time a bit more hostile. 

"America. I just said that!" England defended himself, holding his hands up as if Norway were some type of cop.

"Don't lie to me." Norway warned, slightly annoyed that England wasn't telling him what was going on. 

"Fine. I'm texting Finland. He wants periodic updates on how you're doing and what we're doing." England stated. Norway knew he was lying again but decided to let it go. Finland had a Nokia and wasn't the type to text people. He preferred calling. Norway knew there was no way England was texting him. 

"Tell him to leave us alone. He's not my mom." Norway responded, eliciting a laugh from England. England texted back whoever he was texting and the two continued walking towards the London Eye. It was a few minutes of silence and admiring the streets of London before Norway noticed England trying to text someone by discreetly peeking into is pocket and typing. 

Norway rolled his eyes at the not-so-discreet Englishman and continued walking, deciding not to confront him again. If he wanted to text, let him. Norway didn't care. It was only when they reached the crosswalk that Norway decided to say something. The Norwegian cleared his throat loudly as they approached the street and England's eyes shot up from his pocket to notice they were about to cross the street. 

"Oops! I'll pay more attention next time. I seemed to be zoned out on the ground!" England exclaimed, trying to play it off as if he wasn't just on his phone.

"I know you're on your phone. There's no need to lie." Norway stated monotonously, catching England slightly off guard.

"I'm not-! It's just-! Okay sorry. I was on my phone. There's a bit of an emergency going on in North America at the moment. Canada is holding America back from ripping off Donald Trump's toupee. I'm trying to text him to calm him down. The boy just can't seem to get along with that carrot-esque presidential candidate. No big deal though! I'm sure Canada can handle it. I'll stop texting. I don't mean to be rude." England rambled, eliciting a slight smirk from the Norwegian. Norway would never admit it but he found America's utter hatred for this presidential election to be hilarious. 

"It's fine." Norway replied as England shut his phone off and slid it back into his pocket. As soon as England shut his phone off he started ranting to Norway about the new Harry Potter book. England, Romania, and Norway often got together to talk about magic and Harry Potter, so it was not uncommon for it to be brought up in conversation every now and again. They had all read the new book together and had all discussed it thoroughly, but England would not let the discussion go. He was very passionate about his wizardry. 

As England rambled on about the pros and cons of the new book, Norway zoned out a bit and started thinking about Denmark. He wondered if Denmark had recieved the text he had sent before he left England's house. Would he forgive Norway? Or would they still be fighting? Norway suddenly regretted shutting his phone off. He needed to know the answer. He felt like an idiot. This argument was so childish and it had gone way too far. 

England noticed Norway's concentrated face and immediately stopped rambling. "What's wrong?" the Brit asked, wondering why Norway looked so deep in thought. 

"I feel childish." Norway responded, furrowing his brow a bit as he realized how ridiculous he was being. "This is so stupid. What am I, twelve years old?" 

"It's not childish! You're in a fight. You just need some space! If you stop overthinking so much you'll feel a thousand times better." England said. Norway tried not to roll his eyes at the awful advice and thanked him anyway. "Look, we're here! This'll surely take your mind of Denmark." England exclaimed as they approached the ferris wheel. 

Norway plastered on a fake smile to please England and continued walking towards the ticket booth, where the acne-ridden teenage boy took one look at England, then a look down at the desk, and gestured for him to procceed. 

"We don't need tickets?" Norway questioned, wondering why the teenage boy acted so suspicious when they approached the booth. England just laughed at him.

"I'm on a special list. Me, the Royal family, and the prime minister have special access." England stated, as if Norway was crazy for even asking the question. 

"Don't sass me." Norway defended, eliciting a chuckle from England. Norway tried to keep his existence as lowkey as possible, so he never really visited tourist attractions. England was the total opposite. He didn't really care if a few of his citizens knew about his existence. Norway personally thought the secret about the countries was supposed to be kept between royals and the government, but England had truly stopped caring after a while. 

The line for the ferris wheel wasn't very long, so it only took a few minutes of standing in  line before they were at the front. England had turned his phone back on and texted someone every 30 seconds or so, but Norway didn't mind. The Brit was simultaneously texting and ranting about Romania's hyperactive imagination. Apparently the last time they hung out Romania had pretended to be a vampire and left quite a large bite mark on England's wrist. Needless to say, they were going to be taking a break from hanging out for a while. 

As the wheel stopped, the operator motioned for the two to step up and get into one of the pods. Just as they were about to sit down in the capsule, England tripped and his phone went flying onto the sidewalk. "Oh shoot! Here, just sit down, I'll be right back!" England exclaimed as he went to grab his phone on the sidewalk below. Norway sat down in the capsule and turned his head as he watched England hop the fence and pick up his phone. 

After picking up his phone, England turned back towards the wheel and froze, smiling as Norway stayed seated in the pod. England stood staring at him and Norway gestured for him to get back onto the ride before the capsule closed and the ride started up again. Norway panicked a bit as he felt someone sit down next to him. England was on the other side of the barrier and someone had just sat down! Norway turned his head to tell the stranger off before letting out a yelp.


This is literally the 50th filler chapter in a row but honestly i can't stop writing filler chapters because my writer's block has gotten SO BAD. I'm the worst. Anyway, thanks for reading! This story will get more inteeresting soon i promise. Also this is literally -6% edited so I apologize for the inevitable mistakes. 

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