Chapter 14

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(No one's pov)

The rest of the group had been roaming the mansion endlessly, going to each room they came across, hoping to see or find the missing girls, the Corruption Stone, and their teammate. Still, as the time went on, their nerves and paranoia arose by every minute, " Where can they be? We haven't made any progress at all" Hinshen said as he sat in the middle of the hallway with the others, " We will find them eventually, but that shouldn't mean we should take a break, Yamazaki might be in danger if we take one now, here let's go upstairs and see if we can find her instead, maybe we will find the missing girls and the stone along the way" Uaithine suggested, " Yeah he has a point, well let's go upstairs and find her" Maishi said as she used her weapon to stand up, as she and the others ran up to the stairs to begin their search when they all heard a pained scream as their eyes widened, knowing full well who that voice belonged too, the one who was getting hurt, they all ran down the hallway to locate the cry, the group ran as fast as heir legs can take them until they heard a sound coming from the room at the end of the hallway that was on their left, the sounds of a known pained voice, and an unknown sound of laughter, terrified the group ran to the doors and barged in to see Akasu laying on the floor in her own blood, " Yamazaki!" Uaithine called to his badly injured partner as he ran toward her. The others stepped in front to protect Akasu with their weapons at hand. Uaithine noticed the deep cuts she had received. It also appeared she cried a bit as her eyes looked exhausted, " Ah, it's a full house now, I can't wait to break your weak little bones," Hekate said as she stared at them as if they were little mice, making the teens uneasy, " She's so...terrifying" Kara said in a weak voice and stepped back a bit, afraid that herself will be next if she said the wrong thing, Uaithine inspected both of the ladies before him, he knew Lamia was strong. Yet, the damage on Akasu made him realize that Hekate does not play around lightly. She was another force of nature, he believed Hekate would break your neck in an instant, and that was all he needed to figure out what to do, " Matsui, take care of Lamia, Okamoto, Hinshen, and I will take care of Hekate. And while we do that, Nakamura and Shimizu, I will need you two to take Yamazaki safe and save the other girls, got it?" " Aiharu stared at Uaithine with wide eyes, she was unsure if she could take Lamia on her own, but Aiharu knew he chose her for a reason and nodded in agreement, and right before his eyes, she disappeared, " Oh, how lovely! I can't wait to find her!" Lamia said as she smiled deviously, " Nakamura, Maishi now!" Uaithine then got up and charged at Hekate with the other two boys behind him, fighting her in close combat as the two girls brought to Akasu to a safe spot, near the opened chamber doors " Stay here Yamazaki, we will free the girls and then take you out of here" Maishi said as she kneeled next to Akasu, " That's fine, just make sure you two don't get hurt either, Hekate is something else entirely" Akasu stuttered out in pain, a large cut was visible on the right side of her forehead. Deep cuts and blood covered her legs, " Don't worry, we will do our best for you and our sakes," Maishi said with a smile as she ran with Kara saving the kidnapped girls from their glass cages with their weapons, they got them out safely as the girls woke up in a panicked state, " Hurry girls! Get out of this room head to the city as fast you can! follow the train tracks, and it will lead you to the city safely!" Maishi explained as all the girls ran out of the room in a hurry, " Thank You! Thank you so much!" The last girl Kasanova thanked her saviors as she ran out with the other missing girls, " No! You stupid brats!" Lamia yelled as she slammed the doors on the three girls before they were about to make their escape," You girls are going nowhere!" Lamia said, " I already got the other one, so you three will be just as easy to catch" realizing what she meant, the girls looked at Lamia's right hand to see Aiharu's hair getting pulled as Aiharu was forced to look upwards toward the ceiling, her face, Lamia decorated Aiharu's arms and legs with some blood and violet bruises. Then the girls looked at the boys to see them getting a run for their money too. To Kara's dismay, she saw Hori getting choked by Hekate, which triggered a nerve inside her as she threw an attack at Hekate cutting her cheek with her wind attack as Hekate let go of him. Hekate then looked at Kara and grinned menacingly towards Kara, as Hekate used her powers bringing Kara over to her, "You got me good, now let's see the pain on that pretty little face of yours," Hekate said as she sent Kara flying to the broken glass cages, once she came in contact with the broken cages she fell immediately onto the floor. The broken shards of glass dug it's way into the skin of her back and the back of her legs as blood started to become visible on her clothing. Kara started to cry in pain as she let her head lay against the cold floor, "N-Nakamura!" Hori cried out to her as he struggled himself to get to his best friend; Hekate then chuckled at the sight of the teens as she walked to the back of the room, removing the curtain to reveal the outside as light shined right on the corruption stone. " It's finally happening, dear sister; we are so close I am getting a bit too excited!" Maishi inspected the two ladies while trying to come up with something, that's when she realized the placement of the room and the Moonstone placement; she made her back straight as she walked with Akasu towards the darkened stone, placing Akasu on one end and herself at the other, " Shimizu? what are you doing?" Akasu asked in pure confusion, still shaky from her beat down, unknowing why Maishi placed her there " We are going to counter them, trust me and stay right here for me, Yamazaki," Maishi said as she kept staring at the two ladies unscathed, catching on at what Maishi was doing Uaithine got up from the ground and slowly limped towards the center of the room, " I must say, after everything that has happened, I am proud that I came this far" Uaithine said as he stopped at his spot as the others that were weak used the strength they did have to follow behind Nishimura, his words causing the two ladies to chuckle, "Well your life is going to end soon, so you shouldn't be proud for too long, " Lamia said as she turned to him, noticing that all of the teens were standing right in front of her and her sister, " Dear sister. I don't like this one bit," Lamia said. Hekate was about to turn around to send an attack onto the teens. Still, Uaithine was one step ahead and produced vines toward the two ladies, trapping them to the glass window behind them before they had time to react, " No! What are you doing?!" Lamia yelled as they struggled to get free, " We are putting you in your place!" Maishi yelled as the teens used their powers toward the Corruption Stone, breaking it into pieces as the little power it had depleted in seconds. The teens used all of the energy they could muster as powerful lights emitted from their stones went right toward the two ladies, weakening them as the powerful force broke free from the glass window of the mansion, causing the two ladies to plummet down to the earth floor. The beautiful lights headed towards the city, covering it like the colors of the iridescent rainbow, " We did it, we did it," Kara said out of breath as she fell to the ground in exhaustion as the others followed her action, " I knew you kids can do it, I have never been more proud" A sudden voice said as Maishi turned around to see their teacher Mr. Tomioka, " Mr. Tomioka?! You found us! Oh, thank god!" Shimizu said, relieved as the rest happily smiled at his presence, " And I'm so very sorry kids, if I knew they would go this far, I would've been here so much sooner," Mr. Tomioka told them, " Don't worry, Mr.Tomioka, I can at least try to help to lift them " Shimizu replied as she attempted to stand up, but Mr. Tomioka halted her by placing his hand on her shoulder, "There is no need I brought help for you kids once I knew you were in critical health" just as he said that, doctors and nurses came into the dark chamber room as brought each of them onto a stretcher, " Don't worry kids, we will do everything in our power to make sure you will be at peak condition," " Can you stand, are you feeling any pain anywhere?" A nurse asked Maishi, " No, no pain, I'm just mentally exhausted. I am fatigued," Maishi replied as the nurse helped her up, " Once we head home, we can get you, kids, all healed up, and after that, you all can rest for a couple of days sounds good?" Mr. Tomioka asked as he helped up Uaithine" I think we will all like that a lot, thank you so much, Mr.Tomioka," Uaithine thanked him, as all the teens made it onto their stretchers, they all left the dark mansion behind as it became the last moment of their first wild adventure and the beginning of their new reputation.

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