Chapter 46

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I have no idea what happened in Louisiana with Sarah and Aaron they would tell me or anybody anything. I even asked Hannah and Minnie and there have no idea. I swear if he hurt my little sister I'm killing him. They did have their 1 year and Aaron's post was must I say it so fucking adorable. We all decided that tonight we were going out to dinner to celebrate the up coming 5sause tour that's coming up. Right now we are all just sitting around watching or playing FIFA. Right now Lou, Luke, Mickey, and Minnie were playing. Minnie and Mickey were ass stomping Lou and Luke. Louis is pissed because Michael put his controller down about 15 minutes ago and they still scored 3 points. The game ended and Minnie jumped up and everyone looked at her.

Minnie: What?
Sarah: Minnie, Michael put his controller down 15-20 minutes ago. And you still scored, kept Lou and Luke from scoring and won the game. You beat the 2 best players in the house by yourself. I would be pissed if I was them too.

Minnie just had this shocked impression on her face. Louis and Luke looked at each other and got down on their knees in front of Minnie and bowed down to her. Damn I never thought I would see them do this.

I looked up when I saw the door open and saw Aaron walk in. The guys all saw it was Aaron and ran and attacked him in a hug. Literally he was gone to see Dustyn and his mom for a week. What losers. At least they love him. He came over to me after they all let go of him and sat next to me wrapping his arms gently around my waist and kissing me.

Aaron: Hi princess. How were you?
Sarah: Good. Eating a lot better.
Aaron: Good you need to be.

I hit him and told him to be quiet. Me and Aaron both talked about it and decided we were going to tell the boys tonight at the celebration dinner since we will all be together. I smiled looking at all the idiots in front of me hoping they will love this news.

----- Later that night------
We were all at dinner and the guys just wanted pizza as a celebration dinner. We were all sitting in a circle table enjoying each other's company. The guys from 5sos were going on and on about how they can't wait to go around the world and see new places, meet their fans, and preform for everyone. I just sat there smiling knowing I was about to make or break all their nights. I was like all their little sister and this will maybe make them hate or love me..... I'm hoping they won't hate me. I looked and saw the whole pizza was gone and looked around to see everyone smiling and having a good time. I looked over at Aaron nodding my head knowing that it was time to tell them the news....

Sarah: You guys...
Liam: Yes baby girl?
Sarah: Aaron and I have news we need to tell you all.... You might hate me for this but please dont!
Lou: Sarah we won't hate you. Why would we? Just tell us your news.

I took a deep breath in before saying..............

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