Out of Control

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Norway opened the door to find Belarus, laying on top of Denmark with a knife to his chest. He stood there for a moment, paralyzed in a mixture of horror and anger as his long-time best friend laid on the ground, tears welling up in his eyes. Norway couldn't hear anything except the pounding in his chest as time seemed to stand still. As if in slow motion, Norway watched as Belarus turned with a look of ferocity in her crazed eyes, staring at the Norwegian in disbelief. Norway's pulse quickened at the turn of Denmark's head, the Dane's eyes both hopeful and fearful. The two on the ground looked like they had just seen a ghost.

As time sped up once again, Norway took action. The Norwegian ran as fast as he could towards the two and lunged at Belarus with the viciousness of a wild lion. Belarus, cackling as if she had nothing to lose, quickly lodged the knife into Denmark's gut as Norway pounced on top of her. Denmark screamed in pain and Norway pinned Belarus to the ground, losing all of his sanity as he wrapped his hands around her throat and tightened his grip. Norway's ethicality completely escaped him as the rage overtook his body.

Norway couldn't hear anything except the pounding of his heart as he looked down at the monster who had just stabbed Denmark. He was so manic and out of mind that he didn't even notice the screams of horror coming from the countries who had run upstairs at the sound of all the chaos. The pounding of his heart increased with every second his hands spent on the girl's throat, and when a pair of arms tried to pull him off of her he refused to move.

Norway had never felt so murderous in his entire life as he watched the girl struggle under his grasp. He had never had a murderous thought, urge, or action, but in this moment, he had truly lost his mind.

As as a stronger pair of arms pulled him off of the girl, his eyesight went blurry. He had been ripped off of her and flung across the room, his head hitting the bedpost as his breathing grew faster. He tried to get back up, but he felt weak. Through blurry eyes, he watched as the room filled with the Sweden, Russia, Finland, Iceland, Ukraine, Anna, and Alexander.

He watched on hopelessly, arms weak and heart still pounding as Russia and Ukraine tended to their sister. He observed in lethargy, his eyes struggling to stay open after the forceful hit of his head against the bedpost. He gazed over to Denmark, who was being carried out by Sweden, presumably being taken to a hospital. Norway's eyelids became too heavy to lift and he drifted into unconsciousness as he saw his brother running towards his limp body.


Norway woke up on a hospital bed, white light burning his eyes and splitting pain running through his skull.

"He's awake!" Norway heard an unfamiliar voice call as he tried to lift his head. The pain was unbearable as he tried to remember what had happened. He gave up trying to sit up when black dots started blurring his vision. He squinted his eyes as a doctor's face appeared above his own. As Norway took the moment to recollect his scrambled thoughts he remembered. He remembered the pure uncontrollable rage that overcame him as he saw Belarus on top of the Dane. He remembered the knife in the gut, the screaming, and the hands throwing him across the room. He remembered Iceland's horrified face.

"Where is Denmark?" Norway muttered, trying to overcome the extreme fatigue so that he could hopefully see the man he loved alive and well.

"Please rest your head Lukas. You're concussed." the man above him explained quietly.

"I need to see Den- Mathias Køhler." Norway demanded, pushing himself up to make it seem like he was fine. As he sat up he felt an incredibly sharp jab in his head, causing him to groan in pain. He felt like vomiting as he looked around and the entire room was spinning like he was on a carousel ride.

"You passed out after a hit to the head. You'll be fine as long as you take it easy." the doctor reassured.

"I don't care how I'll be. Where is Mathias Køhler? Take me to him." Norway demanded adamantly. As he swung his legs over the bed he cringed in pain again. Sudden movements were not helping his concussion. The doctor looked nervous.

"How about I get Berwald? Or Tino? Emil?" the doctor questioned, looking like he was trying to coax a rabid animal. Norway could tell he was making the doctor nervous by his tone of voice.

"My brother is here?" Norway questioned, still squinting as the bright light pierced his eyes. The doctor noticed his squinting and shut the light off above him. Norway relaxed a bit but still wanted some answers.

"Yes- do you want him?"

"Please. Any one of those people will do." Norway muttered, shooing the doctor away with a hand gesture. Norway had never experienced a concussion and he hated it. He knew he'd be better in a few hours because country's always healed way faster than humans- but it was still pretty painful. As he waited for his "family" to enter the room he slid off the bed and onto the doctor's computer. He smirked to himself as he realized the doctor left it unlocked. The computer was painfully straining on his eyes but he kept going as he looked up the file for Mathias Køhler. He knew Denmark had been there a few times already for doing stupid stuff like swallowing legos or slipping on Ice and breaking bones, so it took him a while to find the most recent file.

Opening the file labelled with the correct date, Norway groaned in annoyance at the lack of information on it. All it said was his name, the room number, and what kind of injury he had. Well, at least he had the room number. Quickly closing all the files and sitting back onto the bed, Norway contemplated what to do. He didn't get much time to think as three blonds bursted into the room practically screaming.

"NORWAY" Finland screamed immediately at the sight of the Norwegian. Norway groaned at the sound but was also really happy to see them. As Finland tackled him and hugged him, Iceland and Sweden stood near the bed with diminutive smiles on their faces. Once Sweden pulled a crying Finland away from Norway, Iceland hugged his brother, trying to hide the tears that were welling up in his eyes. Once Iceland pulled away and hid his face from everyone else, Sweden gave Norway a pat on the shoulder. Though usually awkward, Sweden's pats were comforting.

"What happened last night?" Norway asked, looking at the three in front of him with a need for answers. All three looked at each other like they knew a secret they weren't allowed to tell. "What?" Norway spoke again, not wanting to be the only one left out on what was going on.

"Well- that's a long story." Finland answered somberly, looking dull for the first time in an eternity.

"Where's Den?"

"The ICU."

"The what now?"

"The Intensive Care Unit."


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