Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

I was sitting on the couch having a movie night with my amazing girlfriend Elena and the rest of the boys are pulling immature jokes at us whenever we make any sort of physical contact. They're the most immature people ever but they're my brothers, after my parents passed that's when we really became family and they've always been there for me, and I make sure I'm there for them too.

The movie ended and I turned off the TV to see that me and Elena were the only ones up at the moment.

"Haz, I was thinking that we should start apartment hunting since we have been talking about moving in together."

"That's a perfect idea, as long as we can stay close to here near the guys."

"Of course, but I should get going, love you."

"Love you too," I said and kissed her then walked her out the door.

I looked at the time and it was only five pm so I decided to make dinner and then wake the boys up because today was the first day of break and I didn't want to wake them up. I took out some chicken and dipped it I'm egg and then breadcrumbs before putting it in the oven and then I made mashed potatoes and some asparagus. I was watching everything cook when I got a phone call from some number I did not know.

"Um hello?"

"Hello am I speaking with Harry Styles?"

"Yes who is this?"

"This is Angie winters, child services said that a foster boy that has been staying with us is your brother, we will be dropping him off with specific forms within the hour!"

"Wait what?"

Harry tried to get more information but it was too late for the lady had already hung up, only one question remained in his head, what the hell was he going to do now?

Zayn's POV

I just finished my homeschooling and walked downstairs where Angie was reading her bible and her husband Lance and two kids Cassandra who was 15 and Jake who was 17 were listening to her. I quietly slipped into the kitchen, I don't join them at church or bible time not that they ask me to, Lance knocked over my journal one day and saw that I was gay so that's one of the reasons they hate me. I have been with this family for almost a year now and they make me feel like shit, apparently I'm weak because I don't play sports and I don't go to regular school and I don't enjoy speaking very much.

I was drinking a glass of lemonade when Angie came into the kitchen with the biggest smile on her face.

"Zayn! Great news, we found your biological brother so now you can go live with him, Lance is printing out the forms that you need to give him and Cassandra and Jake are packing your stuff. Just tell your brother that you need to bring the forms to town hall and then everything will be all set!" She cheered.

I put my glass in the sink and nodded quietly trying to process everything and went to the front door where my stuff and Lance was waiting with the forms in his hand.

"Let's go Zayn, the sooner the better!"

I knew these people hate me but damn, all of this happened within a half hour, I took the papers and my bag from his hand before going over to their Range Rover and getting in the front seat while Lance got in the drivers seat. I spent the time thinking about what my brother looked like, what his personality was, or wether he would even like me. We drove in silence for twenty five minutes and then pulled up to a huge house and I mean huge.

"Go knock on the door he knows you're coming."

"Okay um thanks for letting me stay with you," I whispered.

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