Chapter 6

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(Aiharu's POV)

I was in class thinking of Nishimura's words; he was very wise and calm about this whole mission thing, it had some effect on me; I am usually a shy person, yet after meeting Shimizu and Ueno, I was even shyer, I guess his words are making me realize I should never keep to myself all the time and just be myself, all. However, I found it hard to do, and it was because I had received my powers at a young age; my parents told me to hide my abilities from my parents. I kept to myself, not talking to any of the kids my age back then at the age of six. After finding out my main power yesterday I was honestly not to surprised, I mastered invisibility, which was not to far off on how I felt in the world for about ten years now, I have younger siblings but there is no way I can tell them about what I can do, and I knew my parents are too busy to talk to me about the past. The final bell rang as it interrupted my thoughts; I looked at the clock and gathered my things; today had gone by so quickly, I guess when you don't pay attention, time goes by faster, I walked down the hall to the school's exit only for me to see Shimizu at her locker, I slowly made my way to her as she spotted me and smiled, " Matsui hi! Do you need anything?" she asked as she closed her locker. At the same time, I shook my head," N-No, I was just curious about something" " And that is?" She asked as she turned to me while crossing her arms, " W-Well sense you mastered your ability in the classroom, did you perhaps master another power?" I got nervous quickly, looking to see if anyone was listening to me; Nishimura was brave for saying this kind of thing, I am always nervous about what people say, especially in the circumstances before yesterday happened, Shimizu giggles interrupted my thoughts as she took my hand and took us outside by the fountain in front of the school, the fountain was big as the water flowed from the top to the bottom, the sound of the small waterfalls were honestly relaxing to listen too, " There is no need to be afraid Matsui, just relax, and yes I have mastered another ability, two actually, one is a beam likeability, the other I can stop time for a short period which I plan to make longer" My eyes widened at her, She has mastered three abilities in such little time?! I was honestly mind blown by her, " And You? Did you master anything?" I nodded, still trying to process everything," I mastered one power, and that is Invisibility," I said to her as I looked around once more, " I figured as much, you're such a shy person that it's hard not to miss" I then looked back at her as she had a warm smile, " Did you at least had fun with your ability?" I thought about last night and when I managed to master my power as I giggled slightly, " I did kind of; I freaked out my younger sister because she went to ask me for help with dinner, right when she turned around, I went back to normal only for her to look back and scream in surprise" I giggled more at the reaction my little sister had, I mean it was honestly only natural, I kept the abilities to myself for so long that her or the other two didn't know about my powers from the start, I giggled remembering the face she made when I suddenly reappeared in front of her, Shimizu then giggled along with me " See? It's not so bad talking about things, huh?" Shimizu then put her hand on my shoulder, " We are going to be working together from now on, don't be afraid of what we might think, no matter what we will think of you as a part of us, ok?" I nodded my head and smiled; I must say when it comes to comforting Shimizu was amazing at it, " Now come on, Mr. Tomioka and the others are probably waiting for us," I nodded as I walked by her side " So you only found one of your powers?" Shimizu asked, " Yea, and to be honest, I still feel odd about it all, but I will try to find what other abilities I have. I want to try and be helpful as best as I can," I told her, " And I can't wait to see you in action Matsui, Mr. Tomioka will give us our mission soon and will most likely make sure that we're prepared for whatever might happen in the nearby future " She explained, we were just around the corner to make it to the classroom when I saw Ueno already by the class door, " Ah you beat us to it huh? Well, it's good to see you again, Ueno," he nodded and smiled softly, " It's good to see both of you" " So You mastered a power last night?" Shimizu asked him, " Two, one is water-like, the other is I can connect with items" I got confused; just what did he mean by that? " Connect with Items? Like how exactly?" I asked out of pure curiosity," I can see where someone is by touching an item they use; basically, the only reason I found this out was that I couldn't find my mom only to see her at the grocery store once I touched the doorknob outside" I then nodded my head finally understanding, now that I thought about it that is a good power if we are looking for the people that took the missing girls and the moon fragments, it's all a matter of where they were last," Is everyone ready?" I turned around to see the other girl named Yamazaki with Nishimura, Nakamura, and Okamoto, " I'm sure we are," Shimizu said, Ueno then opened the classrooms door as we walked inside the darkened classroom once more as the lights from last time came back shining the room as Mr. Tomioka was at the table he showed us yesterday, " I'm glad you kids made it, I hope you all had found your abilities" Mr. Tomioka said, " I am confident that we all did" Shimizu said as Mr. Tomioka smiled at us " Then come on over, we must go over the plan so we can start" we all walked toward the hologram to see a map on it, " This is the school right here, I need you all to go into town so we can see where the suspect is, so it's best to see if we can locate them in the area or not" Mr. Tomioka said, " Are those arrows us?" Yamazaki asked Sensei," Yes, that means I can track you guys to see if you're in any danger," Mr. Tomioka replied, " So what do we do?" Okamoto asked "This is how it is going to work, Yamazaki ,Nishimura ,Ueno and Matsui, you four will look for any landmarks that might have anything involved with the kidnappings or anywhere that might hold information about it, during that time Nakamura, Okamoto and Shimizu will ask about the strange events and too see if anyone had witnessed anything the past week" Mr. Tomioka explained " Don't worry about that I might have an idea where we can go" Yamazaki said as we all stared at her, " I found out that latest victims father had joined my father's force, supposedly someone either has a grudge against him or his daughter, as for places I have been told she was at a private bar last before she was taken" My eyes widened as I looked at everyone else " My Yamazaki well done, then how about you four look for this private bar in town" he replied, " What if we get caught, we will be in a tough situation if we do get spotted " Nishimura asked, it was a big concern, and yet, all I have to do it speak up right?" A-Actually-" I started as everyone stared at me " I have an ability that lets me become invisible; I am sure I can find a way to make you guys invisible too," I mentioned; I mean, it will be an advantage, I will need to test it on them to see if it will work, " Lucky! I want to be invisible, too! " Nakamura said, completely envious, " You can turn invisible?!" Yamazaki asked as I nodded; I tried to focus as I thought of myself fading, " Extraordinary," Mr. Tomioka said as I noticed I was fully invisible as everyone stared at where I was except Shimizu " Anything we should look out for a while we do this?" " Just guards unless you meet someone dangerous, but that's not an option," Mr. Tomioka explained, " I have high hopes for all of you kids; now let the search begin."

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