Pretty in tears

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Word count: 477.

Description: lil breakup thing.

Warnings: breakup (no duh)

I finally wrote something kind of sad, you proud of me? This was meant to be something else entirely but eh, why not? I'm uploading loads these last two days too, ohhhh. (HELP I HAVE NO GOOD TITLES AH)


"I'm sorry Dan..." He said, rubbing his elbow and looking to the carpeted floor. He lent up against his apartment door frame looking defeated. I shook my head and gave him a small smile to give him reassurance.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I replied, flicking some stray hair out of my face. He looked up at me, squinting and checking my face to see if I was lying, but the truth was, I really was fine. "It's for the best anyway. I think this has helped me a lot but all good things come to an end, right?"

"Right. Yeah. I guess." He bit his lip, taking a second to think and then looking up at me with a warm look in his eyes and a big smile on his face. "So I guess this is it, hu?"

"I guess it is." I replied, giving him a smile of my own.

"But we'll see each other around?"

"Definitely!" I said enthusiastically, masking my disappointment. But I guess we both knew we probably wouldn't see each other again since both of our smiles dropped slightly. "Hey, one more hug for the road?" I asked.

He grinned before stepping out of the doorframe and wrapping his pale arms around me, his strange sent of mint and chocolate circling around me. I wrapped my own arms around his waist, pulling him close for one more time and clinging to him. It was a while before either of us fully let go, but as soon as it happened it was like we were letting go of what we had with each other, giving up what we had so we could move on to better things.

He had tears in his eyes as he moved back into his apartment and I raised my hand up, giving him a small wave. He gave a quiet watery laugh as he raised his own to copy my actions.

"I really love you, you know. I don't think I could ever stop to be honest." He almost whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back, wiping my own eyes and sniffing. I shook my head and looked up at him.

"I'll see you around." I said, taking a step back and getting ready to leave. He grinned through the tears and nodded to me.

"Bye Dan." He replied, stepping into his flat properly instead of standing in the doorframe and slowly shutting the door as I walked away, pressing the button on the elevator and walking away from his flat for the last time.

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