Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

"Zayn honey, your dad is here," Miss Jay said softly knocking on the door.

"Thank you," I said as I grabbed my stuff.

After talking to my mum I hadn't really been very vocal, I was just trying to figure everything out on how to get out of it but I came up with nothing.

When I got downstairs Dad and Uncle Louis were standing there and dad looked a bit concerned, I don't know why though.

"You ready to go bub?" Dad asked.

"Yea, thank you miss Jay," I said giving her a light hug.

"No problem Zayn, you're welcome any time!"

I gave a half smile and walked out the door and placed my stuff in the trunk of the car and then go in the car where Uncle Niall and Uncle Liam were.

"How was it?" Uncle Liam asked.

I shrugged and pulled out my phone playing a game when the phone was pulled out of my hands.

"Someone was having a conversation with you Zayn it's rude to just go on your phone and ignore them!" Uncle Niall said.

"Whatever," I mumbled taking my phone back.

"I don't what's going on with you but I'd fix it before your dad gets back," uncle Liam said.

I just rolled my eyes and two minutes later Uncle Louis got in the backseat next to me and Dad got in the drivers seat.

"Zayn are you okay? Miss Jay said you were a bit quiet this weekend," dad said.

"What's it to you?" I asked.

"Excuse me young man? Would you like to repeat that?"


I rolled my eyes and went back to my game but soon felt a stinging sensation on my leg.

"Don't let me hear you talk to me or anyone like that again, understood?"

"Leave me alone," I mumbled as I felt tears gather in my eyes.

I can't help it, I just get emotional sometimes, and that hurt, I'm tiny compared to my dad. I kept my eyes focused on my phone and put on my sunglasses so no one could see how emotional I was. However, it wasn't until I got a text from my mum that tears actually fell down my face.

From Mum

Hey Zee, my boyfriend Henry agreed to come out to lunch with us tomorrow if you're free?

I sighed and tried to catch the tears before they fell but it was too late.

"Hey Zee it's okay, it wasn't that hard a swat you will be fine," uncle Louis said putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Um yea, I know."

I continued to look at my phone as more texts came in.

From Mum

He's really excited to meet you! He has a lot of cool cars and if you're into them he would love to show them to you!

I quickly turned my phone off and I felt something tighten in my chest, it was hard to breathe and I started hyperventilating and tears fell down my face as I started to shake.

"Zayn! Zayn! What's going on?" Uncle Louis yelled.

That made my dad immediately pull over and turn around and gasp once he saw me. He grabbed my hands and started to comfort me out of this panicked state I was in.

"Hey Zee, calm down it's okay, follow my breathing you're going to be alright," he said in a hushed voice.

I nodded and started to calm down a bit and Uncle Louis pulled the sunglasses off my face revealing my bright red eyes.

"What's wrong Zayn? What has you so panicked?" Dad asked calmly.

"Daddy she wants me to meet her boyfriend and she keeps texting me about it and I just met her and I don't even know if I trust her yet and I don't want to meet him."

"Are you talking about your mum?"

I quickly nodded making dad's face harden.

"She was not supposed to talk to you about that, you do not under any circumstances have to meet him until you're ready. I will call her tonight, okay?"

"Yea, it's all just moving a little too fast, I barely know her."

"It's okay Zayn, I agree with you, how about we get home and I can call her."

I nodded and Dad turned around and began driving again, I leaned into Uncle Louis who pulled me closer and kissed my head then rested his chin on my head. We arrived home and everyone made a move to get out but I stayed where I was not really feeling like getting up. Uncle Louis noticed and unbuckled me then lifted me up and cradled me to his chest, I half smiled and clutched onto his shirt and closed my eyes.

I felt Uncle Louis sit down on what I'm assuming was the couch and then I felt a pacifier placed in between my lips. I opened my eyes about to reject it but dad stood in front of me with a knowing look.

"You know that you want it, it's okay no one cares, we think you look adorable."

I nodded sucked on it as I cuddled back into Uncle Louis and looked up at him making him kiss my forehead. I smiled and then turned to dad who also have me a kiss on the forehead making me content.

I ended up falling asleep for about an hour and a half then woke up to hear yelling.

"Get out of here! He does not want to see you!"
I heard dad yell.

"No! I can see my son whenever I want to!"

I whimpered realizing it was mom, I carefully walked to the kitchen and looked at them and mom noticed me first.

"Hey buddy, wanna come with mommy for a little bit?"

I shook my head as I walked closer to dad making her become even angrier. I stood next to dad and clutched onto his hand as mum started to speak.

"Congrats Harry! You brainwashed him to think I was bad! I promise Zaynie, it's okay why don't you come with me?"

There was something about her, it was almost like she had this crazy look in her eye and I was scared and uncomfortable.

"I don't wanna go daddy," I whimpered looking at him.

"Don't worry boo, you're staying with me."

"He is my son! I can take him when I want to!" She screamed.

"No you can't! You do not have custody! I do!"

Mum gave a glare to Harry and then to me and finally she left, I clung to dad who wrapped me in a hug and just held me.

"I don't wanna see her anymore," I mumbled into his chest.

"It's okay, you don't have to, I promise."

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