Chapter 5

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(Kara's POV)

It was so amazing last night! My new friends Okamoto and Nishimura and four others got accepted on a kidnapping mission! It was so extraordinary, and not only that, our Sensei Mr. Tomioka, had his powers, which made me feel relieved, happy, because after seeing such abilities in front of my eyes, I knew I wasn't alone, even after putting the puzzle together I knew I wasn't the only one in the squad that had powers especially when Shimizu started to try and master her powers right in the classroom. I must admit I was quite a bit confused about everything at first. Still, once he talked about us learning our powers, I was so stoked and excited, and to be honest, once I got home, I went straight to my room and started to see what I could do with my acquired powers from long ago when I was a little girl.

(Last Night, No one's POV)

Kara was in her room sitting on her bed in the dark, thinking it was more interesting to have all the lights off; once she calmed her breathing down, she looked deep inside her mind enough, which made Kara realize she activated her power, Kara was able to do what Shimizu did but with something more sand-like and it was glittering orange as it was circling her as it did with Shimizu. No words described how excited and happy she was when achieving this particular ability; she was so delighted that it caused her to obtain another power of hers. It was making the glowing dust go all around her room, the orange glow illuminating all of her walls and ceiling; it turned out to be she could control the wind as it was blowing through Kara's hair which made her surprised but even more excited, she just managed two powers and had successfully controlled them both.

(Kara POV again)

It was so wonderful! I wanted to manage another power, but it was time for dinner, and by the time I got cleaned up, it was late, " Maybe once I go back home, I can try and obtain another power," I talked to myself as I walked to the front doors of my academy. Time has passed, and I was going to my 3rd hour when I accidentally bumped into someone, but to my luck, it was Okamoto, " Oh Okamoto, Hi!" I said, giggling; I was happy seeing him again for only meeting him yesterday, " You seem to be bumping into a lot of people, huh?" " Oh, Nakamura, Hi! And not true, I'm not that clumsy" We both then laughed a bit as he suddenly stopped and looked around a bit, " What class are you going to? Cause I want to talk for a little while about yesterday," he asked with curiosity " I suppose it wouldn't hurt, let's walk then" I replied while smiling, we were walking to my class while talking about what has happened last night while trying to be quiet with our conversation since you never know who could be listening," Had you obtain any power yet?" Okamoto asked quietly but with clear excitement in his voice," Yes, I did! Oh, it was so incredible! I obtained two of them last night!" I told him with just as much excitement," Really?! Your lucky; I had only obtained one last night" " I'm sure you can try and obtain another one later, maybe when we get in Sensei's class after school?" I suggested, cause maybe sensei will want us back after school again " That's true, I suppose," the warning bell then came along while we were already by my class " Here we can continue later, ok? You should get to your class quickly," I said to him, " Hey, I can handle it, and don't worry about me, alright? bye, Kara!" He said while running to his class as we departed, " Bye!" I replied while watching him leave; he is such a great friend considering I just met him, yet I could tell we would be very close; the thought made me smile as I walked inside my class. My third class was becoming extremely long for only being ten minutes; I suppose a lot of sensei's like to talk, just when I was about to lay my head down on my desk I heard the word 'project' I ended picking my head fast, too fast cause it was enough to give me a bit of a head rush, I looked around the classroom to see who I can do this project with and noticed that Yamazaki was up in the front row seat, good thing I spotted her, honestly it's the perfect opportunity since we are now going to be working together, I got up from my seat and gathered my work as I went ahead and walked toward Yamazaki, She didn't seem to notice me, so I did a quick poke to get her attention as she turned her head to me " Hi Yamazaki, I thought maybe we could do this project together since about yesterday? I thought it would be best so we can grow both powerfully and teamwork," I explained to her. At the same time, she stared up at me like she was examining me; I guess after what happened yesterday between her and Sensei, Yamazaki was still not all that pleased; Yamazaki sighed as she stretched a bit" I suppose you're correct, we should do this together, plus we can probably discuss on what happened, we need to be silent about it, understood?" She asked the last bit with a serious glance" Yes, understood," I replied to her as I slightly smiled; she was intimidating, not to mention headstrong; I sat down next to her as I set my work down, " Did you figure anything out about the mission that Sensei has given us?" I looked at her in surprise as I shook my head, " No, not really, I was more focused on seeing what kind of abilities I had" " I see, did you master them?" " Yeah, I have, and you?" I asked. I was starting to feel more comfortable with her. I guess when you start talking with someone you get used to the feeling, " Well, I did master one right away, heh after a burn accident due to my lack of memory" I was confused until she showed me a sightly burn mark on her hand, " This was from grabbing a glass of water, so you can imagine what my main power is" My eyes widened as I looked at her hand, " That's pretty-" " Disgusting? Yes I am very aware" she then put her glove back on her hand as she looked ahead, " W-Wait that wasn't what I was trying to say though!" " Don't worry, I didn't peg you to be that kind of person, so by all means relax" I stared at Yamazaki for a little longer as I sighed in relief, the last thing I wanted was to make a partner feel bad about their scars, " I even found out something about the kidnappings, the father of the last girl that got kidnapped joined my father's force, I guess someone had a grudge on him or the daughter only, so there is a potential reason for all the girls that got kidnapped" I listened closely as my eyes widened once more, I can't believe she found out about something about the mission so quickly! She and Uaithine are like two powerful forces together! I then smiled at her as she gave me a weird look, " Why are you smiling at me like that?" I then giggled, " Because you're so cool! I am happy I get to work with you, Yamazaki! I promise I will never let you down!" Her own eyes widened this time as she became flushed, " S-Shut up and focus on the project," She said as she turned away as I laughed, " Yes, ma'am."

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