Colour me blue

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Word count: 614.

Description: lil colour oneshot! (Read the note at the bottom if you don't understand)

Warnings: there isn't enough to warn for tbh. Fluff?

Please leave me prompts for this weeks oneshots (parent phan and ice skating prompts are coming soon, don't worry) by commenting here or sending me a message!


"I think yellow today." Phil said, grabbing the felt from the pack and carefully making a mark on the correct date of the calendar on the wall. I leant back and watched in content, smiling when he attempted to put the lid back on and accidentally made a mark on himself instead.

"Really?" I asked, leaning forward slightly on the bed and crossing my arms, "Something you want to talk about?"

"Nah, just not feeling it today." The bed bounced as he fell back onto it, the cushion that was behind me becoming dislodged.

"If you're sure?" I asked casually, not wanting to make a big deal if there was something wrong. That always got to him. He leant behind me and fixed the pillow so I could lean back and be comfy.

"I'm sure."


"Today was a purple day." He said, spinning round in the centre of the room and grinning widely at me. I laughed at him before placing my hands behind me to stay steady and leaning back on the bed.

"Oh really? Well that's good to hear."

"Oh yes it is," He told me as he collapsed next to me. "I had no idea how today would turn out. I'm glad it was so good."

"Well that's wonderful." I said. I lent back and turned slightly so I could look at him properly. "You know, you're so pretty when you're happy. You light up the room."

He gained a slight blush and I gained a slight bruise on my arm.


"I think... Yes actually, green." Phil whispered as we lay in bed.

"Good day then?"

"No, it was terrible. I had to spend all of it with you." He said, and I kissed him.


I walked in to find him making a red mark with a weak smile.

"Red, hu?"

"Hm." He hummed and walked into my open arms, putting his own around my waist.

"Movies and junk food?"

"Movies and junk food."


"Phil?" I called out, opening his door and walking in to find him lying on the bed, a blue marker in his hand.


"Do you need a hug?" I asked him as I sat down and gently took his hand. He nodded and sat up slightly so I could wrap my arms around his body and he could do the same. He held onto me tightly and snuggled into my body as I kissed his head.

"It's okay, you know. We all feel bad sometimes."

"Yeah..." He said. His voice sounded far away and sad, so I held him tighter. "I know."

"Hey." I tried a different approach.


"I love you." His head came out and he started to smile slightly. I lent forward and stole a kiss from him and then put my own head on his chest.

"I love you too."


Yes, this is short and not the best but I came up with the title first so sorry-not-sorry. If you were confused, a way to deal with emotions I've see. Some people use is to get a calendar and a colour system to show how you feel on certain days. For this one:

Purple - amazing
Green - good
Yellow - okay
Red - bad
Blue - terrible

So I hope this makes sense now! I didn't say on the last one but these will be quite short too, sorry about that!

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