chapter 22

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Winter's POV

Parker and Dawn indeed came to see me when I got released from hospital and after everyone went home, Scottie took me to the park that we used to always go when we were little "hey Captain, what are we doing here" I asked as he lead me to the swings and made me sit down while he stayed standing in front of me

"I know I gave you a promise ring knowing that one day in the future that that ring will be replaced by an engagement ring but I also released that no-one is ever too young to be with the one destined for them because something can happen at any moment, one could move on or they could just drift apart but we're not one of those couples, we are meant to last forever or however long we live and nothing and no-one can come between that, Snow I love you and I know you love me, ever since we first meant in that police station I've wanted to get to know you and now look at where we are today, I know you don't want to rush in life and I don't want to force you into anything, I want us to have little children running around the house, I want to be able to wake up every morning to you laying in my arms, I want to come home every afternoon to see you in the kitchen while our children running around the house making you go mad crazy yelling at them, I want to be able to lay in bed every night with you in my arms safe from the monsters in the world and lastly I want to grow old with you right there next to me, Snow will you do me the honour of becoming my wife and stand by my side until we die" he said, I smiled

"Yes, oh my god Captain, yes" I said jumping up from the swing and wrapped my arms around his neck, he swang me around in a circle before placing my feet on the ground again but kept a hold of my left hand and placed the ring on my third finger, it was a simple silver ring with one diamond on it, before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest again, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head down kissing him softly and sweet "I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" he replied in a whisper. After that we went back to our apartment with the others and just watched movies till bed time.

sorry for the short chapter

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