Chapter 14 - Stella

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Al: And so, who the heck took me here?! *holding the scythe too tightly*

Everyone: ... ... ... *awkward silence*

Al: Answer me or else, everyone suffers. *a wild irk mark appears!*

Alaude: Are you all going to protect that girl? If you're looking for an answer, it's Daemon's girl descendant.

Al: Ah! Thank you Lau-chan! If it's Chrome-chan, I won't do anything! But all of you! *pointed the scythe to everyone* You will all be punished! *runs after everyone while swaying the scythe*

Chrome-chan: Al-san doesn't own KHR... she... she... j-just wants t-to have f-fun.

_____________________|Chapter 14|______________________

And so, we finished eating. Or more like, I waited for them to finish eating.

"Ummm... Sorano-san, you were from Italy right?" The brunette asked and I just nodded. I'm getting quite sleepy. I was ready to fall asleep.

"Are you related to the mafia?" He asked and I just sat there staring at him.

"Oi! Don't stare at Juudaime like that!" Said the octo-head! I was just shocked. Shocked that they don't recognize me!

"How did you know about mafia? Actually, I'm not really interested in those things but my father and mother are from mafia. But I don't want to be affiliated with that kind of thing. Mama died from protecting us and Papa died too." I said to them as I stare at the blue sky. Clouds are wandering and the sun is looking down on us.

"How did your father died?" Said the spiky black-haired friend of brunette.

"He's not really a father to me. I killed him. He was the sun that is always together with the sky and he was the sun that looks down at me. My father shouldn't remember about me. Cause he's the sun and I'm the moon that the only connection is the sky who was lost because of us. He was the one who gave me light too." I said as I still stare at the sky. Then I furrowed my eyebrows.

"There's a rain coming. The clouds are getting angry. Storm along with lightning is sure to follow. They're going to hide the sun and sky from others. Just like what a cloud would do. And a man is standing while the mist disappears. There stands the sun and in front is the moon. The moon loses it's shine and the stars won't show their selves." I said as I stood up. I smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sorano Mayumi!" I said to them with a smile. But the smile was not a normal smile. I was hoping they would realize.

"I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, just Tsuna is fine. This is Gokudera Hayato and this is Yamamoto Takeshi." Said the brunette now known as the Tuna!

"Well, I should be heading back. A certain police is getting angry that I'm with you." I said then left them there. I smiled with sad eyes. I was holding my tears back as I went inside the classroom.

~Tuna's POV~

"Nee Reborn, did you understand what she meant by that? She was getting sad while saying those words." I said to no one in particular then Reborn came out.

"Your intuition is getting much more sharper. She was talking about a certain incident. But how did she know that?" Reborn said as he tilted his fedora to hide his angered face.

"Incident?" I asked him then Gokudera went into a thinking position.

"Ah! Juudaime! It's the fallen sky incident! About a certain famiglia who loss its boss and now, they're finding any survivors for more information!" Said Gokudera and I just nodded my head.

"Actually, they already found one long time ago but they just don't know about it because they lost their memories." Reborn said with his fedora shadowing his eyes. I was shocked to hear that.

"Reborn, don't tell me! The sun in that story!" I said with my eyes widened in surprise.

"That's right, the sun is me. Renato Sinclair is the one involved in that incident." Reborn said and then the bell rang.

"We'll talk about this later. Get your guardians at the Namimori park later at 6. Say that we'll be meeting someone strong." Reborn said and then left us. We left and went to our classroom. We saw Sorano being all so serious. I went to my seat and looked at what she was doing. She was drawing someone. It's a pregnant woman and a man beside her.

"Who's that?" I asked her as I sit on my chair. The man was really familiar to me.

"Someone from my dreams." She said and then sensei entered. She stopped from what she's doing and listened attentively to the lesson.


And so, the class just ended. We were given an assignment and it was group project. I was worrying about Sorano-san so I walked towards her.

"Ummm... Sorano-san." I said then she looked at me. I saw her face and was shocked. For a moment there, I saw adult Reborn.

"What is it Tsuna-san?" She asked me then I snapped out of my train of thoughts. Hayato and Takeshi walked towards us.

"Don't call Juudaime so casually!" Hayato shouted then Takeshi tried to calm him down. And then, the one-sided fight.

"So, what is it Tsuna-san?" Sorano-san asked me and I just sweat dropped. I wonder how she can just ignore them bickering.

"Etto... I wanted to invite you in our group for the assignment. If it's alright with you..." I said nervously. Who wouldn't when someone is staring at you with eyes like they're trying to capture you?

"Sure, you're the first one to invite me anyway." She said and stood up.

"And so, where will we do it?" She asked me and I started thinking. Well, that really is a problem.

"Our house is crowded, Takeshi's shop would be busy and Hayato only have a small space. The place is certainly a problem." I mumbled while in a thinking position.

"In our house but you wouldn't mind ghosts, right? They're not even scary to start with." She said and I was shocked.

"Ghosts?! You can see ghosts?!" I shouted that caught Takeshi and Hayato's attention. That was shocking.

"Is that not normal? Then let's do it in another place then." She said as she walked towards the door. I followed her. Then Hayato and Takeshi followed us.

"No, let's do it in your place. I'm sure it's not ghosts anyway." Hayato said calmly. I was shocked because he was calmly talking. We got out of the school and now walking near my house.

"Eh? You live near me?" I asked her and she just nodded. Then she stopped causing us to stop too. She was looking at a house so we looked too. I took a look to who was living there and Sorano was written but there was something behind it.

"Well, this is my house. Let's enter." She said and entered the gate. I was shocked and just followed her. I was thinking about the owner's name. Another name was written below 'rano' like it was painted over.

"I'm back! And I have guests!" She shouted as she removed her shoes and entered.

"Sorry for the intrusion." The three of us stated and removed our shoes. We followed her inside and then a voice talked.

"Ah! You're home! Some are sleeping and some went out to buy more supplies!" Shouted a man then a head poked out of the door of the kitchen. We were shocked to see a man wearing a kimono whom we know very well.

_________________________|End of Chapter|________________________

A/N: And so, I continued it at last but I'm really cruel aren't I? I just realized that because I will wrap this up soon. Bye~

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