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He made his way down the rock, mane moving with his motions. He was watching me, and I noticed that his eyes were a pure golden color. I saw Moone glance at the man, then back at me. I looked away, not really all that used to making eye contact with animals - even though, at that moment, I was an animal.

Moone changed back, revealing a golden haired man who was clad in grey and black clothing. He sighed, then looked at the half-metal-man one more time. "You've done your job well. I'll call you back when I need you again. Understand?"

The man nodded before walking off, and I could still hear the sound of metal against the floor. It was loud to my sensitive ears, but I tried to shut it out. I looked at Moone, just knowing that he was the one who had turned me into a lion, and who had caused me pain. Still, he was the one who had done some things and gotten that metal man to free me from that cage, so I couldn't really be too harsh.

"I know you're the newly turned, but your power signature is stronger than it should be. Maybe I used too much power when I turned you. I don't know, and it doesn't matter for me anyways. Any lost power'll recover soon enough. I'll be back to normal before the next full moon. But how's not about me. You need to change back so we can initiate you. Just focus on your human self, and you'll just assume your human shape."

Didn't he know that I had tried before? Didn't he know the trouble I had been put through only to be unable to change back? Still, I focused on the image of my human self, tears wanting to well up in my eyes. I wanted to change back, but I knew that it wouldn't work. And it didn't, just like I expected. I looked away from Moone, silently ashamed that I couldn't become human again.

Moone sighed. "You're having troubles changing back, aren't you? Looks like we're playing the yes or no game. Did you have a dream with a lion less than two days ago?"

I nodded, because that was my only means of response in my feline form.

"Are you unable to change to your other form?"

I nodded again, giving a small sigh as I did so.

"Maybe they... No, they couldn't have. Still, there's a solution. Follow me, and I'll help you get back to your old form."

Moone began walking, and his golden hair was like a mane behind him. I followed, my head swiveling from side to side as I looked around. There wasn't much to look at on the right side of the wall, as the drawings were beginning to make no sense. The left side just sent shivers down my spine as I wondered what could have caused the blood to be smeared all across the cave walls.

We reached a small door that was in an out of sight place on the wall. It was large enough for me, sure, but if I had been human, I definitely wouldn't have fit through. I looked back at Moone, who was changing from human to lion. Feelings of jealousy flooded me, and there were also feelings of longing. Hopefully, it wouldn't be long before I became human again. And then I could leave the whole cave place and go home. Chances were that they probably wouldn't let me go easily, but I'd find a way to wriggle out of their grasps.

Moone motioned for me to go through the doorway - he had opened the door - and I did so, grateful just a small bit that I was short enough to fit through the door. Moone followed me in, then changed back to his human self.

"Just get up on that table; I'll go adjust the machine. This happens more than you'd think, so I know what to do. You have nothing to worry about."

Those few words calmed my nerves a bit, but not much. I was still anxious as I climbed up onto the table. I looked at Moone, hoping that my face was showing my worry clear enough. Moone didn't notice, as he was fiddling with the controls on a large metal box. The metal box led to a large, pointed metal rod that hung over my head, as if it could fire at me at any given moment. I scooted out of the way of the metal rod, still watching Moone carefully. There was a screen on the metal box, but I couldn't see what it said. I gave yet another small groan, laying my head on my paws. I was still watching Moone.

"That's...odd." I could hear Moone mumble to himself, and then I saw him steal a glance over at me. I tilted my head, confused. "It's nothing, though. This machine has helped hundreds of newly turneds out of their animal forms. You're fine."

I really did hope so, I thought to myself as I laid my head on my paws and waited for Moone. He was really involved in his work, tapping against the screen with his fingers a blur. I didn't even know that somebody could work as fast as Moone was. And there was the jealousy, striking again. I pushed it back and sighed yet again.

A few minutes later, and Moone was done. He stepped out from behind the large metal box and looked at me. "Alright, I'm done." He seemed satisfied with himself. "Get under the metal rod and wait. It might tingle a bit, but afterwards, you'll be human again."

Moone went back behind the metal box, tapped and pressed a few buttons, causing the machine to start up. I could hear a faint hum radiating from the rod, as well as a golden yellow glow. Then, a ray of yellow struck me, and my body burned worse than I had felt while angry.

All of a sudden, it was over. A change had happened, but it wasn't quite what I had expected.

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