Chapter 3

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(Akasu Pov}

As I walked to my house, I tried to process the words of my Sensei; he is nothing like any other Sensei I had; not only was he different, but he has powers," You have one week to master your skills, once you do head back here. It will be the beginning of your mission and a new life " His words were stuck in my head; how did he know what I hold such powers? He says we can control them, but how when we haven't tried to use our powers? Sighing, I finally reached my house as I opened the door and took off my shoes as I walked in, " Miss Yamazaki, welcome home mistress" I nodded at the maid as I took off my school jacket and hung it up, "Is there anything you will like mistress?" Just a glass of iced water and bring it to my room; in the meantime, I will ask more, got it?" " Yes, of course, Mistress," the maid then walked off as I walked to my room and closed the door. My room was not only my private place, but it was also for meetings with my father and other companies that want to make business or alliances to make my father's military enforcements stronger, which is quite bold of my father to do so, " Mistress, but I am also here with your water" "Come on in" I replied to my maid as I sat down on my couch as she came in, " Set it right on the table right here" the maid nodded as she set the iced water right in front of me as I took off my gloves "Did the Suzuki company call today about the meeting tonight?" " Yes, they did, mistress, your father will be a bit late because more people had finally joined his force" " And my mother?" " She will be home in time to see you; she doesn't go back to the force till morning tomorrow" I smiled as she poured me a glass of the water; my mother, unlike my father, was kind and supported me with anything, she was honestly so kind and I loved that about my mother, " Is that all?" " Yes Mistress, your father did receive a call, but it's nothing urgent for you to know" " Then go on your way, I shall wait till Mr. Suzuki comes for the meeting" " Yes Mistress, call me when you need anything else" I nodded at her as she finally left my room, I sighed from being worked up, the words were repeating in my mind, I glanced at the water in front of me as it was untouched, " Maybe a drink will calm my nerves" I reached for the cup of the water only to get a sudden pain in my hand, I gasped in pain. I dropped the cup of water on the table as I backed away from it. Damn it! I forgot entirely what my power was? Of course, the coldness of the water would hurt me! I had never felt that kind of pain in a long time; it was unreal. I looked at the spilled water on the table, not sure of what to do; I inched closer as I reached the water debating rather or not if I should clean it, it would just give my skin another burn, as my hand reached closer, the water seemed to smoke, am I hallucinating? No, it was real; it was part of my abilities, that's for certain; I was making the water evaporate, it was like if you put water in a pan on top of the stove and just let it sit there to see the reaction that it would cause until all of the water is gone, good thinking Sherlock, that's what it was, I guess this is what I get for not using my such abilities. Eventually, the water from the table was all gone. No trace was left; my eyes widened in shock as I stared at the spot where the water should have been, " I guess it doesn't matter right now, " I sighed out as a knock was on my door as I jumped from fright, " Mistress, you have a call waiting for you, it's from your father," " Give me a minute, I will be out soon," I tried to make my breathing steady, and my voice calm while clearing my head, I was a bit shaky from it all, considering how long it has been I sighed while holding my composure as I opened the door while the maid was right in front of my door, holding the phone with my father on the line, I took the phone and nodded as a thank you mostly because I didn't trust my voice just yet, I then closed my bedroom door as I brought the phone to my ear. " Father? You wanted to speak to me?" " Yes, it's important; I need you to go to the basement and get the key that Mr. Suzuki will need when he comes tonight cause right after the meeting, we will be heading to the base so he can use it; you got it?" " Of course, and just when will you tell me why the key is needed?" my father was pretty secretive, there are many different items down in his basement that he never tells me what they are for, so hopefully someday soon, I will know these things, cause secrets just made me feel betrayed in a way, " Akasu you know I can't reveal this to you just yet, I just want you to focus on your school life first until you're ready, I know you hate this fact, but just wait, give it time, I should say once you graduated from your Academy, you will start to learn these secrets, I know you already have the fighting skills, so don't think you're completely untrained, now go on, I have to train the recruits, I will be home tonight for the meeting." With that, he hung up as I sighed in irritation; as always, he was too busy to tell me anything; I then hung up the phone myself as I opened my door and walked to the basement. The Basement in my house is not dark like any other basement you will see in horror movies, and considering that I am part of a rich family, there are many motion sensors; I walked through the basement until I found the silver key that my father needed, I inspected for a while as I had it in my hand, it looked hardly used as it still had some shine into it, this key has been in this basement since my childhood. I still remember the day when my father first showed it to me, saying how important it was to keep this simple key safe; it always crossed my mind on how much safety he provides for any item, maybe I will understand in the future, but it isn't any time soon. It was now close tonight, specifically seven-thirty, and the meeting would start soon as I tapped my foot, waiting for my father to come in. I will sometimes glance back at the spot where the water was, which made me anxious a bit, remembering what happened when I was younger; my mother and I were at the nearby lake I was five that day we were strolling by, looking at all the colorful fishes that swam by, I was happier then too, I remember how happy I was to explore with my mother, playing tag and running by the lake was one of my favorite moments in life. Still, that day became more than just a happy memory. I found a particular red stone under a bigger rock in the lake. I liked how different it was. I picked it up and showed it to my mother, she turned it into a necklace for me, and I have kept it on since. After a few days, prior my family went to a celebration, and that was the day I found out about my out of the blue powers; my hand got stung by the same way presently, my hand burnt by an easy grip of water in a glass cup, I cried out a little too loudly that moment and dropped it only for the glass to break. Everyone was convinced someone tried to poison me, or at least tried to harm me back then but right after that celebration- , suddenly my father finally come into my room with Mr. Suzuki and a few bodyguards as I snapped out of my daze, I fixed my posture and went to shake Mr. Suzuki's hand, " Hello Father, Mr. Suzuki" " Why hello Mistress, I hope your first day of high school treated you well milady", " It was just fine, please sit so we can go ahead and get started" I replied while letting go of his hand and sat down on my chair, " My you sure taught her will Toki, she is almost just like you" Mr. Suzuki unlike my father he was more playful, I suppose it was alright just surprising that my father considered the offer, I guess anything to have a stronger force I suppose, " Let's not start this meeting with you trying to offend me, let's just go ahead and discuss on what you can do with my force" "Of course Toki, now I have a few things in mind, nothing to extreme sense you now have more recruits, that is which I have heard" I nodded as I listened carefully as My father and Mr. Suzuki sat down on the couch, " Just as I believed, well In my understanding with new recruits you will need more weapons, which I am aware that You probably have a good stock at your base, I will just love to offer more weapons and possibly new weapons that you might need to consider" new weapons, not the first thing I heard, its great services sure, but being overstocked is not an option in my opinion, " Father should already have enough weapons, there is no need to overstock on what he already has with newer weapons" " That may be true dear, but being overstocked is better than being empty handed, You will never know what might happen in this town, we already have a serious kidnapping problem, I am sure we don't need anything else to happen" My eyes widened in shock, he knew about the kidnappings? Just how much does he know? " He is right, Akasu, sometimes having more weapons is better than being shorthanded" I kept staring at Mr. Suzuki that I didn't hear my father because of my thoughts, only for him to snap his fingers. To gain my attention as I straightened up, " You ok? You haven't stared at someone in such a long time," My father asked in slight concern, " I am fine, just may I ask something?" My father then gave me a confused look as Mr. Suzuki had his eyes on me; father then nodded as I proceeded, " Do you know anything about the kidnappings? Just anything in general?" Mr. Suzuki seemed surprised but proud; I guess He wanted the message to be spread out," Well, Mistress, in my understanding that I perhaps know one thing about the latest kidnapping of Rei Kasanova" I listened closely, sure I heard about it before school had even started. Still, the only reason it has my attention now was because of my sensei in school today, " I know her father for he is now a recruit for your fathers' military force, he has mentioned that his daughter was a bit spoiled, but he loved her never the less" " So there must've been some kind of grudge against him or his daughter?" "Possibly, the only thing I know for sure is that before she got taken, she was at a private bar" This was unbelievable to me, not because of receiving the information. Still, how I managed to get it before I could ask any more, my father spoke up, " I think we had enough, now Akasu, you have the key, right?" "O-Oh, yes I do, father" I handed him the silver key as he stood up with Mr. Suzuki and walked toward my door, "It was a pleasure to talk with you, Mistress, Goodnight" and they were gone as my door closed. Thoughts were swirling in my head; I got up from my chair as I paced back and forth in front of my lit fireplace. I was anxious to get through with this; it was like I had to solve this problem. I then stopped and thought about my Sensei's words again as I looked at my right hand, remembering what happened with the water and what I had seen, " It was real; this isn't a dream " I then glanced at my fireplace and glanced back at my hand, I pinched myself as hard as I can, confirming that I felt the pain. I turned to the fireplace where the fire was still going as I looked back at my hand. I took a deep breath as I stared at my hand with complete focus; I knew about my ability; all I had to do was to zone in, and in a blink of an eye, a small flame danced in my hand, I didn't stop staring at the flame, the more I stared and focused on the little fire in my palm it became bigger and bigger! My eyes widened at its size, but on the other hand, I felt something click inside my brain, a new fire started within me, " Ok Mr. Tomioka, I have officially had gained trust in you, I will now accept this new change and this new life that you have given me."

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