Chapter 7

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(Hinshen POV)

As I and the others left the school, we immediately went into our groups and started searching. It took some time to search for this private bar that Akasu brought up. Some bars were reserved but not convincing enough for it to be private or anything; after some long searching, Uaithine planned for us to go in alleyways instead to see if there could be any bars at the back of the sketchy areas " Are you sure there will be any bar in these alleyways? We haven't made any progress at all," Akasu commented, annoyance was clear in her voice, " You never know Yamazaki, just have patience; we will make progress soon enough," Uaithine replied to her as he kept up the pace while Akasu stopped walking for a bit with an angered expression as she took a deep breath, " Are you ok Yamazaki?" Aiharu asked the furious Akasu," I'm fine; let's continue searching before I punch something." I kept to myself for a while as we continued searching in the alleyways, I didn't want Akasu to get more upset than she already was, plus I thought about what had led me up to this point; I didn't hate it. However, I'm not used to it either, I guess I'm just unfazed because of the past, the moment I found out about my mysterious achievements, I subconsciously knew that maybe I wasn't alone and that someone else in the world has gone through the same thing, and surely I found out I was right from yesterday's events," Well why don't you look at that, an actual bar is back here" Uaithine said as we all looked ahead at the bar ahead of us, from the outside, it looked very Victorian style, black being the main color pallet the mysterious bar, black rims and a black door with golden doorknobs, it became clearer that the bar was high maintenance as two bodyguards were standing in front of the doors to the bar. "Let's see about this one; it seems convincing enough to search," Uaithine commented as he examined the bar a bit. I looked up to see the name of the bar named Violet Rose, "That's an interesting name for a bar," I said aloud " Matsui do you think you can turn us invisible now?"Akasu asked, " No, we can't do it yet, we need to make sure on how it's secured in able to sneak in," Uaithine said, " Let's go from behind to look through the windows" he then made a signal to follow him behind the bar as we all kneeled, looking through the bar windows, the inside of the bar was very modern compared to the outside, it was like any other bar," Ok two guards at the entrance, five guards inside while two of them are guarding another entryway to go upstairs, which could mean that there are at least some more guards that could be on the second floor" Uaithine explained to all of us, " Ok so this should be somewhat easy, are you guys ready?" Akasu asked; we all nodded yes as a reply " Go ahead and do your thing, Matsui" Aiharu nodded as she went ahead and started turning us invisible; I noticed how I felt like fading as I saw my hand becoming see-through, I can still see the others a bit until I noticed Uaithine pick up a metal pipe that was nearby " Let's go" Uaithine said as he went in front of the bar with us behind him, " Let's stay here for a bit" Uaithine then dropped the metal pipe which causes a loud noise when it hit the concrete ground, " What the hell-" Akasu spoke as Uaithine covered her mouth as the two guard's that was guarding the entrance doors heard the loud sound as they walked right passed us, " Well done Matsui, you did well" Uaithine complemented to her quietly as Aiharu smiled happily with her work. We opened the doors to the Violet Rose as the smell of alcohol welcomed us as we entered the bar, " How are we going to get past those two that's guarding the stairs?" I asked Uaithine, but before he could answer my question, Akasu pushed a tough-looking guy with a sleeve of tattoos into another tough-looking guy with a bandana over his mouth. Surely enough, they started fighting if their lives depended on it, and it surely was enough to make the two guards go toward them. Taking our chances, we ran to the entryway to the second floor while avoiding contact with any of the rough-looking customers. As we walked up the stairs, we headed up to the second floor; we noticed many rooms. Yet, one room stood out to us; it was significant as it held a sign next to the doors that read ' Meeting in session,'' we then walked toward the door as we opened it a bit as we looked inside, the room inside looked way bigger, having a couch, dining table, fireplace, many bookshelf's, and many people in there, which consisted of many guards, a man that looked to be at least in his late thirties sat on a chair in front of the couch, which seemed like he was the boss of the bar. There was a woman on the sofa. Still, we couldn't tell cause the couch was facing away from our view, " Are you sure none of the cops injured you? Many of the cops were at the scene, so I am surprised that you two made it out alive" the man said, we all looked at each other as we listened closely to the conversation," Don't worry about us Mr. Jin, besides your only concern is if someone found out that you're an accomplice" the women replied to the man, " So the brat is going to be part of your 'Collection' that you have going on?" The man asked that was named Mr. Jin" Of course she is, we needed one more anyway, so the offer was too good, besides my sister and I became very fond of her when you mentioned her, after all, it's not my fault that I need to live on my 'Collection,' "What the!? What does that mean?! " I don't care about what you think about that brat Rei, have her for your collection, her and her father are nothing but liars, as long as she and he are out of the picture I will be able to keep running my bar the way I like it, so you and your creepy sister can have her all you like, just know when you take over this town I won't stay around to be taken advantage of, especially just for your entertainment" The woman then laughed at the remark as my eyes widened, this lady is the reason behind this, we have succeeded our part of our mission.

(No One's Pov)

Meanwhile, with Hori, Kara, and Maishi, they had been asking many people in the city about the missing girls finding all the information they can get, Maishi was about to head to another citizen only for her to bump into a certain man with a bandana over his mouth " Oh I'm so sorry!" Maishi apologized. "It's fine; I just got into a fight earlier, so no damage is done," the man said in a rough tone " Umm, may I ask you something? Have you heard anything about the missing girls, the latest girl that is missing is Rei Kasanova" Maishi asked the intimidating man " Now that I think of it...I believe I do" Hori and Kara had overheard this and went up to them eager to know what happened to the missing girls, " Do you know where they could be?!" Kara asked eagerly" Not really, but I believe the boss of the bar that I was in has something to do with it, he is in a meeting with a woman today something about a collection; apparently, she lives in the nearby forest, outback if you walk far enough out of the ally, or at least that's what I heard, the bar is named Violet Rose, it's easy to spot," the man said, "Then that means this woman is the one behind all of this!" Hori stated, " Thank you, sir, thank you so much!" Maishi thanked the man as she ran off with the other two to find the others as the intimidating man watched them go," Whatever you kids are safe."

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