Chapter 9

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"Have you ever wondered what time is it? Or what date?" I asked, looking at Carol and Tyrese who were each carrying a bucket of water, just like me. "Yeah. I did. But never really thought of it." Tyrese smiles, a bit of the bucket of water spills as we begin walking back.

"Well, from what i remembered. It has been two winters since we survive this apocalypse. I'll say around, April?" Carol frown for a moment. "Hm," I mumbled, thinking at the date. "Carol, when is your birthday?" I ask.

Carol glance at me before shrugging. "10th, October."

"Well, if its April. You still have a long way to go for your birthday." I laughed, my black hair, falling over my shoulder. "Tyrese? How about you?"

"24th of july." Tyrese replied.

"Mine's on June 20th." I said, tipping my head and looking at the steadily setting sun. "That's next month." Tyrese frown. "Indeed. But we don't even know the actual date." I smiled a weak smile. "Yeah..." Tyrese, responded weakly. It's sad that we can no longer enjoy the littlest things.

It was silent for a while. The three of us thinking of what our lives were before the apocalypse. And that was when Carol started giggling. "What?" I asked, smiling at her behavior. "No, i was just thinking about that stupid time during my birthday." Carol said.

"What about it?" Tyrese leans in closer. "Okay, I'm going to say it but the two of you will probably think its stupid." Carol warned, a smile still on her face. "Go on," Tyrese urged. "Okay, It was the time before i even met Ed." She began and i knew 'Ed' was the piece of shit that beat her during the apocalypse. Daryl told me.

Nether less, i decided to let her continue. "I had this big birthday bash together with my friends and we decided to go to a pub. So, i have this friend. Her name was Lindsey, and she was drinking non stop. Like every minute she was drinking."

"Sounds like she had a huge a hangover the next day." I cringe slightly. "You bet it, she did. But that's not the worst part. Everybody was drinking. Including me."

"Carol!" I faked a shock. "I didn't take you for a drinker!"

"Neither did I!" Tyrese laughed smiling at Carol. "So soon everybody was drunk and not thinking straight. Each of us just did so much crazy stuff, its a wonder we didn't get kicked out. That's when I started slurring at Lindsey at how hot that guy by the bar was." Carol smiled.

"Go on." I said, eagerly. "Lindsey being the brat she is, drag me over there and force me to talk to him. All the while she was intoxicated. The guy was surprise but greeted us anyway. By the second sentence i noticed Lindsey was swaying around. Before i could react. She threw up on the guy."

Me and Tyrese burst out laughing. "That poor guy," I laughed. "He was so horrified at what Lindsey had done that he practically ran out the pub." Carol laughed. "Oh man. That must have been very embarrassing." Tyrese chuckled, the house coming into view.

"It was. I couldn't even show my face at collage the next day since news had spread around." Carol shook her head at the memory. "Hah, but i bet Lindsey dealt with more laughs then you." I pointed at her playfully.

"Yeah, she did. In fact she was so embarrassed-"

"Lizzie!" *Bang*

The three of us dropped the buckets and ran towards the screaming girls. Fire from a mile away could be spotted, black smoke shooting at the sky. "Lizzie! Mika!" Carol yelled as we rounded the corner to see multiple charred walkers coming towards Lizzie and Mika. Mika was on the ground, her leg stuck on the barbed fence.

"Go! Tyrese!" I yelled, taking out my Katana and swinging it at the charred walker that had fallen over. "Mika, get up!" Carol yelled, pulling her up as Tyrese shot another Walker. "Lizzie, take out your gun!" I ordered, swinging at another walker. Once Mika was up, all of us backed up and begin shooting, me swinging at the closer walkers.

Shots rang around the area as each and every walker fell to the ground. Not moving. I looked at the two girls and saw them shooting at the Walkers, not afraid. They have a chance.

They have a chance in surviving this world.

The last of the shot rang out, and we were once greeted by silence. All of us look at each other, fear and panic slowly dissolving. We did it.

We protected our own.


"Lizzie, people change. That's not wrong." Carol and the girls were on the table, crushing Acorns. Lizzie had a haunted look on her face. "I know. I know what to do now." Lizzie responded a small smile at her face. I grabbed another acorn and crushed it. Carol smiled at the girls, happy that they had a chance to survive in this world.

"Good, cause we are going to need it." I joked, as the girls laugh at my response.

Even though we were slightly happy. I couldn't help the nagging feeling i pushed at the back of my head. It was demanding me to get up and find the rest of the group. It was demanding me to find Daryl.

Staring at our little group, a ghost of a smile flickered on my face.

I'll enjoy this. For now. Because things can change. In just a snap.

We could lose everything tomorrow, or tonight.

I miss the group at the prison. The ones we lost.

I miss Rick,





I miss my redneck,

Daryl Dixon.

Don't Let Go (Sequel to Gone) (A Daryl Dixon Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now