Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV

We all sat down for dinner and I was in between Harry and Niall, these guys were really nice but I was still quiet and reserved because I just met them and don't know them that well at all. I ate my food and payed attention to their conversation which was just talking about what they would be doing during their break.

"Zayn I was thinking we have have a bonding day the day after tomorrow! I have to finish something real quick in the studio tomorrow before I'm officially on break so you can have a lazy day with the boys, sound good?" Harry asked.

I nodded and smiled which Harry returned and then we finished eating, when we were all done Niall offered to clean the table and Harry lifted me up taking me by surprise.

"Let's go see your room!"

I'm nodded and he grabbed my bag and ran us upstairs until we reached a door in the middle of the hallway, Harry opened it and walked us inside and placed me and my bag down on the bed.

"Wow," I muttered.

"So I'm guessing you like it?"

I nodded my head very fast and he chuckled before helping put my clothes away in the drawers, we finished in less than ten minutes and then Harry turned to me.

"Let's go downstairs shall we?"

We walked downstairs and it was only eight pm so we decided to just chill out for a little bit, we sat down on the couch watching South Park, I was sitting on a recliner while everyone else sat on the couches.

"Zayn you can sit over here, we don't bite I promise," Harry said.

I quietly got up and sat next to Harry who immediately pulled me into his side which was very comfortable, I wasn't used to this affection but there was something very calming and settling about it. I found myself yawning and trying to stay awake halfway through the episode when Harry told me I could go to sleep. He pulled me onto his lap and held me bridal style so I could fall asleep easier, I was out in less than five minutes.

I woke up an hour later and everyone was just watching tv, I rubbed my eyes and yawned causing everyone to look over at me.

"Hey bub, did you sleep well?" Harry asked.


"Do you want me to take you upstairs so you can sleep? Knowing these boys they won't keep quiet in the morning if I'm not here."

"Harry you're the one that wakes us up playing video games," Liam said.

"Oh shush, I make you breakfast!"

I giggled at the two bantering back and forth making them look over at me once again.

"What's so funny huh? Cmon lets get you up to bed!"

3rd persons POV

Zayn nodded as Harry lifted him up, as they were going upstairs Zayn felt himself slowly falling in and out of sleep until they reached the bedroom and he was laid down on the bed.

"Goodnight bub, come get me if you need anything," Harry said as he pulled blankets over the boy.

"Goodnight, and thank you."

"Of course, anything for family right?"

Zayn nodded and Harry kissed his head and he quickly fell into a deep sleep. As soon as Harry got downstairs he started pacing, nervous for what was going to happen tomorrow. He may have lied when he said he was going to record, the album was already finished, but he did need to tell his girlfriend that he can't be around that often anymore. Harry has Zayn to take care of now, and Harry knows that.

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