S i x t e e n

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I woke up to being wrapped up into arms. And my alarm clock ringing. I was laying in my bed and I felt comfortable. I don't know how I ended up in my bed but I was glad I was here. I felt so close to his bare chest that I could hear his heart beating.

I stared at him for a couple seconds before he spoke.

"Stop staring at me" he said with his eyes continue to be closed

"I'm not starring, just admiring" I said pressing my lips to his, making him open his eyes as I disconnect

"I could get use to seeing your beautiful face when I wake up" he said in a rapid scratchy voice

He was sleepy. You could tell. His hair was messed up and his rapid voice plus the pouty lips let me just say, God bless these boys in there tired state.

"How did I get here" I said laying back into his arms

"Your mom told me I could stay the night" he said closing his eyes again

"And I carried you here" he added

"Hm. Okay" I said

I grabbed my phone to check the time, it was already 5:54am.

"Get up" I said grabbing a pillow and smacking him with it.

"mm" he mumbled making my body tingle

"Jack seriously" I said getting annoyed

He didn't get up so I got up to go brush my teeth and wash my face. As soon as I got up I felt a pull on my arm. I was turned around to feel lips on mine.

I disconnected as a loud disconnect from a kiss sound happened. I smiled and walked into the bathroom.

I washed my face to see my acne show. I hated it but I mean Jacks seen me without make-up a couple of times.

I played music on my phone while I put make-up on. I felt strong arms wrap around my stomach.

"You're beautiful" he said while recording me

"Jack stop" I said laughing trying to grab the phone

Of course he was on snapchat, I watched as he posted it. Jack is always on his damn phone. I don't mind it because I am too. I jump up on the garnet counter top scrolling through Twitter and favoriting fan tweets, not my fans obvious, they were Jacks.

Jack came closer to me, where I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Fuck you're so hot" he said making me kiss his jawline

He wrapped his arm around my waist moving it around. It could turn you on in a instant. I looked up as he placed his mouth on my neck. A smirk was placed on my face. As he was kissing my neck I felt his tongue slither from his mouth touching my skin. That sounds gross but it felt so good.

I pulled my phone out and thought this was payback time. I snap-chatted Jack as he was kissing my neck. I posted it onto my story and turned my phone off. I pushed Jack back from my neck and placed my mouth on his.


"Dude, you're trending on Twitter" Sammy said to me as I put my books in my locker

I laughed.. "how so" I said

"I don't know but it said you were number eight when I was on Twitter this morning" he said laughing

I walked into first period to see Jack. I ran to my seat and started instantly talking to him.

"So apparently I'm trending on Twitter" I said laughing

"Really?" he said pulling his phone out as I did the same

My phone was apparently blown up with text messages and Twitter notifications.

"You're still number eight in trending" he said to me giving me a cute smile.

"Why" I asked

"You posted that?" his voice gave me chills by the tone

"yeah" I bite nervously on the tip of my pencil

"Why?" he asked

"I don't know" I said trying to find a reason why I did post it, I knew it was because he was posting pictures of me, but I thought he would think I was a lunatic

"Peop- people will think we're together" he said stuttering

"I mean it's not like we're together officially right?" he asked trying to fix what he said

I glanced up at him. I didn't disconnect our eyes. Apart of me filled with sadness and some anger.

"Yeah, it's not like we're officially together" I said pulling out my binder as my blood from my vein started racing up to my face making it turn bright red with anger.

I honestly wanted to start crying, my eyes stinging. I wanted to go to my next period already. He told me he loved me? Was that a joke.

I felt honestly embarrass. I didn't say anything to make it look like I didn't care. Finally second period came around. I felt like throwing up for some reason. The way Jack said that made my stomach twist so much. I didn't want to see him later on, so I just texted my mom telling her I felt sick and went home.


I walked inside my house shutting my door. As soon as the door shut tears came straight down my face.

why am I even crying, I sound pathetic, crying over a guy. I hate Jack. I hate gin for making me cry over him more than once. I hate that everytime I say "I hate him" I rethink about it. I hate him for giving me these feelings.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I washed my school make up after. I walked into my room to change into pj bottoms and a sport bra.

I got under my comforters I closed my eyes for a second, soon I started to fall deeper asleep.

Hate me/ j.gWhere stories live. Discover now