Chapter 9

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The sun was setting as the kids continued; they made it out of the alleyway and headed to the forest before them, " I wonder how he knew about this area; maybe he took the train before possibly?" Kara asked her group as she hugged herself to be warm, "Maybe Nakamura, we shouldn't worry about that right now; we wouldn't want to get off track now," Uaithine replied as he helped Hinshen stand after using his vision power, he felt drained, plus the woman he saw was still ringing in his mind after the smile she showed, Hinshen shook his head trying to get the image out as Aiharu stared at him with a worried expression until they all stopped looking at the train station before them, " I can't believe this is real, to think there is a train station here in a forest" Akasu said while examining the train station, "It's so odd and random, I hope this doesn't turn bad at the end" Akasu then walked on to the concrete platform as the others followed her, as they looked around they noticed there was only one reception desk as the train tracks followed deeper into the forest making the atmosphere much darker, "I don't like this one bit', "We don't have any other option Yamazaki, walking will just take too long, we don't even know how far this base is located, so hopefully the train will do something for us" Uaithine explained to her but Akasu only growled as she averted her eyes away from her group by looking at the ground, " Hey guys, I think our ride is coming" Hori said as a blaring horn was heard from the upcoming train, they all stood back as the train screeched by as it finally came to a halt, the train was black as the windows were tinted with dirt, it looked ancient in a way, the train doors then opened as the groups nerves rose up, " I guess this is it..oh gosh, I'm terrified" Kara stuttered out as she held herself tighter to stop her from shaking, Hori noticed her expression as he put his hand on her shoulder, " You will be ok, we all are doing this together, if need any help call us Nakamura, We got this" Hori reassured her as the others walked into the train already as they waited for them, " Ok your right, I will try and keep calm" Kara replied as she shakily made her way inside the train with Hori behind, they looked around to see that the station is full, making their nerves a bit calmer as they walked by to find a spot on the train, ready to begin the next step of their journey. As the train moved through the forest, the teens settled in at the very back of the train were bunk beds lined up against the station walls. They were discussing how they could work this mission out, which caused some bickering and arguing between Akasu and Uaithine; however, Uaithine and his intelligence had won the argument while Akasu averted her eyes away once more in annoyance; Uaithine then noticed that one group member was missing from the station, it was Hori that wasn't in the station, but was outside instead, leaning against the railing looking out into the deep forest.

( Uaithine's POV)

"Hey everyone, I'll be right back; I need to check on something," I told the others as I got up from my seat, " Ok, we will be here when you're back," Shimizu replied with a smile; I then went towards the train door to reveal Okamoto against the railing, " Okamoto, are you alright? What's troubling you?" I asked him while closing the door behind me, " Oh Nishimura, I'm sorry, I'm just worried," he told me, " About?" I asked as he took a deep breath " I'm worried about my mom and my younger brother, my mom always work's so hard after my dad left, so I'm worried on how she'll react when she knows that I might not get back, as for my brother, I know he won't understand right away of what might happen", " Well-" I started as I stood beside him against the railing, as we looked into the deep forest, " - The way I think of it, this is actually good" I explained while he just continued to look into the forest, " It's good to take these chances I mean, this is such a big opportunity for you, for all of us, we never did something like this before, and honestly I know how you feel, I feel that way for my dad and my sister after my mother died, she was just a nurse at first, but then my father fell in love with her heart and she became the mistress, even after all that time she saved many patients" Okamoto then looked at me with confusion in his eyes while letting me continue " I never gave up hope, I take these chances, and the best thing about this mission is that after we are done, we can go back home to see our hometown safe and sound, my mother saved many lives, and I plan to do the same", I then knew he was now comforted as he smiled at me, I smiled back cause I knew he was happy to hear my words" And this is another reason why this is good, you're going on a big adventure with new friends, and making our bonds stronger" I finished with a grin " Thank you Nishimura, I feel so much better now" Okamoto said while still smiling a small blush tinting his face, I was about to give him a hug but the train had stopped violently, which had us sent flying towards the door and falling to the ground, I could hear the girls shriek from inside by the violent stop, as me and Okamoto got up fast and opened the door to check on everyone " Is everyone alright!?" I asked, worried," Yeah, we're fine," Yamazaki Muttered " What was that?!" Nakamura asked, " Only God knows what happened," I answered; Yamazaki was about to speak when suddenly the train shook, and a sound of an unknown force created an explosion from the train, " What could've caused that explosion?!" Matsui asked in pure shock," Only one way to find out," Yamazaki replied; we then got out of the station and started to climb up the train to see what was going on. As we all reached the roof of the train, we looked to the front of the train to see it was set on fire by that explosion! " Come on, let's hurry; there might be survivors!" Shimizu exclaimed; we then ended up running as fast as we could toward the front of the train. Still, as we made it halfway, I heard a shriek behind me and the others. I turned around to see Nakamura getting held as a hostage by a mysterious cloaked figure, holding her long orange hair tightly by the fist, "Just what in God's name do you think you're doing?" I turned my head to Yamazaki that spoke first, eyes burning with anger and a stare piercing cold; I truly believe our first enemy made a grave mistake.

(Akasu POV)

" Stand Back!" I yelled as I took out my sword, which is my weapon of choice from back at the school, " What a tough girl you are," the cloaked figure said while pushing Nakamura behind them as she landed on her hands and knees " But you don't scare me" the cloaked stranger said. It took out a sword for itself " Everybody leave right away. I'll take care of this coward," I told them. They followed orders to check for survivors; I then looked at Nakamura as she gave me a terrified look, " Go, run to the others while you can," I told her as she nodded her head and ran as fast as she could, "Yamazaki, please be careful!" Nakamura said as she kept on running to catch up with the others," I can do this; this is a new journey." I got into my fighting stance, ready to make the first attack; I charged at the figure, swinging my sword at his arm. Still, they blocked my attack with their sword, my nerve rose as I gritted my teeth together, finally snapping out of my daze as he swung at my neck as I jumped away from them, I then charged at the cloaked stranger, but I ended up getting pushed back, almost falling off the train, " You surely got skill, but I'm afraid your father won't be happy with your defeat, such a waste of a child" I widened my eyes as I reached for my sword only to see them pointing their sword at my face, " Such a shame, I hoped this fight would be interesting" I growled at the figure as I kicked their knee as they yelled in pain as I then tripped them, finally reaching to my sword as I took a few steps back away from them in a rage " You don't know anything about me! If you think you can get under my skin, then think again!" " Are you sure about that? It looked like it did work by the way you acted" The figure chuckled as they stood back up, "Akasu Yamazaki, yes I know you, a daughter of a self-centered man that loves to take men away from their families, a man that doesn't care about family and that his daughter, you, are exactly like him" I clenched my sword as I glared at the stranger, anger was controlling my heart as I activated my fire, it was circling me, my powers coursing through my veins, " The only thing that is angering me is your assumption, Yes my father is not a great man! But I will never be like him; I don't need him. I have all the skills I need!" I was ready, fire, my fire covered sword, " And that will be the only thing you will know about me" I then charged at them once more and slashed them across their chest as the fire went all over the cloaked figure, screaming in pain as they fell over and I stand victorious. "You hoped that the fight would be interesting? Then get stronger, what a waste of power."

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