Movie night

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(Edited: 20/4/17)

Word count: 1085.

Description: "Phil wasn't usually scared so easily, especially by horror films. In fact, Phil loved horror films... Most of the time."

Warnings: None. (For once)


Phil wasn't usually scared so easily, especially by horror films. In fact, Phil loved horror films... Most of the time. He knew that Dan had watched the Blair witch project and that he was terrified of it, so when Dan suggested watching a horror film he didn't think it would be that bad.

He was wrong.

"A deep sea movie? Really Dan?" Phil said while watching Dan put the new dvd in.

"Yeah! Don't worry, it's meant to be really scary..." Dan said, walking over to the couch and grabbing the popcorn that he had made.

"But don't you get scared by movies like this?" Phil asked nervously. The truth was, he was terrified of things that lived down there. It was one of his deepest, darkest fears.

"Not really. I mean, it's interesting seeing what people think is down there. It could be anything!"

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Hey, are you okay? You look scared already and the movie hasn't even started yet!" Dan joked. Phil smiled at Dan, trying to convince him he wasn't scared so Dan could enjoy the movie.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? We don't have to watch this you know..." Dan said seriously now, watching Phil carefully.

"No it's okay! Now come on, let's watch!" He said, faking excitement.

He instantly felt better when Dan smiled at him, butterflies flying around his stomach and bringing a real smile to his face. Then it was gone again as the movie started and Dan looked away.

Some time passed before Dan spoke up again.

"It's weird you know. People are scared of things with pale skin, sharp teeth, dark eyes and such. It makes you wonder." Dan said with a blank face. Phil gulped and looked over at Dan, who was still looking at the TV screen.

"Wonder what?"

"It makes you wonder what's down there. I mean, we must have gotten the fear from somewhere. And since we came from the ocean by evolution, it just makes sense." Dan said with a blank face. Phils eyes widened slightly and he started to shake slightly, going un-noticed by Dan.

"Umm y-yeah..." Phil stuttered out quietly.

"Stop being such a scary cat!" Phil thought to himself.

The movie music started getting more intense and Phil looked over at the wrong time. He saw a creature emerge and claw at the man that was swimming there, sharp teeth and razor claws ripping his body apart and blood pouring out of his corpse. He didn't even get the chance to scream before he was destroyed and eaten. Then the creature disappeared into the dark, murky water again.

Phil was shaking more by now and he curled up into himself. His knees came to his chest and he wrapped his hands around them. He started to whimper slightly and he tried to ignore his surroundings.

Dan looked over at the tiny frame of his best friend and felt his heart break at the sight. He grabbed the TV remote and turned the channels over so that 'Come dine with me' came on the TV screen. As soon as Phil heard the familiar tune of the show come on he looked up at the TV. Dan grabbed hold of Phil and dragged him over so that Phils head was on Dan's chest with Dan's arms wrapped around him and Phil's (still slightly shaky) hands around Dan's waist. Phil looked up with big scared eyes and watched as Dan did something on his phone.

"D-Dan? Wh-" Phil started, but was cut off when Dan put the phone to his ear and lent down to kiss Phil's forehead. Phil buried his head in Dan's chest out of embarrassment and was blushing so much that he didn't even notice when Dan finished on the phone and pulled Phil even closer.

"You could have said, you know." Dan said about 10 minutes later as the tv played in the background. Phil looked up at him questioningly and cocked his head to the side slightly.

"What do you mean?" Phil asked.

"You're afraid of things in the deep sea."

"Oh. That. Well I-I just wanted you to enjoy the movie without worrying about me all the time..." Phil blushed.

"I worry about you all the time anyways. And I don't mind not watching the movie, I just wanted to spend some time with you to be honest." Now it was Dan's turn to blush.

Phil looked up at the beautiful man in front of him and smiled. Dan smiled straight back at Phil and slowly, they both leaned in. They both knew what would happen to their friendship if they were to actually do it, but neither one could care less. They inched closer and closer, until they were just centimetres away from each other's lips, they closed their eyes and-

Suddenly a knocking at the door. They pulled away blushing and Dan stood up.

"Damn, I forgot about the pizza. I'll be right back." Dan said, turning around and about to leave.

He stopped though, and turned to look at Phil. He leant down and gave him a quick peak on the lips before turning and leaving the room, a giant grin and blush on his face.

Phil had a matching grin and blush, and they both just knew that kiss was the first of many that night.


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