T w e n t y - n i n e

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Still G POV

Surprisingly I woke up in my bed, fully clothed and no girl was next to me.

I got up and looked around, Johnson was sleeping on the floor and Cameron was in the bathtub, Nash, Matt and Shawn were all sleeping on the floor too all spread out.

"Guys!!" I said loudly which they all woke up

"We have to be at the venue in like an hour" I said as everyone got up quickly

A lot of groans came from them but they manage to get up.

"What happened last night" I whispered to Cameron

"You got danced on and I got a head and.. Um I think Johnson made out with someone" he said scratching his temple

"Did I-" I cleared my throat before beginning again "did anyone of us get--" I blinked a couple of times to signal the rest

"Oh, ha no" he said as he walked away

A relief struck me. Not only because I was so intoxicated but because I was with Iris.

As we all got ready and finished we made our way to the event.


"These incredible boys have worked very hard to get where they are today!!! I'd like to meet our very own... MAGCON BOYS!" Bert shouted into the microphone as the crowd started cheering

Each boy had their own individual come out. It seemed like Nash and Cameron's had the loudest screams.

Johnson and I made our way to the stage and I felt my heart racing. I've never been up on stage in front of what looks like a hundred people.

"Hey guys" my shaking rapid voice said into the microphone

"Whose ready to have some fun" I heard Johnson voice say into the microphone, he sounded a bit nervous too

The crowd began to cheer loudly. A big smile appeared on my face.

We all played games and I was a bit quite at the show, I didn't want to dance or call some girls up on stage. I didn't want to take selfies with the girls that would pull their phones out.

I felt really bad. But I keep checking my phone to see if anyone needed me.

I had a couple text from Iris which I would reply occasionally

We started the Q&A session and I was glad because these should be questions I know.

"This is for Jack Gilinsky" a girl in the audience said

I closed my eyes than turned around to face the audience as a microphone was handed from me

"Yes" I said as many girls screamed at the sound of my voice

"How's Iris" she asked

At the sound of Iris I smiled hugely

"She's great" I said nicely as I looked around to see everyone's phone pointing at me

Many questions were asked towards me and some towards the other boys

Once Meet and Greet began all the boys went to their station. Thank god Johnson was next to me. I felt so awkward around these fans. They loved everything I did

Girls came up and took pictures a lot of them were super quite and some cried.

It was super awkward I didn't talk much either.

One came up and was very chatty

"Hey Jack!" She said

"Hi" I said and smiled for the picture

"Can I ask you something" she asked

"Sure what is it" I responded

"I watched you on vine, well Johnson before you. I followed you way back, you were so young and you're still so young and I just think your life is going to get great once you let go on what's holding you back so much" she said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You seem to uncomfortable on stage and like your scared, all I'm saying is loosen up, you'll have way more fun" she said

"I should" I smiled back

"I love you Jack" she said

I turned away acting like I didn't hear what she said. I know that sounds pretty stupid but I didn't know what to say. I love you is a strong word to just throw out to people I don't even know.

As I saw no one else was in my line I walked over to Johnson's station

"Bro" I said while a fan was taking pictures of him

"Yeah" he said after saying bye to a fan

"Some girl just said I love you" I said awkwardly

"Yeah I know they do that Gilinsky" he said laughing

"What?" I said like a questioned

"Watch" he said before turning to a fan

"I love you Logan" He said to a fan he already met

I watched as her eyes began to water

"I love you so much Jack" she said

"I love you too baby girl" he said back smiling

It looked like a waterfall came down her eyes because she seemed to enjoy the words coming out of his mouth

"It's easy for you because you're not dating anyone" I said

"Their your fans Jack, Iris is your girlfriend, I love you has two different meanings, one can mean I love you, like you wanna smash and love each other and love you for the fans can mean, you mean the world to me" he said as I began to burst out laughing

"Iris and I don't smash" I said lying

"Shut the fuck" he said knowing I was lying


We got back to the hotel as Cameron and Nash were super hyped

I was just tired. I was sure the next greet I would be better, I don't know. It just it was my first time going to something where I was the main topic beside birthdays

"G you need to start being more fun!! I swear it's amazing how much these fans open up to you" Cameron said

"I gotta get warmed up man" I said

I fee like I hated Cameron when I first came here but now I'm just adjusting to him. But if we weren't on this trip I would still bust him In the face. But I guess we're cool.

When we arrived back at the hotel I facetimed Iris and I started packing because we were leaving for Chicago tonight, I also told Iris everything about today. And I didn't forget to leave out the I love you part.

After I was done Facetiming I put my stuff in the car and we drove to the airport with all the guys. I fell asleep very fast knowing that when I woke up I'll be in Chicago.

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