I can't wait to marry you

631 31 3

Word count: 948

Description: Dan's in love with his fiancé and Phil is sleepy.

Warnings: nothing.


Dan's POV

The day had gone by in a blur of tv and takeaway until it hit midnight and I began to have my first thoughts of packing up and heading to bed earlier than usual. And that's what I had began to do, that is, before a figure lazily shuffled into the living room with water-lined eyes and a big fluffy blanket drape unceremoniously over his shoulders. He'd put himself in a rather ridiculous position of leaning forwards to avoid the blanket dropping instead of just moving his hands out of the warmth, but I remained quiet on the subject as he slumped down on the edge of the couch. He seemed to be tilting himself back to lean against the back of the couch before realising there was no back to the side he had plonked himself on and frowning, seemingly in his own little world. I decided to try to gently coax him out of it.


The mention of his name had the desired effect of catching his attention. He lifted his head and shifted his drooping eyes over towards me, tiny hints of a smile gracing his features. I certainly hasn't done anything worthy of being presented with such a prize, but then, no one else in the world had either. Even while practically falling asleep, I was hooked on him and everything he did.

I didn't say anything else, just simply held my arms out to him. He took the hints straight away and pulled himself closer to me until he was at my hips. It was at that point that he decided he was done and simply flopped down the rest of the way to my chest, shocking me and making me jump. He let out a small snort but otherwise didn't acknowledge the situation any further - and for that I was grateful.

I took the moment and pulled the blanket away from him in order to rearrange it over both of us so we could cuddle properly under the warmth. He hissed and brought his legs up to wrap around me, trying to reclaim momentarily stolen heat. "Jerk."

"You're not the only cold one, I was planning on going to bed so I could lie under the warm duvet before you decided to drop yourself on top of me." I complained, a grin invading my features as he simply moved further against my chest, taking a moment to readjust the blanket before moving back against me, almost as if that was exactly where he belonged. My grin at my earlier comment flattered and turned into a small smile of contentment at the thought. Of course he belonged right up against me - just as I belonged right beside him. I rubbed my ring finger and middle finger together in order to feel the metal against my skin, a habit I had picked up when feeling particularly sentimental. It was at that moment it clicked for him that I had actually said something.

"Oh I'm so sorry, would you like me to move?" He replied after a second to collect his thoughts. The response was slow and drawn out, a drawl of words escaping yet in a way so far from biting. It was almost a teasing tone, but just barely missed the mark and was instead coated in a layer of something that could only be described as something akin to love.

"Don't even think about it."

I watched his eyes catch the ring on my finger and the movement I was doing with it. It seemed to click for him then what was really on my mind and he reached out and took my hand with a staggering amount of gentleness that if in any day-to-day situation I may have been put off with, but I couldn't find in myself to match in that moment. I felt a light dusting of pink settle on my cheeks as he instead slotted his hand in mine, tracing the ring gently with his fingers with a beautiful smile adorning his features.

It was one of those times when I was struck once again with the realisation of how much I loved the man I held close to me. I pushed my head forward to be met with his soft head of hair and let the emotion wash over me, thanking everything I could for gifting me the man I had before me and only feeling my emotions grow when I realised he must feel the same thing too. That feeling of happiness. So strong.

He must have sensed my slight disconnect because he took a second to tilt his head up towards me and give my face a quick once-over before pulling our entwined hands forward and pressing a small kiss to the ring before him - pulling away with a look of certainty and another look up at me. I couldn't keep myself from drinking in his sleepy expression and warm eyes, a sense of belonging encasing my thoughts. He didn't seem to mind my silence, instead deciding to speak up himself with words I couldn't be happier to hear.

"I can't wait to marry you."


Concept: writing something after I get an idea and being fine with the first and only draft. Wait... That might be because it's 05:55am. Oof. I should write more at night.

Also, unpopular opinion but I strongly dislike engagement (and many wedding) fics. I shall write fluff after the fact instead for that reason. (Well, I mean, unless it's about wedding planning. That stuff is cute.)

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