Chapter 4

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(The rest of this story will be fiction...... ENJOY)



I was sitting in my room texting away to my little sister Michelle when my skype started ringing on my computer. I went over and saw that the name said Luke_the_penguin_ me being me decided to why not answer it because they might know who I am. I clicked the answer button and let it connect before 2 faces appeared on screen. The faces that happened to belong to one of my all time favorite band members Luke Robert Hemmings and Ashton Fletcher Irwin. I looked at them in complete shock before hanging up. I should've said what room I was in..... I'm in my hospital room. I got admitted again for a migraine. The only ones in my room right now are Minnie (Genniefer) and Hannah. They kept on asking what was wrong when they noticed my shocked face. Then, my laptop started going off again saying I was getting a incoming call from Luke_the_penguin_. I looked at Minnie and Hannah and told then to get on the bed and to not get in the camera screen and to not make a single sound. They nodded and climbed onto my bed and watched as I answered Luke's call.

(A=Ash, L=Luke, S=Sarah, H=Hannah, M=Minnie)

S~ Hello?

A~ Hi Sarah!

S~ Umm.... not that I don't love you guys but, how did you guys get my skype account???

L~ Oh... About that Sarah.... We skyped to tell you that you won the skype contest!!!!!!!!

A~ WAIT! Why the hell are you in a hospital robe and why are you in the hospital??

S~ Oh umm.......

H~ Just tell them Sarah. They won't judge you.

L~ Who is that?

S~ I just have a few friends in the room at the time.

I backed up my laptop to show Hannah on my left and Minnie on my right.

A~ Hi girls. And Sarah you know that you don't have to tell us but what hospital are you in babes?

M~ She is at (enter random hospital) floor 3, room 354.

L~ We are actually right across the street at the hotel from there. Can we come visit???

A~ PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

S~Sure.... See you guys in a minute.

After we said bye I hung up and covered my face with my stitch blanket. And ended up quickly falling asleep somehow.

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