Chapter 6

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"Damn, Jason. That hurt!" I yelled, gripping my side. Jason knelt before the edge of the bed, his fingers loosely applying the bandage on my bloody side. I had to take off my shirt leaving me in my bra. But i didn't mind since my fucking side hurt like hell after the attack the governor did on the prison. I was crying silently on the tower by myself since Daryl was gone, when out of the blue. Gunshots and sounds of screams pierce the air. The governor and his men charged the gates, bringing walkers in. Somewhere along the battle, my side was slashed because i fell to the ground with one of my Katana's out, halfway. So i was, groaning and screaming in pain. 

"You're going to need to stay in for a couple days, the cut' s deep." Jason, stated. His brown eyes found mine. "Thank you Jason." I sighed, brushing my fingertips across my side. "Did anyone die?" I asked, staring at the window. Jason had carried me in after my side was slashed so i didn't know whether anyone was hurt or dead. "Axel. One casualty." Jason shook his head, as if trying to rid of the image of Axel's death.

"Good, God..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "Yeah... I know." Jason look away, his eyes losing mine. I lean on my cell wall, my back straight on it. "Where are the rest of our group?" I asked. "Rick is calling a group meeting, he wants everybody's opinion." Jason stood up, his frame towering over mine. 

"Let's go, then." I said, holding onto the frame of my bed and shakily stood up. "Easy..." He held my wrist. "I'm fine." I snapped, holding my side, and slowly stood up, using my cell bed frame as a leverage. "No your not. Your side is bleeding and your hands are trembling." Jason forced me down. 

With an angry sigh, i lean my head back on the wall. Silent tears fell down my cheek. I was angry. Angry because Daryl isn't here. Angry because the Governor tear down our walls, and there was nothing i could do about it. 

Sobs built in my chest making it harder to breathe. How was i ever going to do it without Daryl. He left me for a brother who never cared for him. Left me because his brother was not welcome here. 

Jason, lean forward, and wrap his hands around me. I let him do it as tears cascade down my face. "Valerie, it's alright." Jason, soothed me. "It's not! He's gone! Gone! He left me for his brother! The brother that never cared for him! But i did! I still do!" I cried, wiping away my tears. 

"If you really care for him, you'll let him go." Jason sighed, letting me lean my head against his chest. It felt wrong. Me leaning my head against Jason's. It should've been Daryl. "I can't don't you see? I can't." I wiped my remaining tears and stood up taller. "He's gone, and i just-"

"Enough. You don't need to say anything anymore." Jason held me tighter. "You're right. I don't. Daryl was not worth it. Emotions are distractions. I only need sentiments." My eyes held a stony glaze in them. "Valerie, that's not want i meant and you know it." Jason, let me go and leaned back. "Yeah? What exactly did you mean?!" I yelled, taking my anger at him.

"Emotions are what makes us human. They make us who we are. If you let go of him. Break up with Daryl. You'll not regret it now, but will regret it later." He looked at me. "Yeah? He's not worth it! If it's anything, i should be with you!" I yelled.

Jason looks at me with, bewildered. And then, he flushes red. "I-I'm sorry. That was a mistake. I shouldn't-" I stutter, shocked at what I've done. "It's fine. You're just stress." Jason, squeezed his eyes shut. "No, It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that." I sighed. "It's alright."

"No, it's not. Jason, i shouldn't do that to you. After all you're gay. And i-"

"Valerie, Jason?" Carol, knocked on my cell door. I jumped slightly and looked at her. "Yeah?" I swallowed. "Meeting, courtyard?" Carol narrowed her eyes at me and Jason. "It's not what you think. I hurt my side when the Governor came in, Jason helped me in." I defended, turning around so Carol could see my bandaged side. "Oh." Carol's face held surprisement. "Well, you don't need to come then."

Don't Let Go (Sequel to Gone) (A Daryl Dixon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now