Chapter 36

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I saw Louis' comment and I was to say the least furious. Louis is not Sarah's brother I am.

Louis: Who the hell is that cuddling with baby Payne?
Liam: That is her best friend Louis. They are allowed I am her brother and you need to stop. They both have my full trust and you need to get to know Aaron before you go after him like that. He is a sweet guy all of us like him and get along with him.
Louis: What happened with her and Luke though?
Liam: Long story short Luke cheated the whole time and Sarah needed her best friend. Aaron is staying the rest of tour to keep an eye on her. And I already kicked his ass for cheating on my sister and he feels bad so don't do anything okay.
Louis: Okay.. And I will get to know Aaron promise. And sorry I'm just protective of Sarah she's like a sister to me.
Liam: I know. When are you guys going to be here.
Louis: No idea but I got to go Harry just challenged me to a game of FIFA.

I didn't even respond. They won't be here for a couple of hours now. I looked up to feel someone sitting down on my lap. It was my baby sister.

Liam: Hey hunny. How was your nap?
Sarah: Good until some lame asses woke me up by blowing up my phone. Oh and Hannah thanks for the picture it's really cute.
Liam: Really I'm not a lame ass I'm a cool ass.
Sarah: I know. I love you LiLi.
Liam: I love you too Sarah Bear.

Sarah got up off my lap and walked over and sat next to Aaron leaning into him. He lifted up his arm and wrapped it around her. He is so good for her. I trust Aaron with her. He can't even kill a fly.

I looked down to see Sarah was starting to fall asleep again so I picked her up by the waist and sat her in my lap. She turned sideways and buried her face in my neck blocking out the sunlight. I leaned my head over on hers and felt a light peck on my neck. She always seems to do that it's like a habit of hers. That and licking my face shes strange. I moved my head and kissed her on the forehead.

Aaron: You sure you want to stay down here princess?
Sarah: Yes, we have upstairs all day and the 1D boys are coming over later.
Aaron: Sarah, Liam knows you are tired from yesterday he doesn't care if we go upstairs.
Sarah: I know but I will feel bad Aaron. Let's just spend some time down here with everyone for awhile.
Aaron: Okay princess.

Sarah was just going to keep fighting me about going upstairs so we could lay down. Honestly all i wanted to do was cuddle. So now I have to go to plan b. Sarah now has her head resting on my chest and sitting sideways on my lap so I wrapped my arms around her waist and tested my head on hers. Hannah and Minnie looked at me and awed. I just smiled back. All the other guys were playing FIFA.

After about 2 hours of the guys playing FIFA the one direction boys showed up. Harry was nice and so was Niall but Lou intimidated me... It's like he doesn't like me.... Sarah was still sleeping on my lap so I told Liam I was just going to take her upstairs to bed for the night. As I was walking up the steps I heard Lou say I was nice and that he excepted me and approved of me for Sarah and that just made a hug ass grin appear on my face.

I got up to Sarah's room and laid her on my side of the bed so I could pull her sheets out. I picked her back up and laid her back on her side and tucked her on her side of the bed. I was about to go into the bathroom and put on sweats when Sarah said my name

Aaron: Yes princess?
Sarah: Stay please? I don't want to be alone.
Aaron: of course princess let me just go change real quick okay.

She nodded her head so I walked into the bathroom and stripped changing into my sweats. I walked back into Sarah's room to see her sitting at he edge of her bed.

Aaron: Why aren't you lying down princess?
Sarah: Help me change please? I'm to tired.

We have been best friends for 3 years and last year was the first time she asked me that. Since then she has multiple times. I went over to dresser and grabbed a sports bra, and spandex out. I went back over to Sarah and grabbed the rim of my sweatshirt and started pulling it off. I grabbed the sports bra off her bed and put it on over her head and through her arms. When I had it on right I unclipped her regular bra and slipped it off. I then unclipped her white high waisted shirts and slipped them off and slipping on her black spandex. I asked her if she wanted a sweatshirt and she just shook her head no. I wouldn't blame her it's hot in here. I picked Sarah back up and laid her back down. I crawled over her to lazy to walk around the bed. Once I got comfy next to her I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. She instantly lied her head on my chest. After her breathes evened out signaling she was asleep I kissed her forehead and let my eyes fall shut.

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