Alive & Well

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Norway woke up the next morning after spending the night in his room, reflecting on what Iceland had said to him in a fit of rage. Pulling the covers off of himself, he went downstairs to find Sweden feeding Hanatamago. He also saw Iceland and Hong Kong on the couches, sleeping soundly. Norway had refused to let them sleep in Iceland's room and had even refused to let them sleep on the same couch. He felt a little guilty. He didn't hate Hong Kong, the kid was actually pretty nice. But he didn't want his brother to get hurt if Hong Kong dumped him or anything. 

Heading over to Sweden, he asked him for an update from Doctor Ek. She promised to be in contact all night. 

"She says that Denmark is allowed visitors at 11." Sweden spoke, looking up at the Norwegian as he kneeled to pet the dog. Norway looked up at the clock and noticed it was only 6, which probably explained the sleeping teenagers on the couch. 

"We should probably take Fin and Ice this time." Norway suggested with a giggle. Sweden's lips curled into a small smile as he nodded in agreement. "When we get back from the hospital we need to take Anna and Alexander to the airport. Their flight to Minsk is at 7." 

"Ok. Can you wake Finland up for me? He has the wrath of a Mongolian when I try to wake him up and I feel like you can handle that." Sweden asked, looking up at the Norwegian. Sweden was surprisingly talkative this morning. Norway chuckled and nodded, heading up the stairs into Sweden and Finland's bedroom. 

Norway noticed the the Finn wrapped in what seemed like a million blankets, his hair messily draped across his face. A bit of drool was hanging out of his mouth so Norway laughed, smiling at how ridiculous Finland looked. Reaching a hand out, the Norwegian lightly shook him, eliciting a groan. 

"Su-saaan! Come back to bed!" Finland mumbled breathily, obviously dreaming as he reached out and grabbed Norway's wrist. Norway yelped and pulled back as his friend sleepily reached for him, thinking he was Sweden. Once Finland went back to sleeping peacefully Norway tried to shake him awake again, but to no surprise, the Finn still thought Norway was Sweden. This time, Finland grabbed Norway's arm and forcefully pulled him into the bed. Landing on top of the sleeping Finn, he shrieked as the Finn tried to cuddle him. 

"I'M NOT SWEDEN! LET GO OF ME!" Norway whisper-screamed, trying not to wake the house up but also trying to escape the Finn who was trying to spoon him. Finland didn't listen so Norway decided to do something he knew he was going to get in trouble for. Rolling himself over to face Finland, he got his arms free from the Finn's grasp and pushed him as hard as he could. Rolling off of the bed, Finland shrieked as he hit the ground and woke up. 

"SU-SAN WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!!?" The Finn yelled from the floor.

"I AM NOT SWEDEN." Norway yelled back, traumatized as he looked at his friend on the floor. Finland looked up with a horrified look on his face and shrieked.

"OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!" Finland apologized, hugging Norway apologetically as he tried not to laugh. 

"You tried to spoon me in your sleep!" Norway exclaimed as he pulled away from his friend. Finland started hysterically laughing and Norway chuckled as they made their way downstairs. That was awkward.


On the way to the hospital, Norway found himself nervously tapping his feet. His anxiety was growing with each minute they neared the hospital. Visiting hours weren't until 11, and it was already 10:30, so he was relatively antsy. 

As soon as they reached the hospital parking lot, Norway checked the car radio and noticed it was still only 10:45, 15 minutes until the moment he had been waiting for for what seemed like a lifetime. Heading into the hospital and up the elevator into the ICU, the 4 countries stayed silent. Too nervous to speak, they sat down in the waiting room quietly. Sweden, Iceland, and Norway all kept their eyes glued to the clock as the minutes ticked by. Finland didn't bother with the clock and instead kept his mind off of the whole ordeal by reading some cooking magazines laid out for the waiting room visitors. 

"Su-san! Did you know that British people put beans on toast?! Isn't that w-"

"IT'S ELEVEN O'CLOCK." Iceland blurted, interrupting Finland's rambling about the cookbook he was reading. Norway's heart pounded at the sight of the hands of the clock signaling 11. All four of them stood up and made their way to the receptionist, who politely asked them to sit back down and wait for Dr. Ek to come and get them. Norway's eye twitched in annoyance but he sat down, not wanting to wait any longer to be able to see Denmark. 

At 11:05, Norway spotted the brunette doctor from across the room. 

"Can we see him now!?" the Norwegian blurted, standing up from his chair eagerly as the woman smiled at him. 

"Yes you can see him, he's not awake yet though." she explained with a smile, gesturing towards the door labelled:


Following Dr. Ek through the door anxiously, the four countries were dead silent. With each door they passed they looked through the window, wondering if it was Denmark. Finally, the doctor reached a door with the named "Mathias Køhler" written on a whiteboard in red marker. 

Opening the door, the four countries rushed in with worried expressions, parting the curtain to reveal their sleeping friend. Norway stood frozen as he observed the Dane's face. He was pale and definitely looked ill, but he still had the same wild golden hair and little smirk on his lips as he slept. Norway allowed himself to smile as he moved closer towards the Dane. He knew not to wake him, as that could be harmful, but he felt the need to step closer to make sure it was all real. 

Norway looked at him once more, nearly tearing up as he saw Denmark's chest rise and fall. He was alive and breathing. The Dane looked like hell, but Norway still thought it was the prettiest sight he had ever seen in his life. Alive & well. 

SORRY I left you waiting so long... Also I promise in the next chapter Denmark will be awake I won't leave the two lovebirds away from each other for too long. Also I know this whole hospital thing has been dragged out for far too long... my b. Anyway, it'll get more Dennor-y soon. Thank you for reading, you're all lovely <3

-also I have yet to edit this chapter so if there are mad spelling mistakes my bad-

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