Would you bleed for me?

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Word count: 1473.

Description: Phil has had nosebleeds all his life. His wonderful boyfriend helps him out and makes him more comfortable.

Warnings: blood, descriptions of blood and blood clots.

Guess what I've been doing this past week? I'll give you a hint: it involves bleeding out everywhere.

And getting Halsey songs in my head apparently?


It was a strange occurrence that happened only once a year, if at all. Phil would be doing something perfectly normal, like reading a book or cuddling with his boyfriend, when he would realise that he needed to get to the bathroom - fast - because he could feel it begin to happen. He would jump up and run down the stairs, pushing the door open, and leaning over the sink as best he could as he reached out for the toilet roll. The first time it had happened it had left Dan in a state of utter panic, as he didn't have them that often and suddenly his boyfriend was having long horrible ones that could last anywhere between five minutes to an hour, every few hours. A couple times a day. Phil was always so calm though, insisting that it wasn't a problem that any hospitals could fix, as it was something he had delt with all his life, and that he was just bored when they happened in all honesty; as he knew that having them meant standing over the sink for ages.

Dan grew used to them.

It started up again that night as Phil was sitting snuggled up to Dan. Phil jumped up and ran, hand covering his face, and Dan instantly knew what was happening. He ran after Phil who was already leaning over the sink and watching the blood drip out as he fumbled to try to get the toilet roll that was just out of reach. Dan happily helped, thanking any Gods he was aware of that he wasn't afraid of blood, and pulled some tissues off, scrunching them up and handing one to Phil.

"So, this is going to be fun." Phil sighed in a monotone voice. Dan gave a chuckle at Phil's sudden darkened demeanour and pulled his phone out, pulling up YouTube and deciding what Phil could watch. Phil cheered as the phone was placed behind the taps of the sink (so to make the chance of getting blood all over his phone slimmer) and the video was started. Dan leaned over a placed a quick kiss to the side of Phil's head, made sure there was enough tissue for a couple of minutes nearby to Phil, and then told him he would be right back. Dan saw the little pout he was given and smiled, walking out of the bathroom with a quick "Be back soon!"

"You better!" Phil insisted, shaking his head at his boyfriends antics and regretting it almost instantly. He began to taste the blood in the front of his mouth and quickly swapped the tissue out for a clean one, discarding the other the best he could to the toilet without moving too far away from the sink. He caught a glance of his hand as he moved and stopped still for a few seconds, watching how the blood had created patterns that swirled down the back of his hand and almost covered the front. He knew that it was useless actually trying to wash his hands, so instead he looked at how the blood had began to dry and crack, the contrast of the browny-red against his pale skin.

Dan walked back in then, holding a couple of things for Phil: a cup of water for him to drink when the bleeding stopped, some baby wipes they kept so Phil could clean his face after and finally, a small cushion. Phil looked at Dan quizzically, raising an eyebrow and looking over to the cushion. That was new. Dan shrugged and smiled, placing it on the counter and patting it. "I know how uncomfortable you get standing up for so long so I thought maybe you could sit down instead."

Dan grabbed a ratty old towel neither of them used out of the cupboard that held all the towels and picked up the cushion, laying down the towel on the surface and placing the cushion on top. Phil just grinned the entire time and, with Dan's help of course, got on top of the counter and got comfy to watch his show. Dan picked up his laptop (that he must have secretly brought down with the other things) and replaced his phone with it so Phil could see the screen more easily. Then he made sure that Phil had enough tissue to hand and sat down on the floor next to Phil, picking his phone up and opening Twitter.

"Hey, Dan?" Phil said a moment later, swapping the tissue out again and having perfect aim when throwing it into the bin, as usual for his nosebleeds. Dan hummed and looked up to see Phil already looking down at him, a smile on his face that was barely visible through the tissue, but still plainly there.

"Yeah? Need more tissue? Want a different video? Want a dri-" Dan began, getting cut off with a small laugh from Phil.

"No!" Phil smiled down at Dan. He changed his mind a second later though, looking down at the dwindling supply of tissue. "Well, yes, I think I need more tissue actually."

Dan jumped up and began pulling off more tissue, stacking up just enough for a few more minutes so that it wouldn't be a waste if Phil stopped bleeding suddenly. Phil nudged him with his elbow. Dan looked up to see that smile on his face again and donned his own to match, leaning closer once again and kissing Phil's forehead, the only thing that wasn't covered with blood or tissue. "I was actually going to say thank you." Phil said as Dan pulled away, voice soft and gentle so as to not break the peaceful atmosphere that had somehow been created, even though Phil still had blood gushing out of his nose.

Dan smiled and nodded, words something they didn't need in that moment.

The atmosphere came crashing down quickly however, when Phil pulled the tissue away and quickly positioned himself in front of the sink, gasping out as a blood clot came out with the tissue and caused him to breath heavily as he felt it come out. Dan remembered when the nosebleeds were new to him, how terrified he was of this and of how heavily Phil was breathing, thinking he was in pain. Now though? He sighed in relief along with Phil. It just meant that the worst was over, that they could relax a bit more because the bleeding was about to stop.

Phil put the last tissue up to his nose and waited until the bleeding stopped fully to pull it away and discard of any other tissues around. He then began to clean the sink, managing with his ninja nosebleed skills to not get it anywhere else but the sink, as usual. Dan grabbed the pillow and towel, folding them away and keeping them to the edge of the sink as God only knew that they would be back there soon in the same positions, Dan on the floor by Phil and Phil leaning over the sink, blood streaming out over him.

Phil washed his hands as soon as the sink was clean, the blood all dry for him. Dan picked up the baby wipes and pulled one out as Phil was doing this, gently taking it to Phil's face and wiping the blood away as best he could. As soon as Phil was cleaned up they both leant in, kissing gently and carefully so to not knock Phil's nose, lest he have another nosebleed within the space of a few minutes. (though that wouldn't have been the first time)

"Love you, thanks for helping me out with this." Phil whispered, holding onto Dan tightly as he kissed him again. A ghost of a smile found Dan's lips as they pulled away.

"Of course. I love you too."

Then they made their way back upstairs, phone and laptop in hand so they could cuddle back up on the sofa.

Hopefully they wouldn't be interrupted this time.


This feels rushed even though it wasn't, smh. Also I have a new writing style again, apparently.

The end of the world oneshot has been put on hold for a while, but it will be done soon. In the meantime I will begin to do prompts again. (as I haven't done any for a while, oops)

And lastly, please check out my newest book "Sixteen things to do before your sixteenth"! It updates every two or three days and I'm almost done, actually. (Me, finishing a book?? Unheard of)

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