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Norway spent the next hour sitting with Denmark until the nurse came in to notify him that visiting hours were over. With one last kiss and a long-lasting hug, Norway was on his way back to the house. As he drove through the streets, he desperately hoped that the other countries weren't home yet. He knew they would be angry if he went to the hospital without them.

Pulling into the driveway, the Norwegian let out a sigh of relief. The other car wasn't in the driveway and all the lights were off in the house. After his visit with Denmark he didn't feel like talking much. He wanted to sink into his bed and melt until he fell asleep. 

Heading upstairs, Norway smiled. After what seemed like a hundred years, he had finally had some alone time with Denmark. He had finally had the chance to confess his feelings. In the past few weeks the Norwegian had gone through a kidnapping and an attempted murder. It seemed that nothing could stop him anymore. He realized how stupid he had been by not expressing his emotions. Now he knew. At any given moment you could lose the ones you love forever, so why stop yourself from telling them that you love them?

With an exhausted sigh, Norway flopped down onto the bed. Only three more days before Denmark was released. It was going to be the longest two days of his life. 

As he heard the door to the house open, he shut his eyes and covered himself with his comforter. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Hearing his door swing open, he tried to pretend to be sleeping. 

"Brother? Are you awake?" Norway heard Iceland whisper as he crept into the room. Norway hated ignoring his brother, but he was way too tired to talk. Little did Norway know, Iceland was not about to give up. Instead of walking out, the small country lightly poked his brother in the ribs. Norway jumped at the touch and opened his eyes. 

"Iceland?" Norway spoke, trying to make his voice sound a little raspy like he was sleeping. 

"How is Denmark?" Iceland asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed as Norway sat up.

"You were with me when we last saw him." Norway lied, tilting his head in an attempt to look confused. Iceland chuckled and set his hand down on Norway's shoulder.

"You don't have to lie. I know you went back to the hospital." Iceland spoke.

"How did you know?" Norway questioned, straightening his spine as he listened to his brother speak. 

"You parked Denmark's car in the wrong spot. I knew you took it out." Iceland admitted, smiling as he revealed Norway's error. 

"He woke up." Norway choked out, his voice cracking a bit as he said the words he had been waiting to say for a week.

"No way! How's he doing?!" Iceland asked in disbelief. 

"He's well." Norway stated, blushing slightly as he thought of his visit with Denmark. 

"Good. I miss him." Iceland mumbled, hanging his head sadly. Norway hated seeing his brother so sad. Leaning over, Norway wrapped his brother in a hug. Iceland rested his head on his brother's shoulder and they sat like that for a while, enjoying each other's company. They both felt like the traumatic week had brought everyone closer. Iceland and Norway had with always been a little detached, but this week allowed them to open up. 

After a few minutes, Iceland pulled away and wished Norway a good night. Norway thanked him and pulled the covers back up in an attempt to fall asleep. He knew it wouldn't work anyway, he had too much on his mind.


3 days after the visit with Denmark, it was finally release day. Norway had woken up at 3:30am in excitement and couldn't fall back asleep. Heading downstairs in his navy blue pajamas, Norway decided to get a cold glass of water. 

On his way to the fridge, Norway was nearly tackled to the ground by Hanatamago, who was excitedly slobbering all over the floor. Norway gave her a quick pat and giggled at her excitement. He felt kind of bad that the dog was being neglected during the time of this craziness. Sure, they were feeding the dog, but she wasn't getting as much attention as she was used to. Her walks had been shortened to 20 minutes, and no one really had the time or energy to play with her. 

Scooping the dog up in his hands, Norway walked over to the kitchen and set a glass down under the faucet. As the glass filled up, Hanatamago licked Norway's face, making him laugh. 

"Stop it! Shhhh" Norway whispered, giggling as he grabbed the glass of water and sat down on the couch in the living room. Grabbing a little tennis ball from the coffee table, Norway threw it across the room, sending the white puffball flying after it. As the dog searched for the tennis ball that had conveniently landed in Sweden's shoe, Norway curled up in a ball and rested his head on the arm of the couch. After a few minutes of resting his eyes, he finally drifted back to sleep. 


Norway woke up to the smell of Finland's cooking wafting in from the kitchen. After stretching himself out, Norway stood up and made his way over to Finland. Not surprisingly, the Fin was making waffles. 

"Good morning Finland." Norway spoke, eliciting a small yelp from the Fin's lips. 

"Oh! Good morning! You kind of scared me.." Finland admitted, laughing as he clutched a hand to his chest.

"Sorry. Do you happen to know what time we're going to get Denmark?" Norway asked.

"Sweden said in an hour. So you should probably get changed out of your pajamas." Finland suggested with a laugh, sliding one of the pancakes out of the waffle iron. Norway took his suggestion to heart and headed back upstairs to change. He hadn't been able to wear his actual uniform for a while because they were in and out of the hospital so often, so he put on a tee shirt and black sweats. Looking in the mirror, he cringed. He looked so weird.

After changing and eating breakfast, it was finally time to go to the hospital. Norway could barely wait. All five of them in the house together for the first time in what felt like years. 

This was a filler chapter but YAY Denmark comes home next chapter so party in the nordic house. Anyway, sorry this chapter was basic. Thank you for reading! 

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