Chapter 26

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Zayn's POV

I woke up to the sun shinning in my face while cuddled into someone, I looked up to see Ed talking with all of the other boys who looked like they had just woken up.

"Did you sleep well Zayn?" Ron asked.

"Yea," I said quietly before yawning and stretching.

"My mom's making pancakes, lets go get some breakfast," Ed said standing up.

"Carry me," I mumbled lifting my arms up.

Ed chuckled and lifted me up and I leaned my head over his shoulder with my eyes closed, he sat me down at a chair then sat down next to me, I opened my eyes to see a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me making me smile.

We ate breakfast quickly and as we were cleaning up the doorbell rang and Daddy walked in with a smile on his face.

"Daddy!" I cheered running into his arms.

"Hi love bug, did you have fun?"

"Yea! I had so much fun!"

"I'm glad love, how's your cut?"

"It's better, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"Actually Zayn I just wanted to take another look at it and change the band aid on it, if that's alright with you," Amy said turning to daddy.

"Oh that's not a problem, I'd really appreciate that!"

Amy quickly changed the band aid and looked at it quick and everything was fine, I smiled and ran to grab my stuff but not before saying goodbye to all of my friends.

"Make sure you say thank you to Amy and Mike babe," daddy said.

"Thank you very much," I said looking up at the both of them.

"It's no problem, you're welcome Amy time! And thank you for keeping those boys in line," Mike said making me giggle.

Daddy said goodbye one more time and picked me up then walked out to the car. When we got home I was so excited to see everyone especially papa, it was weird spending a whole night away from them.

"Papa!" I said as I ran into the kitchen and saw him.

"Hi lovey! How was it?" He asked picking me up.

"I had so much fun, but I missed you."

"I must you too darling!"

I cuddled close to him for a bit until Daddy decided that I needed to shower after swimming yesterday.

"But daddy, I don't want to," I frowned as a tear fell down my cheek.

"Why are we crying babes? What's the matter?" Daddy asked taking me into his arms.

"I missed you and papa and Uncle Ni and Uncle Li, wanted to spend time with you," I said close to sobs.

"It's okay sweets, we will stay in the bathroom with you yea?"

I nodded and Papa slipped the paci that he got from my bag into my mouth and I sucked on it to calm myself down. Before I knew it I was undressed and placed in the tub with papa and daddy sitting on the ground next to the tub.

It was a quick bath and once I was dressed Uncle Niall had just walked in the door and I ran over to him.

"Uncle Ni!"

"Hey Zee! What's going on?"

"Nothing, I missed you last night."

"I missed you too! I had to listen to your papa's horrible stories last night because he didn't have you to focus on."

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