Little Phil

941 35 15

Word count: 2456 (longer than I meant for it to be, oops. What can I say? Love me some little!phil)

Description: Phil's keeping his little life secret from Dan. (Little!phil)

Warnings: ageplay (not sexual), Phil basically denying himself of things he wants/needs

Some will hate this and some will love it. Basically, I'll write pretty much anything if I like the idea. The person who suggested the prompt decided to remain anonymous and asked for the prompt to aswell. (Yes, I am finally doing some prompts. Some of these are literally like two years old at this point)


Phil's POV

I sat staring at the screen in front of me blankly, wondering how I had believed I would ever be able to get any work done with the need I felt to instead curl up in bed with my bear.

'No, Dan's home. You can't.'

It wasn't often that Dan left without me for long periods of time - or, at least - enough time for me to comfortably do what I needed to do without worry of being caught. I sighed in the knowledge of this and decided to try to go to bed in hope I'd be able to put the thoughts behind me for another day. Quickly saving my progress in the correct file, I dragged myself out of the office and across the landing until I reached my bedroom and with a heavy sigh, I crashed onto my bed. It used all of my existing effort to roll over and get under the covers - so much so I didn't even acknowledge I was still fully dressed.

That was when Dan got back.

"Phil! I got you tangfastics!" He called out from the kitchen. I sucked in a quick breath at the thought of the dummy sweets that came in the pack but quickly shooed that idea away. I let out a deep breath and rolled over just as Dan walked in with the packet in hand and a confused face. "Phil?"

"I'll have them later, thanks." I tried to reply with a steady voice full of confidence but it was shaken and weak. He eyed me suspiciously, dragging his eyes down my body. I took a moment to look at the position I was in and then ducked my head into the blanket when I realised. I was laid out on the left side of the bed with all the blanket from the right side bunched up into a sort of log shape. My face had been pressed into the top and I had wrapped myself around the rest of it like a koala bear, clinging on like I'd fall if I didn't. It took a while before he replied again, and once he did, he had appeared directly to my right.

"Are you okay Phil? You're not getting ill again or anything?" He asked much calmer than before. I shuddered at the memory of the previous week-long illness I had been cursed with but wiped it out of my mind in favour of thinking of what to say to him.

"I'm fine, just tired." I settled on saying, again with the shaken voice. I pushed my head further into the blanket to try to muffle the tone. He didn't seem to be standing for this, however, and started to tug the blanket away from me. I whined and attempted to pull it closer towards me.

"Phil, you need to get dressed to go to bed. You'll regret it if you don't, jeans aren't very comfortable." He said. I whined again and curled up even closer to the blanket lump. He sighed and stopped tugging in favour of moving away completely. I didn't allow myself to relax and squeaked as I felt him tug at me to turn over a moment later. "Don't get up then, have it your way, but I'm not going to leave you uncomfortable if you're ill."

He started on the buttons on my shirt and I gasped as I felt him tug. I opened my eyes to be met with him above me, his left knee on the bed and right foot still on the floor so he leant over me. He flashed me a quick smile before pulling me up to get the shirt over my shoulders and off my arms. I followed along with him, my mind foggy and a faint blush covering my cheeks the entire time. He made quick work of my jeans until I was just in boxers.

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