Chapter 21

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Zayn's POV

I couldn't believe it but my Uncle Liam actually got himself a girlfriend, I don't how but I'm guessing that this girl is blind.

"I don't understand Uncle Liam, how did you get a girlfriend?" I asked sitting in the kitchen watching him make dinner.

He had decided that he was going to make dinner and invite her over so we could all get a chance to meet her.

"Oh Zee give your Uncle Liam a break," Dad said.

"Yea it's not everyday someone like him finds a girlfriend," uncle Louis said.

"Especially a girlfriend that's real," uncle Niall added.

"For your information, plenty of girls happen to find me very attractive," Uncle Liam replied while spinning lettuce for the salad.

"Really? I don't see it," I said.

"Maybe that's just because you're only a little boy and can't find people attractive yet," Dad said putting his arms around me.

"Are you sure? Because Channing Tatum in Magic Mike was Oh so fine," I said making everyone stop what they were doing.

I internally giggled at they're faces because I had never seen magic mike and had no idea what the movie was about but I've seen the reference online, so I'm guessing it's a bad movie.

"Who let you watch that movie?" Uncle Louis asked darkly.

"No one! I was just kidding, I've never seen the movie, I saw the reference online. Why is it so bad anyways?"

"Just inappropriate, and it has a lot of boobs," Uncle Louis rushed.

"Louis!" Dad yelled.

"What? Those are the movies gay people hate the most."

"Who says I don't like boobs? I have had a girlfriend before, I sure do know my way around the ladies," I said.

"Oh I'm sure you do Zee," uncle Niall said.

I huffed but was soon interrupted by a knock on the door, Uncle Liam went to answer it and soon came back with a girl, she had long brown hair and brown eyes. I smiled and before Uncle Liam could say anything I decided to make my move.

"Hey there baby cakes, my name is Zayn, but some call me Z for short," I smirked as I walked over and grabbed her hand and walked her towards the chairs.

"Yes this is Zayn, we call him Zaynie, and in his free time he loves to cuddle with his daddy and uncles and let's not forget suck on his beloved paci," Uncle Lou said placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Uncle Lou!" I whined blushing and walking over to dad.

Dad chuckled and wrapped his arms around me before Uncle Liam started to talk again.

"Well you met Zayn, this is Niall, Louis, and Harry. Zayn is Harry's son, and Harry is Louis' fiancé."

"It's nice to meet all of you, my name is Sophia."

"Nice to meet you Sophia, we're glad someone can put up with our man Liam here instead of us," Uncle Niall said.

She giggled while Uncle Liam rolled his eyes and led her to a spot to sit down.

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