Hats and tangled fairy lights/2

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Word count: 2446.

Description: Please don't take my sunshine away...

Warnings: I have no idea.

The long awaited sequel! I hope you all enjoy!


"People say that it's like flying, arms open and legs out, ready to jump up and soar away. Yes, it is like that, but only for a second. The more you kick your legs and brace the chains, the higher up you go. But the higher you go the more you end up dropping. You swing back, the air rushing around you as you go. The world dips as you do and your view changes from the beautiful sky to the rock hard ground. With no reassurance that nothing is behind you, you could hit anything. A bird, a wall or even a person. But then you move again, you kick your legs out and fly forward. You fly out once more. So the question stands, would you risk all of this for just a second of feeling like you could fly?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked Phil, staring at him like he was a crazy person. He just turned to me and smiled.

"I'd risk it. The thrill of it just excites me too much to turn it down." And with that, he pushed back with his feet and swung forward. The chains made disturbing noises as he moved and I held onto my chains even tighter.

"It's just a swing." I said, a monotone look on my face. He just winked at me and grinned.

"What are we even doing here anyway?" I asked him.

We had just come out of the doors into the garden, but it was a different part. From where I was sitting I could see the bandstand through a large hedge covered in roses. To the left was a little walk way to the door and then behind me was another hedge, but it only led out to the carpark. We were sitting on some swings that he had dragged me over to.

"You know," I started after a short silence. Obviously he wasn't planning on answering my question. "I really should stop being surprised when I'm around you. I mean, you dragged me up a tower that doesn't even exist by making me jump on pieces of cloth that somehow didn't tear or fall because they were being suspended by fairy lights."

"And you haven't run away yet." He said. His face was painted with a pretty smile and he was looking straight forward. I looked at him for a while before he turned to me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked, a confused expression on his features.

"Um, no. Sorry, what are we waiting for again?" I quickly asked. He shot me a strange look before turning to the right.

There was a path going down it and round to the left like the one leading up to the door, but this one was longer.

"Just wait a bit longer..." He said, checking the time from a pocket watch he brought out of his pocket.

He reminded me of the white rabbit in a funny way. Always rushing around and checking the time, and then disappearing. But then again, in the same way he reminded me of the mad hatter. It was like living a fairytale.

I sighed and lent back, starting to swing with my eyes closed. I heard a rustle to the right of me and I snapped my eyes open, looking over quickly.

"Phil?" I called out, realising the once occupied swig was now empty.

"Yes?" A voice replied from above me. I tilted my head up to see him sitting calmly on the top of the swing frame.

"What are you doing up there?" I questioned, slightly panicked that he would drop on top of me. "Aren't you worried you'll fall?"

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