Chapter 1

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{ A new chapter. I'll not be updating soon if nobody's reading it. I hope you guys love this and comment. Muahzz}

It was going to be her first day as a college student. Gaby woke up earlier than she should have. She wasn't excited to go to Clark Atlanta University. She just couldn't sleep. Last night, she cried herself to sleep, that's why she had those puffy eyes. Gaby looked at the mirror and trying to figure out who that Mexican American girl was. She felt like it was another soul living in her body. She looked nothing like a seventeen years old. In the outside, she was beautiful, soft skin, dark brown eyes, sexy lips and a big ass to match up with her coca-cola thick body. In the inside reigned darkness, sadness, and lot of pain. Her heart was broken in so many pieces that no doctor could ever fixed. She took her pajama off and stepped in the shower. Nothing felt better than just letting the cold water running down your body. She felt more relaxed.

After getting dressed, she went downstairs to find Precious preparing breakfast. Her friend's mother put some eggs with bacon, breads and a banana in front of her; and a glass of orange juice. The food look delicious, but Gaby didn't feel like taking a bite. What the hell is going on with me? She asked herself. She couldn't let a cheater had that much impact on her life. She took a deep breath before taking care of her stomach. Precious was an excellent cook. It was sad that such a strong woman been doing the wrong things. Instead of being involved in drug traffic, she could have been a chef.

-" Mrs. Charle... I mean Precious, China hasn't come back yet?" Gaby asked.

-" You know how my daughter is. She's not back yet. Why don't-you call her sweetie?" Precious said, before leaving the kitchen. She reached for the unpopular model phone that was on her pocket, and dialed China's number. The operator informed her that her phone was disconnected. She knew it. Her dad was not going to let anything pass through. She really had to find herself a damn job. Gaby washed the dirty dishes before leaving for school


Her first class was nothing other than boring. Gaby hated to speak in front of people. First day of class, her public speaking professor insisted that they give an autobiographical speech. There wasn't much for her to tell about her life. If she told them half of everything that happened with her in the past seventeen years, they would only judge her or have pity. She had to lie about a perfect life that never existed. Once she was done with that class, Gaby had to run to another building for her Chemistry 2 class. It was not like high schools; and she only had ten minutes to find in what hall the class was, and what floor. She hated it. When she finally found the class, she was already five minutes late, and looking like a hot mess from all the fast walking. All the front seats were taken. It wasn't like high school where kids were fighting to be in the back roll. There was just one seat left in the middle of the class, and three other kids coming in. Gaby had to get that seat because she hated to be seated in the lazy zone. To her surprise, there was a book in the chair. She already had an idea who it was for since the girl seated on left seat was looking at her the sideway.

-" Is-this seat taken?" Gaby asked the girl.

-" You can clearly see that." Gaby really wasn't in the mood of some low life chick giving her attitude.

-" I'm sorry, but that person is gonna have to find another one in the back." Gaby said, picking the textbook and handing it to the girl. Since she didn't make any move, Gaby let go of the book to the girl's desk. She really didn't have time for that 'let me save you a seat' game. It's college. She could see that the girl was acting like she was in shock. Gaby just ignored her. She once was a sweet girl, who allowed people to do whatever they wanted, but it all stopped when met China; the ghetto ass chick who fought both boys and girls.

-" I'm sorry, boo, I told her the seat was taken, but she wasn't listening to me." Gaby heard the girl saying to somebody after a while. For some reasons, Gaby was more defensive than usual. Maybe, she was taking her anger from the break up with Mike to others. She literally sucked her teeth; in purpose. Duh.

-" Excuse-me, this is my seat." She heard a harsh manly voice saying right next to her. She sighed before turning her body to face this guy. He stood 6'2 foot tall. He was light skinned, with a sexy lips. But, Gaby could see fire coming out of his eyes. And honestly, she didn't give a damn about anything he or this chick besides him had to say.

-" I don't see your name writing on it." Gaby said, rolling her eyes.

-" But, you did see my book on it." He snapped back. Gaby was about to answer back when the old, short, Chinese professor interrupted them.

-" Mr. Alexander, can you take a seat please?" The old man shouted out. Alexander was a sexy name, he was sexy, but his attitude was really unattractive to Gaby.

-" But, she took my seat, Dr. Lee." He pleated.

-" Sir, please take a seat, we don't have time to waste." Dr. Lee said. Gaby just learned to make differences between her professors; some should be called doctors. Too bad she learned it from this Alexander guy.

-" Well, I don't like to seat on the back." Gaby couldn't believe that guy. She shook her head.

-" Damn nigga, chill out. What's wrong with the back seat?" Gaby asked with an attitude. The kids were all watching. Some whispering, and others laughing.

-" I'm gonna have to ask you two to leave so I can start with my class." The kids were looking at the two of them. The professor was probably getting irritated. The Alexander guy gave Gaby a look that tells it all before saying:

-" No need to. I'm going in the back seat, professor." Gaby couldn't stop smiling. The girl was staring at her a wrong way. Even though, she kinda felt guilty that this girl wasn't going to seat with her boyfriend, she didn't let it take the fun of her victory away.

**** Gaby's POV ****

Since this guy and I spent so much time arguing over a damn seat, times ran out, and the only thing we had the chance to do in class was going through the syllabus. I left the class as soon as it was over. I really didn't feel like going to the cafeteria during my break time before my last class for the day, Pre-Calculus 2. Yes, I was a smart ass in high school. I took mostly AP classes and ended up taking highest level classes now in college. I chose to go fix myself in the bathroom, instead.

As soon as I got in, the door opened after me. To my surprised, Mike was inside of the bathroom. I quickly tried to get out but he grabbed my arm, and pushed me back.

-" The fuck is wrong with you nigga?" I screamed at him.

-" We need to talk baby." I sucked my teeth.

-" There's nothing to talk about." I said, trying to leave the room, but he kept blocking me.

-" You're not leaving before we talk." I was getting irritated.

-" Leave me alone. I don't have nothing to do with your cheating ass. If you don't let me leave, I'll scream and put you in trouble. Do you wanna lose your scholarship?" I threatened him.

-" You wouldn't do that. I know you still love me. Don't-you?" He grabbed me by my waist, and pressed his lips to mines. It was nothing like a sweet kiss nor passionate, it was rough. When I finally pulled away, I slapped him so hard that it made a loud sound.

-" Back off, Mike." I yelled at him. It was like slow motion, when I felt something hit my cheek. Did-Mike just slapped me back? I didn't have time to say anything, since a girl ran inside of the bathroom. My hand was holding the spot that he hit on.

-" What's going on here?" The girl asked. She was light skinned, probably the same height as I, 5'8. She had some beautiful hazel eyes that I've probably seen somewhere before. She didn't only rocked some hot clothes with her thick body, she had some expensive ass weaves. She was cute. Believe it if Gabriela Soto tells you so.

-" Excuse-me? This is the girls' bathroom in case you didn't understand the sign. They always said that there's some dumbass guys in the football team; and violent too. I think the coach should know some stuffs." The girl said again. I felt tears fighting to come out of my eyes, but I held them.

-" This conversation isn't over Gabriela." Mike said before stepping out of the room. I was so grateful of that girl walking in at the right time. It was embarrassing, but who knew what else Mike would do. I've never seen him looking at me like that before. I only read the word RAGE in his eyes.

-" Thanks." I simply said.

-" Are-you okay?" She asked. I nodded. I looked in the mirror and there was a red bruise on my left cheek. Now, I was gonna have to skip class. Thank you Mike.

-" He's your boyfriend?" She asked. Ookay?? you're a nice girl. You helped me. I'm grateful. Now, go away so I can cry in peace.

-" Ex-boyfriend." I replied, uninterested.

-" You should put some makeup on that." She said, pointing at my left side cheek. I guess she got the message that I didn't have any with me. She took a box out of her bag, and applied some on my face. When I looked back in the mirror, it disappeared.

-" Thanks again. By the way, I'm Gabriela, but you can call me Gaby." I said, holding my hand out to her.

-" I'm Natasha. You can called me Sasha." She said, shaking my hand.

-" You're new here?" She asked me then.

-" Yes. I'm a freshman. What about you?"

-" I'm a sophomore." I had a feeling.

We soon said our goodbyes. Sasha was a nice girl. We could be friends. I went to that Pre-calculus class. I was gonna kill that class. Everything that had to do with numbers were my favorite subjects. That's one of the reasons why I was different than other girls. But, just had my heart broken like many of them did. But, the question was how fast would it mend; comparing to the others.


School was over and I took two buses to go back to China's place. I saw the 1998 Mazda car outside of the house and already knew that my homie was inside. I ran inside shouting her name. She shouted my name back. We met in the living room that only had an old couch and television in. We ran into each others' arms. I missed my home girl.

-" Gaby, you can't have an idea how much I missed you." She said, pulling away.

-" I've missed you too, girl. I couldn't wait to see you. We have so much to talk about." I said, sitting down on the couch.

-" I know. Your pops been keeping you away from us; I'm happy that you're here now. By the way, did-you see Mike yet?" I rolled my eyes. Just hearing his name could piss me off.

-" You won't believe it. I went to his place last night to give him a surprise. And, guess what? I found him with another woman." I informed my best friend. She didn't look as surprise as I was expecting her to be. She gave me a fake sad face look. I knew that girl more that Tom knew Jerry. She was keeping something away from me.

-" China, did-you know that he was hitting on another chick?" I asked her.

-" Well, you knew that he was a dog. He wasn't going to wait for you for that long." What the fuck? Was-she kidding me? Was-it a way of her telling me that my boyfriend did good cheating on me?

-" What are-you trying to say? that he's right and I'm wrong?" I asked her with an attitude.

-" Of course not bestie. But, I'm being real. You knew that your man is a player. You knew that he was after anything that has a vagina. I told you to leave him long ago. And, I still think you should. He doesn't deserve you." She was right in that one. I knew what he was about. I just didn't want to accept it. My girl, China been telling me stuffs about him hitting on other girls. Girls tried to fight me, claiming that he was theirs. Once, I saw him kissing a girl; meanwhile I was expecting his child. I just kept making excuses for him. But, that was it. I was done with him.

-" You're right. I'm over him. I'm going to start a new life. Imma look for a job, find myself an apartment and studying." I said. China clapped her hands.

-" And, you'll always have my support, bestie." She hugged me before leaving the room because she had to meet up with her new guy that I was suppose to meet up with soon. That girl was not playing. But, there's something about her that didn't seem right to me. I felt like she wasn't the same one that I left four months ago. I felt like she was hiding me something. Maybe, we should spend more time together.

I went to China's room, took a cold shower before changing into a clean blue cotton tank and floral shorts. I was definitely not going to procrastinate this semester. I started with my school works, since I didn't have anything else to do.

But something just popped in my head. The Alexander guy. Who exactly was that guy? He seemed to be a popular. Why did-I care anyway? I didn't want to think about a guy who argues for just a seat. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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