Chapter 22

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Zayn's POV

I have been spending a lot of time with my mum recently and we have a really good relationship. Today was the day that dad was finally letting me sleepover her house today, I think it's just because he has to spend the day going over wedding plans.

"Zayn, your mum is here," dad said.

"Bye daddy, I'll see you tomorrow!"

I went over and gave him a hug which he returned but wouldn't let go.

"Daddy you have to let go so I can leave."

"I know, but I'm not ready for you to go yet, you need to call me if anything happens, got it?"

"I promise!"

"And text me every once and awhile so I know you're alive."

"I will daddy! But you have to promise to call me before bed!"

"Of course I will, now give me another hug and a kiss!"

I gave him another big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye daddy!" I said walking to the door.

"Bye bub, see you tomorrow."

"Remember to call me!" I said seriously before walking out the door and over to mum's car.

"Hi sweetheart, you ready?"

"Yea!" I said getting situated in the back seat.

I saw dad standing in the doorway so as we started to pull out I stuck my head through the sun roof and waved to dad.

"Zayn! Get your seatbelt on!" He said frantically.

I giggled and sat back down and put on myself and gave a final wave before we were out of view. Me and mum just had light conversation until we reached her house that I had never been to. It was small but it looked nice, she had a bunch of flowers everywhere which looked really pretty.

"Okay let's go in, and beware of Jackson, my dog I told you about, he gets very excited!"

I nodded and we got out and walked into the house where I was immediately greeted by a giant German Shepard making me squeal with excitement. I have always wanted a German Shepard but Daddy said that we don't have the time necessary to take care of him. Jackson jumped up so his paws were on my shoulders and he was bigger than me!

"He's so big!" I said.

"I know, but he is very friendly and not scary at all."

I played with Jackson for a couple more minutes and then mum decided to show the room I would be staying in for a tonight.

"This is your room, it's not very fun but I thought you could decide how to decorate it," she said leading me into a room with white walls and a twin bed.

"Thank you!" I said putting my bag on the bed.

"No problem Zayn, I'm excited that you're allowed to be here."

"Me too!"

"Now how about we watch a movie? Would that be good with you?"


"Okay, I have a lot of movies," she said as we walked downstairs and handed me a bin full of rated R movies.

"Daddy doesn't let me watch these movies," I said looking up at her.

"Well he isn't here is he?" She said with a smirk.

I shrugged still a bit unsure about the whole idea so she just picked a movie called the conjuring and put in the DVD player.

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