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Finale: The End


"Rafael, Santiago! Time to go guys!" My boyfriend of 16 years yells up the stairs of our home to get our identical twin boys downstairs. I got pregnant with our kids after me and Michael made it official a year after he followed me to Dallas. There was no doubt about it, we were scared and not ready at all. It was just me and him, no one else. I had a job and everything, we were okay in the financial state. We both had enough and Michael was getting a job anyways but we were reckless. We were kids ourselves, how were we supposed to take care of another one of us?

Well, we decided we had nine months to prepare for a baby. Then, the doctor announced we were having two babies. We blew our shit when we got home that day. We both cried from happiness and fear, holding each and rocking back and forth with our kids in my small baby bump.

Later on, the day came and we were new parents. We were both off of work that day, just lounging around the apartment then I felt a wet substances between my legs and it was game time. I gave birth to two beautiful boys who grew perfectly fine. I was alright in the beginning but I got the hang of it. Michael did most of it at first because of the experience with Maryann and he has a younger sister when he had a full family. Before he met me.

My mother is no longer apart of my life, she never was but I did tell her about her grandchildren. She brushed it off and called me a whore before she hung up the phone. It wasn't hard to let her go but I felt a little empty, I'm not going to lie.

After being dissed by my mother, I focused on the love of my life and my boys. I think I was a pretty good mom, I didn't have much of a picture of a good mom to learn from. Then Rafael and Santiago started calling me mommy and my heart, mind and soul were healed. It was perfect and I was finally happy.

Me and Michael aren't married yet but the boys have his last name. I didn't wanna seal it mostly because I have a strong belief in never knowing what'll happen in the future but we lasted this long and I'm hoping we'll last a longer period of time.

Rafael is the first downstairs all suited up in his football gear to execute the Lions, it's their last playoff game and if they win, it's championships next, "Hey mom, can you tie my shoe? I can't really bend without stabbing my neck with my pads." Rafael laughs and I nod, smiling. I'm going to take this time to brag, they both look like me. Except the eyes, those are all Michael.

"Santiago!" Michael yells louder, "I'm not going!" Santiago shouts back and we all look up the stairs. I finish tying my sons shoe before running up, "Hey baby, what's wrong?" I walk into Santiago's room to see him laying on his bed with his jersey on but no padding. He sighs and shrugs, looking up at the ceiling.

"Something has to be wrong. You never miss practice, much less a game. What is it?" I pat his leg and he scoots away, "Nothing mom. I just don't wanna go." He replies just as Michael and Raf walk in, "You have to let her go, man." His brother sighs and my brows furrow. Let her go? Oh hell no. Santiago has a girlfriend named Jessica, never really liked her but my baby did so I had to suck it up. Otherwise, she wouldn't have stepped a foot in this house.

"Did something happen between you and Jessica?" I sit down next to my son and cross one leg over the other, "She che-" Rafael starts but his older brother, by a few minutes, cuts him off, "Shut the fuck up." He warns.

"Watch it." Michael scowls, "I'm sorry but was Rafael gonna say that she cheated on you?" I scoff, "Yeah, she cheated on me with the Lions quarterback. Happy?" Santiago sarcastically smiles. "That she's gone? Hell yeah. That you're upset? No." I cross my arms.

"What happened? How did you find out?" Michael speaks up, "He rubbed it in. I had a feeling something was going on though. She became distant." Santiago sits up, "Here's what you're going to do, you're going to go that game and you're going to show that motherfucker what you've got. Then, I'm gonna call a friend of mine, a model, and tell her to come out. When you make a touchdown, you're going to run to her and hug her like you mean it to show that whore she was nothing. Come on." I grab his padding and cleats.

"What the hell?" Rafael laughs as I run out of the room. I throw everything in the truck and hop in, pulling out my phone. I send a quick text to Marley, explaining everything, as the guys get in and Michael starts the truck. "If you're texting who I think you're texting, it's going to be one hell of a night." My boyfriend chuckles.

"Shush, young one." I smirk and look back at Santiago, "You okay baby?" I ask and he nods, with a small smile on his face, "Thank you Momma. I love you tons." He leans forward and kisses my cheek. Michael clears his throat as he stops at red light and looks back at our boy, "Oh love you too pops." He kisses his cheek also and sits back. I smile and get a reply from Marley, a smirk spreading across my face.

She became a model for a biker agency and does professional magazines now. I've kept in touch and I've been so proud of her. She came from a abusive home when I met her and we did a shitload of illegal things together. It was always a great time with her. She was my first real best friend, we've gone through it all.

After a thirty minute drive, we get the football fields and get out. Santiago had geared up in the car and was ready to go. They do a little pre-game practice with the team, go over their plays and throw some footballs before the other shows up. I glance at my kids before looking towards the gates and seeing Marley running up to Santiago and Rafael.

I smirk and rub my hands together, "Oh shit. Babe, don't tell me you did something." Mikey sighs, "Just a little tweak." I look at the love of my life and quickly peck his lips, "I love you Kristen." He smiles, "I love you Michael." I smile back before leaning into his side and watching my best friend talk to my boys. This is gonna be a good game.

We're now in the second quarter, the score is 20 to 12. Santiago hasn't made a touchdown yet but I can feel that he will in this play, "Let's go Knights!" I shout from the bleachers, where I was desperately trying to keep warm. Mikey had his arm around but he was cold also so it was a struggle. Marley had a huge jacket on while she was standing on the sidelines, waiting for her cue.

The boys get into positions, Rafael on defense while his brother was running back. The whistle blows and the ball is hiked. I spot Santiago running towards the end zone, no one on him, waiting for the ball, "He's open!" Mikey stands and shouts to the field.

Turner, the quarterback, sees Santiago and quickly throws the ball before being tackled to the ground, "Looks like Fusco, number 24, is trying to make the catch and... He's got it!" Kennie Long says over the intercom and we all cheer as Santiago makes it into the end zone.

I see Jessica, just a few rows down from us, cheering and roll my eyes but quickly recover when I remember what was gonna happen. I watch carefully as Santiago hugs Marley and spins her around. Jessica also watches and slumps her shoulders, checkmate bitch.

"You little shit." Michael whispers in my ear as I smirk in victory. The referees call halftime and Michael grabs my hand, "We'd like everyone to quiet down for a moment as our sophomores bring out a very special note." Kennie announces and the boys, along with Marley, begin to make their way up to us.

It's Your Love by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill begins to play and I turn to Mikey, "Our song." I smile and he chuckles. I look to the field just as the high school kids begin to unroll the huge sign and our family gets to us. After it's all rolled out, it reads: Will You Marry Me?

I smile, "Loo-" I turn to Mikey and tears immediately fill my eyes. There he was, on one knee with a black box in his hand and a ring right in the center, "You make me the happiest man alive, Kristen. It'd be an honor to call you my wife. So," He glances to the sign and I turn that way.

"You idiot." I laugh, "Of course, yes!" I nod and he smiles, grabbing my left hand and slipping the ring on. We both stand and share a kiss as the boys, Marley and everyone else in the stadium claps. Tears fall freely from my eyes and I laugh against my boyfr- fiancé's mouth. A dream come true. I never thought I would say yes but with this man, it'd probably be a hell yes.


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