Chapter 23

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Zayn's POV

"Lou should we do yellow and blue flowers or red and yellow?" Daddy asked Uncle Louis who was playing a game with me.

"Um how about red and yellow? It's more of a fall theme since the wedding will be in the fall."

"Okay, and we need to order the silverware, I have some pictures that the company sent me," Daddy said.

They continued to talk about wedding plans and I sighed picking up the game and walking out of the room over to Uncle Liam.

"Uncle Li?"

"What's up?" He asked.

"Can you play a game with me?"

"Sorry bub, me and Niall have to get fitted for a tux."

I groaned and put the game away then got onto the couch and turned on the tv. It's no fair, all anyone talks about is the wedding when I start school in two days! I have nothing to do with the wedding plans and I never get time with dad or uncles anymore. Pretty soon I'll be gone all day and I will barely see them when I get home.

What happens if they forget all about me and get married without me and then move away and I here in this house by myself?

Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating a bit, but I don't like not having anyone to do anything with.

"Daddy? uncle Lou? Can we play the game now?"

"Zayn we're really busy, what about Uncle Liam or Uncle Niall?"

"They left to get Tux fittings."

"I'm sorry Zayn, we will play after dinner I promise bub."

"But I want to play now, you guys have been talking about the wedding all morning!"

"Zayn, me and your dad really have to get this together, we promise to play later, we can even go out to dinner," Uncle Louis said deciding to speak.

"I don't want to though, I just want to play now!" I yelled.

I didn't even care about the stupid monopoly game, I just wanted to spend some time with them.

"Zayn that is enough," dad said.

"Mum would have played with me," I mumbled kicking my foot.

"Yea sure your mother might have played with you but then she would shove you in a room while she threw a party and then would unclaim you has her son," Dad said with gritted teeth.


I crossed my arms and went upstairs to my room and dramatically fell onto the bed hiding my face in my pillow. I don't even know why I mentioned that, my mum hates me, I just wanted him to be jealous and to spend time with me.

I got up and went back downstairs where Dad was doing wedding plans like nothing had happened. I turned on the tv and then put the volume up all the way just to annoy him.

"Zayn! Turn down the TV!"


Pretty soon the remote was ripped from my hands and the tv was turned off.

"Hey!" I yelled.

"I said turn down the tv, me and Uncle Lou have a lot of work to do!" He said angrily.

"Of course you do," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

I didn't answer and he eventually walked away with the remote in hand leaving me in an empty room. I pulled my knees to my chest as a tear fell down my cheek and before I knew it I was silently crying. I wiped my eye when I heard the front door open and ran over to Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall who just walked in.

"Can we do something now?" I asked.

"Sorry bud, we have to help your Dad and Uncle Louis," Uncle Niall said.

"But you've all been working all day!"

"This is very important Zee, every detail needs to be perfect," Uncle Liam said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Of course," I whispered to myself walking upstairs and into my room where there was nothing to do.

I decided to take a nap and when I woke up hopefully they would be done. I fell asleep and was graced with a horrible nightmare that had me crying when I woke up. I realized it was 8:30 meaning that surely they would all be done by then, I wiped my eyes and headed for the stairs and into the kitchen where they were all still working.

"Zayn, if you come in here to complain you will really regret it," dad said.

"But you said-"

"I don't want to hear it Zayn!"

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a lunchable then went to the living room where I started crying silently as I ate my "dinner".

An finished and walked to the kitchen where they all seemed to be putting stuff away but I ignored them and threw away my trash and grabbed a water from the cabinet.

"Okay Zee, you should go get ready for bed," Uncle Lou said.

"I just woke up ten minutes ago," I mumbled.

"How many times have we talked to you about going to bed before bedtime," dad said.

"I don't know."

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

I turned around and he was right in front of me with a stern look on his face, I had so many emotions built up from today and I just started to cry.

"Hey Zee, why are you crying?" Dad asked with a much softer voice.

"You a-all hate m-me," I sobbed.

"Zayn that is not true at all, we all love you so very much," Dad said pulling me into a hug.

"No, you ignored me practically all day and when you did decide to talk to me you yelled at me, you said we would play a game and we never got to play, and you don't have time for me anymore and when you get married you're just going to forget about me and Uncle Niall and Uncle Liam will move out, you and Uncle Louis will get married somewhere and leave and I will be in this house all alone," I sobbed.

"Shh baby, none of that will happen, I'm so sorry I didn't pay attention to you today, I was so wrapped up in everything and I'm so sorry but believe me when I say I love you with all of my heart."

"I love you too," I mumbled into his chest.

I was soon lifted off the ground by Dad and no one else was in sight.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

"I had a nightmare," I mumbled into his shoulder.

"Oh I'm sorry bub, do you wanna talk about it?"

"No, just wanna be with you."

"Well you will always be with me bub, how about we watch a movie in mine and Uncle Lou's bed?"


He walked upstairs whispering in my ear until we reached his room where Uncle Lou was there making me smile.

"How's my baby doing?" He asked walking over .

I shrugged and gave him a soft smile as he kissed my cheek and took me into his arms so Dad could get changed.

"Uncle Lou?"

"Yea bub?"

"I love you."

"Awe I love you too bubby, sooo much!"


"Of course."

"Hey Uncle Lou?"


"Can I call you Papa?"

"Nothing on earth would make me happier than for you to call me that baby."

I know, it's been forever since I've updated, I'm sorry, but I promise I will be updating more often. You can always give me suggestions or prompts for what you want to see with this book!

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