Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

Today I'm going to have a bonding day with Uncle Louis because since him and dad are dating dad says it's important that we "grow a strong and healthy relationship" even though we already do.

"Let's get going Zee!"

"Okay, I'm just gonna go say goodbye to dad!"

I ran over to dad and gave him a big hug that he gladly returned and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, and please be good."

"Of course, I always am, bye dad!"

I waved and then grabbed ahold of Uncle Louis' hand and walked out the door. We got in the car and drove to a place I've never been before but have always wanted to go, an arcade!

"I've never been to an arcade before!" I cheered and I could see Uncle Louis' smile falter a bit before he just continued smiling.

I acted like I didn't see it and just grabbed his hand as we walked inside and bought five hundred tokens.

After using three hundred of the tokens we decided to stop for lunch because we were getting pretty hungry.

"Okay Zayn, time for a man to boy talk," uncle Louis said as we sat down in a booth far from any people in case they noticed him.


"I just want you to know that you're never going to be without your family again, you're always going to have your dad, me, uncle Niall, and uncle Liam. It's important that you know that."

"I do."

"We love you so much buddy."

"I love you too."

Uncle Louis smiled and brushed the hair out of my face and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Uncle Lou?"


"What happens when you guys go on tour and stuff? What happens then?"

"Well it's without a question that you go on tour with us, and you can also come to interviews and stuff, but if every once in awhile there is stuff we have to do that you can't go to you can stay at my mum's house. She's heard a lot about you and is very excited to meet you."

I smiled and cuddled into Uncle Louis' side and I heard him chuckle.

"I guess we should go home and give these 300 tokens to uncle Niall for when he wants to go, right?"


"Okay, let's go!"

"Carry me please?"

"Sure thing."

Uncle Louis picked me up and held me bridal style and started to rock me.

"Awe, look at little baby zee."

"Stop it," I giggled as I blushed and hid my face in his chest.

He laughed again and then carried me out into the car and we drove home in less than a half hour. I walked inside where dad was cleaning a dish and ran over to give him a hug.

"Hey bubba, how was it?"

"It was great! Me and Uncle Lou had so much fun!"

"I'm glad you had such a great time babe."

"Me too, but I missed you."

"It was only a couple of hours babe."

"I know, but I still missed you," I said as I continued to cling to him.

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