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I woke up to an empty room. It was so weird everyone was gone, I jumped up, Jack was next to me putting his stuff in his bookbag.

"where is everyone"

"the bell rang" he said not looking up from what he was doing

"I noticed" I said rolling my eyes at the obvious question

I watched Jack put his backpack on and walk out of the room. I followed behind him sliding his sunglasses to the top of my head pushing my hair back.

I went to second and third period, it went by pretty slow. My stomach was still hurting but not as bad. When I walked to lunch I saw that Caroline and Emily were at the table.

"You feeling better" Caroline asked me


"I'm going to get water, I'll be right back" I say getting up walking towards the lunch line.

I felt really sleepy that I could just fall on the floor and sleep forever. I closed my eyes for two seconds.

When I opened them, I grabbed a water. I put my lunch number in.

"Sorry Miss.Iris, you don't have money in your account" the lunch lady said

"are you serious" I said closing my eyes because I had a headache and wanted a water

"sorry" she said telling me to go

I felt someone grab something from the top of my head. I turned around to see who it was. It was Gilinsky.

"Sorry" I said handing the sunglasses to him

"It cool" he said

"Your eyes are a little red" he said stating the obvious

"hangover" I said trying to ignore him

"I know" he said

I turned around to look at him and walked out. I went to go sit back down at my table.

"Where's your water?" Emily asked me

"I don't have money" I said rolling my eyes at the lunch lady words

"I would pay but I don't have money either" Caroline said

"Don't worry, water at this crappy school is expensive anyways" I said lightening the mood

We started talking and I put my head down. I closed my eye for a second.

I heard a loud bang on the lunch table making me open my eyes, it was a water bottle in front of me. I looked up to see who gave it to me. It was Jack.

"Thanks" I said sounding more like a question.

I grabbed the water bottle and opened it. He also handed me an Advil.

"It's for your headaches" he said

"Are you sure it's not drugs" I rolled my eyes

"I'm positive" he said

"awe! I ship you two!" Caroline says making me blush a little but making Jack cringe

Jack begins to walk away.

"Why'd you say" that I basically yelled reaching over Emily to grab one French Fry and throwing it at Caroline.


Caroline and I both laughed

"You so like him" Caroline said smirking at me

"Do not" I said in a teasing voice

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