Chapter 20

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*** Gabriela's POV ***

I was planning on spending the whole day in my room. School starts today but I didn't feel like going. I'll probably go next week or even transfer to another university. I might as well, take the semester off. I would do anything just to stay away from Cash and his people. I know they didn't have nothing to do with it. But, talking with them would involved Cash. Sasha would be telling me how depressed he was. Lies. I just wanted to forget all about him. I've been hurt multiple times; family, friends and Mike. None felt like what I was feeling when I caught Naomi and Cash naked in that room. Even when I caught Mike right in action with that woman in bed, it didn't feel that cruel. Cash's betrayal hurt me most because I couldn't cry. I refused to cry. Big girls don't cry. Period. Punto.

I heard some knocks at my door. Who else than Aunt Raquel? I shouted the word open.

-" Hurry up. I'll give you a ride to school." She said, walking in the room.

-" I'm not going." I simply said.

-" Repeat what you just said. You're so going young ladies. I'm not going to allow you to kill your future because of a man." She said.

-" I'm serious, aunty. I'm not going and you can't make me." I said.

-" We'll see." She said, looking everywhere for what? I didn't know.

-" What you looking for?" I asked.

-" A freaking belt. I'm going to beat the hell outta you so you can get back to your senses." She sounded serious. I couldn't stand her at that time. I rolled my eyes way in the back of my head. As soon as I got from the bed, I started to feel dizzy just like the last time. I had to seat back on the bed. I massaged my forehead.

-" Don't be faking that you're sick. I'm not taking it." My aunty said. Faking? I only faked one thing and that was with my first ex-boyfriend if you know what I mean.

-" I'm really not feeling good. It happened to me yesterday too. I thought that I was going to passed out. Thank God Carlos was there. I'm dying aunty." I said. Instead of feeling sorry for me or anything of that type, she busted out with laughter.

-" You're pregnant baby." She said. I was the one who busted out with laughter that time. She asked: " You don't believe me?"

-" It's impossible. I can't have a child. As a matter of fact, I didn't have sex with Cash after that big fight with his girlfriend. No baby could resist that. If I was pregnant at that time, I would've lost that child. It's just that life has enough of me. It's time for me to die." I said.

-" Change of plan. We're going to a clinic and get you tested." She said. Why she bothered? I couldn't be pregnant.


I followed my crazy aunty to the clinic near the house.

-" So, you're going to miss a day at work for your imagination? C'mon aunt Raquel." I said. She sighed.

-" Young lady, go and talk to the nurse. I'm waiting here." I gave up and asked the nurse for a pregnancy test. She asked me to follow her to a room. They took my blood and asked me to wait a while for the result.

-" I can't believe we're gonna have a baby home." My aunty said with all her teeth out.

-" I can't wait to prove you're wrong." I said. I took her IPad and started reading some urban stories on Wattpad. I had to keep my mind busy. What if I was pregnant for real? Nah. Couldn't be.

30 minutes later or a hour. I don't know. The tiny Indian nurse came back to the waiting room with an envelop in her hand.

-" Ms. Soto, the results are here." She said. Both my aunty and I had got on our feet. I was so nervous. I couldn't be pregnant. I didn't want to be a single mother. Who would I do? I couldn't be pregnant.

*** Naomi's POV ***

As I parked the car I noticed Lucky sitting on the steps. He been coming here so often. I took my bag and got out of the car. Andrew's doctor asked to have him hospitalize for two days. It was nothing to worry about. They just doing therapy until we find a way to treat the illness completely. It's been two weeks since the incident. Cash ordered that I find a place as soon as possible. He was willing to give me the money. He even accepted that I leave with the baby. He really couldn't stand seeing me around and it hurt. I shouldn't listen to my crazy cousin. She's a hoe. I had to take another stupid advice from her for the friendship to end. I told her that I didn't want to ever talk to her again.

Lucky raised his head and our eyes met. I knew that he saw me coming. Maybe he didn't want us to talk. He been distant. But, I've been dying to talk to him,

-" Hey." I said.

-" Hey. I was waiting for Cash and Jeffrey here. I got other things to do. Tell them I showed up." He said, getting on his feet, all ready to leave.

-" Wait! Please stay for a little longer." I rushed to say.

-" Why?" he asked.

-" I want to talk to you." I said.

-" About?" He asked. He wasn't making it easy for me.

-" Me. Let's sit down." I said. He raised his shoulder then dropped them and sat down next to me. He let his head down, playing with his watch.

-" Thanks for defending me. I did not deserve your compassion. I'm a hoe. I'm stupid. I have a weak head. But, I'm also a desperate mother. I was told that a Mom should do anything to save a child, even put down her dignity. That's what tried to do. It doesn't justify my actions. It hurt seeing how I broke the love of two people who truly love each other. Then, I realized that maybe I was selfish. Maybe, I was doing it more to satisfy my womanhood needs than to save my angel. I called myself all the names but it wouldn't help but made feel worst. I remembered you telling him that you loved me. I couldn't believe it. I still don't. But, I can see that you care about me that's why I'm begging for your help so I can surpass that depression. Please help me." I honestly said. He lifted his head and stared at me.

-" I meant it. It's crazy but I think I'm in love with you. I came here everyday just to look at you. I think about you a lot. I would love you to help that's why we have to be friends for now." He said. I smiled. I wanna love this guy. He was attractive, smart, sweet and understandable. I never found a man caring about me; defending me like he did. I leaned closer and hugged him.

-" Thanks. So, I have this letter that I'm too scared to read. Can you please read it for me?" I asked, looking for the paper in my bag.

-" What is-it?" Lucky asked.

-" My pregnancy test results." I said. His eyes widened. I know he was shocked. I was so nervous. I prayed for I to be pregnant. I wanted my baby to do well, healthy and energetic.


Who you wanna see with a bump? Gaby or Naomi? Thanks for reading guys. Happy New Year!

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