Chapter 17

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We have been on tour for a couple months now and Calum still hasn't grown any balls. We are playing at the Wembley stadium tonight and I finally got him to sing and dedicate the song he wrote to her. I honestly think they will make an adorable couple but, he is scared of rejection.  If she rejects Calum I will honestly be surprised because she has been talking to me for months about how much she likes Cal. They are both blind of each other. 

---At The Concert---


Okay everyone I have something to say!


What really???? I didn't know that I thought you were just talking to talk.......


Shut up Michael! Anyway, this is going to be the first time performing this song on stage. Also, I would like to dedicate it to someone special. I have actually known her for a couple months now. I met her because her best friend won the skype call contest and she was in the hospital right across the street from us. So, us boys went over to cheer the three of them up and just hang out because we were bored as hell. She is so short it's adorable, she has blonde hair, and these amazing brown orbs. Anyway, this song is for you Hannah and I hope you love it. Everyone this is UNPREDICTABLE!!!!!!!! 

~After Concert~


We were back in our hang out room type thing after the concert and I was hoping up and down full of adrenaline still. We performed all of our songs perfectly and unpredictable went amazing. Everyone was so hype and the vibe from the audience was amazing. I felt someone crash into me from behind and I jumped. I heard the person giggle and I immediately knew it was Hannah. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist bringing her into a tight hug. 

(H=Hannah, C=Calum)

H: Hey

C: Hey. What did you think of the set?

H: It was amazing Calum. 

C: And unpredictable??


¨And unpredictable?¨ Calum asked. I knew what I was going to do and so did the girls because they kinda pressed me into me it. I got up on my tiptoes wrapped my arms around his neck. His were still around my waist from the hug. And I pressed my lips to his. He was in shock until he picked me up off the ground still kissing me but, our lips moving in snic. After about a minute he sat me down and we just stared into each others brown eyes. 


¨Yes Calum?¨

¨Will you go out with me?¨


So, Hannah has been pressing me all week to give her a chapter so...... I decided to do this...... There you go Hannah........ Hope you guys love it.

I LOVE YOU MY KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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