Chapter 33

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Dedicated to HannahStrunk because she got Ashton to go away and because she is an amazing friend helps me whenever I can't think of an idea. If you haven't already go over to her account and follow her and read her book "growing up on the cloud"

He's been flipping out for 15 minutes... And to think I thought Aaron would be the one to flip out over Ashton. Let me just sum up what has happened. Ashton came downstairs after Luke and Arzaylea left. He saw me with arms wrapped around my shoulders, was about to go off on him. Then, he noticed it was his favorite youtuber Aaron Carpenter... And ever since he hasn't shut up.... So I decided to text Hannah.

(S=Sarah H=Hannah)
S: Come get your brother......
H: What is he doing now?
S: You know how Aaron is his favorite YouTuber?
H: Yeah?
S: Aaron is here for the rest of tour and Ashton hasn't shut up for the last 20 minutes now....
H: Dammit I'm coming.

A few minutes later Hannah came walking down the steps and went toward Ashton. She went up and hit him in the back of the head.

Ashton: What the fuck was that for?
Hannah: Stop obsessing over Aaron and let the poor boy breathe. He's here for Sarah and you will get to know him throughout the tour. Now leave or I'm dragging you upstairs by your ear.

Ashton quickly ran upstairs holding his ears. I mouthed a quick thank you before she left to go back upstairs. I looked up at Aaron and started talking.

S: Okay, now that Ashton is gone. Wanna go upstairs get settled in my room then watch a movie?
A: I would love that to end the night.

I smiled up at Aaron and told him to grab his stuff so we could go upstairs. He shut the door after we got in my room. All he did was sit his stuff in the corner of the room he didn't even unpack his shit. He turned around as soon as he sat his stuff down and smirked.

S: Aaron. Don't.

He just pouted and walked over and laid next to me. He rolled over on his side so he was facing away from me. I quickly got an idea and did it. I know he sometimes likes to be the little spoon because he loves to cuddle but because he's so tall the only person that will really hold him is Cam. I wrapped my arm around his waist and cuddled into his back. I could instantly feel him smile and he hooked his arm up and over mine. After about 20 minutes of lying like that in complete comfortable silence Aaron turned around to face me. My arm moved around with him when he turned around so now it's on his chest in front of me. He took his arm and wrapped it around my waist this time and let it rest on the bottom of my back right above my ass. And like every time we lay like this he starts running is thumb along my back without moving his hand. For some reason this gesture really calms me and only Aaron knows about it. I looked over at the clock to see it was 9 already.

S: Do you want to pick a movie to watch?
A: Sure.

Aaron got up and walked over to my bookshelf of movies and picked one out without me seeing it. While the previews were running he grabbed a pair of sweats out of his bag and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later he came out in sweats and shirtless. Yes I have seen Aaron like this plenty of times but every time it's just better and better. I got up and went over to his suitcase and grabbed out his Cameron Dallas sweatshirt, then went over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of black spandex. I walked into the bathroom and started getting ready for bed. I took a makeup remover wipe to my face, then I took out an elastic band from my sink cabinet and put my hair in a ponytail. I then took off my black high waisted shorts, Liam's red flannel, and my 5sos white tank top. I quickly slipped on my black spandex, my black sports bra and Aaron's Cameron Dallas sweatshirt that went to mid thigh. I threw my dirty clothes in my hamper then walked out of the bathroom. I walked over and got on my bed lying down right next to Aaron again. I looked at the TV screen and smiled Aaron picked out my favorite Disney movie. Lilo and stitch. He pushed play and wrapped his arm back around me. Not even 15 minutes into the movie I was dozing off and finally I just let my eyes shut taking me away to my dream world.

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