Chapter 6 - Italian class or torture room?!?

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ShiKu: I'm really planning to show myself in maybe two chapters after this?

Nono: Is that so? Then what is your role?

ShiKu: Oh me? It's a secret. Try to guess it.

Coyote: You must be strong so maybe a part of mafia. Something like a guardian?

ShiKu: The guardian part is right but I don't know if it's gonna be a mafia. Wait, this will become a spoiler. So please do the disclaimers now. And I'm really strong.

Nono: Shi doesn't own KHR.

________________________/Chapter 6/______________________

We distributed the books and I assure you, it's big and the title is about Vongola in Italy. Dino-san let the students read the book first to test their memory level.

"So, let's start the lesson, shall we?" Dino-san said and I nodded. The students agreed.

"For starters, please have a conversation with my assistant in Italian. Now, you may start." He said and sat down. Some raised their hands and some are still constructing their sentences. I called out a boy who seems like the class representative.

"Ciao Maestro. Vorrei chiedere se si è connessi alla Vongola e quanti anni hai." He said and I was shocked to hear him speak fluent Italian. I went back to my senses and answered his question. (Hello teacher. I would like to ask if you're related to the Vongola and how old are you.) 

"Ciao anche a te. Sono quattordici anni al momento. E ho imparato sotto il capo di Vongola." I answered back and it seems like he was shocked. Only a few of them was shocked. Then, Tsuna-kun raised his hand. I called out to him. (Hello to you too. I'm 14 years old right now. And I learned under the boss of Vongola.)

"Che cosa è Tsuna-kun?" I asked him then I heard some of them whispered something like Dame-Tsuna won't understand her for sure. (What is it Tsuna-kun?)

"A dire il vero, voglio chiedere se si sa che questo sta per accadere, ma sembra che non lo fanno." He said in fluent Italian and his classmates were shocked and was whispering that maybe he hit his head. And they're wondering how he knew that. They didn't even understand what he said. (Actually, I want to ask if you know that this is going to happen but it looks like you don't.)

"Giusto. Io non sapevo nemmeno che questa è stata la sorpresa che Reborn preparato per me. C'è qualcosa che vuoi chiedere?" I said and he shook his head. He sat down and all of them just opened their mouths then Reborn interrupted as the bell rang. ( That's right. I didn't even know that this was the surprise that Reborn prepared for me. Is there anything you want to ask about?)

"Well, stop there and continue your lessons for the next few days. So prepare what you need and some of you might not have a passport so give your names to me. And all of your parents already know about this trip so no need to ask permission." He said then left the room. I took all the books and put it on the desk.

"Well, that's all. I'm going back to the infirmary, the skylark might be worried." I said to Dino-san and he let me go. I entered the infirmary and I felt that somebody pulled me.

"What are you doing? I said be careful then when I came back, you're not here. A certain person will kill me if I let you be hurt." The one who pulled me said. Ah, it's the skylark. As I thought, someone is ordering him to protect me.

~~On the Day of the trip~~

"Is everyone here?" Reborn said still in Reboyama-sensei costume. I am wearing a contact lens today so I didn't need to wrap it. Lune bought it for me and even bought me eye patch if I didn't want contact lens. We colored our hair too so it would look natural. And right now, I'm wearing a black suit.

"Reboyama-sensei, Dame-Tsuna and his friends are not yet here

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"Reboyama-sensei, Dame-Tsuna and his friends are not yet here." Nezu-sensei said. Lune was ready to attack him but I stopped him. Lune recognized Tsuna as his master too.

"Something happened so they can't come." Lune said still angry. All the girl screamed because of how cool he looks.

"Well, let's all go." As Reborn said that, three limousines came. 2 black ones and a white one, both have a Vongola mark.

"Those two black ones are what you're going to ride in. Split into girls and boys. Luna, Lune and me would ride the white one." Reborn said then Nezu-sensei talked.

"But shouldn't I ride the white one instead of those two. I'm an elite teacher you know and those two are nothing." He said then Reborn was almost ready to get his gun out but he didn't.

"Luna is just 14 years old and Lune is 19 years old but they're both doctors. Luna is not just a doctor too. She have all the kinds of license because she took all the test. Lune is in a high position in Vongola. Now, compare you who is older than them when it comes to jobs." He said and I just smiled. Lune smirked then. I tried to calm him down.

"Please stop it. She just took those exams because of the boss and it's just coincidence that she TOPPED it." Lune said while emphasizing that I topped all of it. I just sweat dropped. Nezu-sensei didn't talk anymore and just rode the black limousine. We rode the white limousine and then, all of Decimo's guardian including Tsuna is there. Even the girls and kids.

"So you were all here all along." I said and sat down between the skylark and Lune.

"That's right and we heard all of that. The temperature even dropped earlier because of some certain person." Gokudera-kun said with a hint of fright in his voice. I was wondering who it was then the skylark held my arm.

"Why are you letting that lowly creature say all of that to you?" He asked me and I removed his hand on my arm. I just smiled at him. By the way, we're already on our way to the airport.

"It's alright Hibari-san, I'm already used to it. No need to be so defensive in something as small as that." I said to him and then I felt sleepy. Lune pulled my head and let it rest on his lap.

"It's your turn to be taken care of." Lune said and I just slept on his lap.

____________________\End of Chapter\____________________

A/N: So how was it everyone? I didn't know what to write now. I'm getting a writer's block but I'll continue to write. Thank you for reading! :D It's becoming cliche as I am having a writer's block again!!!


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