Chapter 2

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(Hori's POV)

As I stared into the darkened classroom, it was finally bright by many lights with different colors, and it was like a rainbow had exploded into millions of dust! If I were, to be honest, it was pretty breathtaking to me; it was stunning, I glanced at Nakamura, and she was amazed by all of this I could tell from the look in her eyes that she thought this was beautiful, I then glanced at my Sensei, Tomioka-Sensei as he stared at all of us with a proud look on his face, I guess he must've thought that none of us will show up at all " I'm glad that you kids can come" Tomioka-Sensei said to all of us, I only knew three in this whole class which was Nakamura, Nishimura and somewhat Yamazaki, and speaking of Yamazaki, she looked pissed and ready to fight, I decided to step away a bit to make sure she didn't explode" What do you want from us, You're not a Sensei are you?" Yamazaki snarled at Sensei, " Are you the one that has been kidnapping all those girls for the past two weeks" I glanced at Nishimura in surprise; he thought our Sensei was the reason? I heard about them, and my mom has told me to be safe lately, but how and why will it be our Sensei? Then again, I suppose you must expect the unexpected, " No, I am not my child, But I am indeed here to solve the case of the missing girls, but I will love to have you kids to help me with the case" and speaking of the unexpected! I didn't think once that I'd be nominated to solve a serious mission! and a mission I never once thought of trying to solve; I had never done this kind of thing before; I gasped a little too loud cause one of the girls that Nakamura met with indigo hair had looked straight at me, " How do we know this is not some kind of some messed up trick!" Yamazaki yelled at our Sensei, I guess, being a soon or not to be soon leader, she must be headstrong. She must know all answers," Calm down, if he intended to harm us he would've hurt us by the time we stepped foot into this class, so if I am indeed correct, then that means Sensei is serious" just like I thought, Nishimura is one of the smartest people I have ever met, " Thank you, Nishimura, for understanding on what I am coming from" Tomioka-Sensei said to him, now that was surprising, he didn't even call role, how did he even know Nishimura's name? " How do you know his name? You didn't even call the role today! Just who are you exactly?!" Yamazaki yelled once more, and especially not caring about our eardrums if they happen to bleed by her shouts," I have to dear Yamazaki if I don't know your names, then what kind of Sensei? will I be?" Yamazaki gasped this time, and irritation was clear in her eyes. "As your Sensei, I must know all the names of my students, this includes Nakamura, Okamoto, Ueno, Matsui, and Shimizu, so honestly don't be surprised my children when I call on another student" at this point, we all just stared at each other in shock at the same time, he was odd and is not like any other adult. Yet, we trusted Nishimura's instinct, for he was right that our Sensei did not attack when he could've had the chance; Yamazaki looked at all of us first and back to Sensei as she sighed in defeat " Fine, I shall trust you, for now at least" Yamazaki said to him as she avoided eye contact with any of us and crossed her arms, I guess Yamazaki was upset that she gave in to the peer pressure" Ah excellent, now children come closer; I need to show you, kids, something" Tomioka Sensei turned as he walked to a new table that wasn't in the classroom before. We all stared at each other, not knowing what might happen if we were to follow him; thankfully though Nishimura was the first to move as we all followed him up to the long table, Sensei was undoubtedly happy with us as he appeared to be typing something, only for a hologram to appear above the table which Nishimura looked to take interest into the hologram as he touched it. The next thing I knew, the hologram went over the walls and the ceiling in our classroom; it was like we were inside the hologram, and I have to admit, this was pretty damn cool; it reminded me of what you will see in a sci-fi movie, " What is this?" Matsui, I think, asked Sensei that was at the table " This, my children is all of Rainbow View Point, it's like a map that shows every building and area in Tokyo, this includes your homes and the academy; this hologram is here for the sole purpose of to know where you are at all times to make sure you are safe, your names are already implemented into it so no matter what I will make sure all of you are safe" I stared at Sensei as my eyes widened at him, for I couldn't tear my eyes away, I now see him in a different light, I now admired him, " Color me impressed Tomioka-Sensei, this has to be the most incredible thing I have ever seen" it looked like Nishimura has seen him in a new light as well, I suppose I wasn't alone, I'm sure the rest of us must've felt the same way" I'm proud to see you kids are impressed, now it's time to be more, I should say, serious" I looked at Sensei in curiosity, did he mean about the mission he mentioned to all of us earlier?" What do you need?" Yamazaki asked; it looked like she was ready for the request from sense, and honestly, I was too " I feel like you kids are only capable, for the mission I'm going to give you, now do you think you all can handle it?" We all glanced at each other once more till Yamazaki spoke up" What kind of mission?", " Yes, I'm indeed aware of the kidnappings, but there is another problem," He said, " What is it?" Nakamura asked," There are missing moon fragments; I am afraid this it's linked with the girl's disappearances. " Moon fragments? what did he mean by that? Like the Childhood book from my Pre-K years? "You're kidding, right!?" the shouts from Yamazaki interrupted my thoughts as I looked at her and Sensei, " I think you're just wasting my precious time! There is no way those moon fragments are real! Are you suggesting that those fragments from that childish book are real? You're an idiot for believing in such stupid nonsense!" what I didn't expect was that Yamazaki went to throw a punch at him but what caught me off guard was crazy! cause the next thing I knew, Yamazaki got pinned to the ceiling! " What now!?" I and the others looked up at her in shock; just what was that!? I could tell that she wanted to struggle against whatever force did that, but she was also scared to do so" You had your guard down, Yamazaki maybe if you'll let me finish what I'm going to say, you'll consider not to attack me once more, got it?" Tomioka-Sensei said seriously as Yamazaki finally fell from the ceiling and landed with a loud thud, with Nakamura running toward her side " What was that just now!?" Nakamura yelled, questioned him, " Oh yeah, I forgot you kids never saw anyone with superpowers before" He did that!? Is that what makes him different? " Sure, moon fragments sound absurd, But there's more to it" Tomioka-Sensei then stared at Yamazaki like she was going interrupt him, luckily though it looked she had nothing to say as she just glared at him, " The two people that stole the fragments are cunning and evil, and with the fragments they possess it can make them more powerful, even more, powerful than me, I have my powers sure, but you only saw what I could do five percent of the time" Holy crap! Only five percent!? if that's the case, then I wonder how powerful he must be, " Not only that, I strongly believe these are the people that are behind the kidnappings as well, I believe the reason is that it might help them get more power before they use the fragments for any further notice" " And You chose us because?" Nishimura asked, which I was happy with; we were just teens, so why ask a bunch of teens to help? " Because I believe you kids are stronger than you lead off; after all, you kids already have your abilities do you not?" I just stared at Sensei; how could he know? How did he know? My eyes widened at him in shock, I looked at everyone else, and they all were silent like me; I guess they are the same case as me? I twirled the ring on my forefinger as I looked at the bright stone in the middle of it. In all honesty, I found this stone on a trip with my family; we were playing hide and seek, and I was only five at the time; this pretty stone was in my hiding spot, which was in a small hole I found in the dirt, and not too long after the stone was cleaned and forged into the ring, I experienced an unexpected change, strange powers, and only me, my mom and dad knew, told to learn to conceal them. I did so never had I once tried to learn how to use the strange abilities I had unknowingly received " Fine, I'll do it" I then glanced at Yamazaki; I had no idea she was considering it! "But just know if this takes effortless time, I will leave" " Alright then, now Nakamura, if you can help Yamazaki up," Tomioka-Sensei ordered Nakamura, only for Yamazaki to push her hand away, " I can do it myself," she snarled. At the same time, she stood up, " Not to complain about the matter of it all, how do we find these moon fragments? You don't have a plan for us just yet, do you?" Nishimura asked, " Oh, don't you kids worry about that. I am close to finishing the plan; it will be complete by tomorrow night; all I ask is for you kids to use your powers as soon as you can." So then, my guess was right; they were like me; they received powers like me without knowing why and how "Will we be able to control them?" I asked out of genuine concern; I never tried to use them, so there is no guarantee I would be one hundred percent safe " Of course you can, why not look for yourself" Sensei replied as I looked at the others and gasped, the other girl Nakamura met was making purple orbs surround her!" You have one week to master your powers; once you do head back here, it will be the beginning of your mission and a new life."

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